Originally posted by Gambeir
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first is that archive.org pays attention to the robots.txt file on a server.
so, if the server suddenly says that no one is to archive a site, it is taken off line. if the site vanishes, pretty sure the archives will show back up.
next thing is that the "404" message you got reads lots like a default message that is for any removed page.
and lately this happens for old bookmarks as someone "upgrades" a
site and all the content is just a new path.
past that,
I payed actual money for the Otis OCX-X1 files 30 years ago.
still have them.
it was clear even when I got them that something big was missing.
now the gaps have been filled in (but not from anything like the original parts of the document I got)
but makes me really wonder about if the mess up rex research did.
did they just mess up,
or did they mislead me intentionally ?
it was the last time I ever gave them money.
somehow they have survived the last 30 years without my support.
so all this leaves me wondering if the Otis OCX-X1 files had anything to them, and if so, did we actually see the real info ?
or were the gaps just filled in years later to get people to quit asking questions.
the real issue here is that there is enough disinfo to keep quite a few people busy testing ideas there entire lives with no results.
so as a single researcher, how do you deal with misinformation ?
so far my answerer is that the disinfo is winning.
it is just like any war. They clearly won, only they leave me with despair and not death.
so, ultimately, I go back to farming. Farming is quite proven. it works quite well. or at least for now.