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An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications

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  • Originally posted by robur View Post
    WHO is Ken Wheeler?

    Everyone seems to mention him here, but I don't see him posting.
    His 4th edition is also available in real paper book form.

    Quote from Amazon Reviewer.
    Free-thinkers call American / Western science "Einstein science". Christopher Bjerknes book (available online as free PDF) SAINT EINSTEIN provides thousands of footnotes and goes into considerable detail, elaborating the scientific fraud and mislead that is apparently Einstein and his subsequent derivatives, all the quantum nonsense, Feynman, et al.
    2,826 pages

    Also see;

    Holiday Gift from the 4th Edition: Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • I should have called myself the scribbler instead of Gambeir, which is in honor of the memory of the men of the U.S.S Gambier Bay, a Jeep Flat Top of Taffy 3 named after a bay in Alaska which also carries the name one of my other favorite US Ships; the U.S.S Alaska.

      So I've received another forwarded message and in the public interest I'm posting most of that message. Originally this was sent to Swallabat but he hasn't responded. Evidently he's become a shut-in who also suffers from severe finger gout and can no longer type and so the message arrived on my doorstep. It's edited for conciseness. Machine translated from Russian as I understand so bear that in mind.

      Dear sir

      I wanted to give you informations about your post here:

      (and other posts where you tell the same informations).

      I subscribed on this forum since 5 days to be able to give you this information, but the administrator has not yet validated my profile and I can't post in the forum.

      So my message:
      I have discovered Alexey Chekurkov since 10 days approximately. I have made numerous researches on antigravity since 10 years, and I am interested in this domain since more 24 years at least.

      I am not a beginner in this way of research.

      Like you I had the same exact idea to replicate its first device, the orange one, and not the other newer versions, because he feeds it with no Tesla coil, and there is no ultrasonic transducer seen; no connection to middle plate to anything up to what I can see, so all is easier. I didn't want to replicate more complicated stuff like other newer versions.

      I then asked Alexey on his youtube channel to have a schematic for his orange device powering since there is no tesla coil or trabnsducer to replicate an easier version (easier than his schematic given in another vidéo). He replied me that I can't see it on the video but the orange device is feed with the exact same schematic than the one given for other versions.

      So I was astonished. Then I found a video made by him where he replies to questions and make comments about what other people told about his device. And I could find that he said that there was a "katcher" (Tesla coil) on the left of the orange device (when we see it spinning and lifting), not visible because on the left, in the black region, out of the camera; powering the middle plate like newer versions. He also speaks of the wire connecting the middle plate to this katcher, that we can see in the beginning of the video with the orange device.

      I don't see the ultrasonic but he wrote me that the elements where exactly the same (so including ultrasonic), to the ultrasonic must be hidden to what we can see.

      All the elements about the "katcher" in the left, not visible for the camera, and the wire connecting it to the middle plate are in this video:

      My question asked to Alexey Chekurkov was precisely:
      "Please, could we have the schematic for powering this device? You gave the schematic for advanced version of the device realized by you later, with tesla transformer high voltage powering connected on the middle plate and ultra-sonic emitter. But this one yet gave net important results and I see no ultra-sonic nor tesla transformer and see no plug to the middle plate (beetwen the rotating discs). This is much easier to replicate (this is my intent); so please could you give the plugging schematic for this first device? Thank you!"

      Alexey's answer was:
      "In this scheme, the same components but they are not visible in the frame."

      Made here:

      (but I don't find in the youtube parameters how to make this public, I can see it only when connected mith my account profile, if not I can't see it, so nobody can see it!)

      I want to be part too of this work of replication, and if one day I can post to this forum I will participate to share what I will do. As I was interested too in Keely's work with sound and antigrav (and read other anomalous effect with sound and gravity such as tibetain lifting of heavy rocks, the leadskalnin story that maybe falsified or not and other sound levitating effects), I have some ideas about the sound and the link with gravity. So the ultrasonic maybe very important and I am going to follow a work I wanted to do with sound and Keely linked to that.

      Youtube does this: Not all comments are visible. You're not in a public forum but in a privately owned domain. It edits and censors. I've had the exact same experience where my comments are invisible unless I sign in, and then only to myself, so it is pointless to scribble there and most of what is scribbled isn't even being done by real people as I understand it. This is really what AI is about: Controlling the dialogue with a false narrative. This message tells us that there's something here with the Alexey: That there is an attempt, evidently, to cut out as much information as possible. It appears this poster has been tagged as someone to watch and to censor. Now it sounds stupid but you have to understand that most of this is robotic. Once someone becomes tagged then there's probably a program that runs which tries to give an illusion that the poster is actually speaking in a public forum when all that's really happening is that they are talking to themselves.

      Last edited by Gambeir; 11-26-2018, 09:52 AM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
        Ufopolitics is our resident expert on Wheeler Physics (the right physics BTW).
        Ken's 3rd edition can be downloaded for free. Highly recommended.

        Yes, I've posted a couple of his video's on my thread as have others.

        Here Ken explains a bit of what I'm babbling about.
        He says on his video here ''Gravity doesn't exist'' I must respectfully disagree with that.


        • Originally posted by robur View Post
          He says on his video here ''Gravity doesn't exist'' I must respectfully disagree with that.
          Yes, well just bear in mind that revolutionary statements have to said in order to gain a new understanding, one of which is that there is no such thing as gravity, but realize that Wheeler is just trying to bring about a new understanding. Hold that idea in your mind and not the immediate statement.

          I realize this is all a new indoctrination for you but I'd urge you to push forward and to not be put off. I'm confident that if you do you will gain a greater insight.

          Wheeler say's elsewhere, many times over, that gravity obviously does exist, but gravity isn't a field modality. It isn't what Einstein said it was. Rocks aren't born with gravity, nor are we attracted to rocks because we were born with a gravitational field. Matter is not attracted to matter because of an innate field unique to matter.

          Gravitational weight is malleable such that the changeability in the weight of mass, brought on by exterior conditions and energies, proves that gravity is not an energy field itself: Rocks do not possess any innate gravitational field by themselves because no such field exists. The weight of all mass is subject to and the product of exterior conditions and the input of energetic forces.

          There is also no such thing as warped space in the Einsteinian sense for warping space like a rubber sheet due to alleged gravitational mass. Theoretical space drives such as the Alcubierre drive are based on the concept that gravity acts on space when it's really the other way round. Space acts on matter, but matter doesn't act upon space any more than your own shadow does, and so that whole notion of how physical space drives might work are based on a completely flawed and inverted understanding of the interactions which take place. One could no move themselves through space by warping it than you could move your own body on earth by warping your own shadow: It's one and the same thing. I know because I've wrestled with this idea ever since entering the question of how does the Flux Liner/ARV operate because it has to work by Einsteinian Physics, but that's the rub don't ya see? The things required to make that machine work using those concepts are far out of the reach of present technology, and that's assuming the physics are right, and of course you see they aren't right because they were never intended to be right.

          The correct path is to understand the variables and energies which produce a gravitational vector and to work from there. Einsteinian Physics has to claim the Alexey is a fraud because it cannot be explained using it; it's not possible for it to be warping space for example and so that is a problem. I'm fully expecting every expert out there vested in the establishment to claim fraud because otherwise they are all out of a job. That bummer mind ---- deal sold by corporate mind control Inc as higher education is a side show compared to the other potentially explosive effects a new understanding could incur, one which holds the potential to take us out of the Dark Ages and in to the light of a new renaissance. Einsteinian Physics is dark age mind control perversion of the true reality of nature and the sooner we dispense with believing in pulp fiction the better off we will all be.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 11-26-2018, 08:07 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • My Comments Regarding This Video

            I was requested via PM to have a look at the following video


            Here is this video with sub-titles in English



            Here is 1 more video that I haven't yet looked over.
            I was asked to do so privately by a user who is not yet approved by Admin so he cannot post and join our discussion.
            I watched it over and it turned out very very interesting.
            Yesterday, I have spent over 8h to sub-title the entire video.

            I must say that my opinion of Alexey churnikov has been diminished.
            If not greatly, but by a large margin. This video is answer to the question of his subscribers.

            Here I will present my personal comments regarding several points in the video.
            As most of our people here are from USA and other places they might not fully understand how Alexey says certain things. I will try my best to explain to you how it is sounding if said in Russian

            And so here we go:

            First part of the video he says that from 23000 subscribers to the channel only 3 people have VISIBLY helped him by donating money.
            He several times calls them ''my good friends I thank you''

            This is not really that good. He shows the most appropriation only to those who give him money. Sums weren't specified.
            While at the start he said he is interested in finding like-minded people for a discussion on Victor Grebennikov's platform – it seems now he might be primarily interested in find people who send him money.

            Then here is a video questions that were asked to him by a guy named Andrei Tirtha.

            Andrei Tirtha. asks a total of about 5 questions. OK I agree may be the questions weren't 100% correct and on the subject.
            But this is a new type of device so to say.
            And Alexey openly calls several questions as childish and perhaps also foolish.

            OK may be they aren't 100% scientific – but as we are dealing with a new device people are trying to draw a parallel with some existing device or machines in order to understand new one better.
            And Alexey is saying that even to try to draw such a parallel is childish and stupid

            Next section of the video he is saying he has very tight job schedule. His job is a travelling one so absolutely no time for any conversations with anyone. Plus internet is very bad and running Skype is out of the question.
            This is fine, but if here really made an effort he might of sorted it at last a little.

            He also apologises that he not producing clips often. He says no time for experiments in his garage so he doesn't want to run out of content too fast.

            May I remind you all that in all of his clips except ones on the victor Grebenikov's platform which I haven't yet watched as they are not related to our present subject – he repeatedly saying to people not to forget to click you tube adds on his videos as it would help him very very much.

            So, what he said he don't want to run out of content very fast is implying he needs to have enough content to upload new clips.
            May be those clips be only 10% information and 90% chit chat – that is OK.
            YouTube will put adds on them all that other people must not forget to click.
            YouTube pays on average $7.60 to $9 per 1000 clicks on the add on a video. I have – for example – add blocker installed that block 100% of all you tube adds on video.
            I tried to disable my add blocker to see how many adds I get on his 30 min video.
            I gotten 3 adds
            Every 10 minutes.
            1 at start
            1 at just before 10 min margin
            1 at 20 mins and 1 at 28min just before the end
            So, 3 adds total.
            For him to get the credit people need to click on all 3 and be redirected to the advertiser's page.

            And each of his videos have tens of thousands of views.
            Shorter videos have may be1 add at start and 1 just before end I haven't checked it. May be in USA YouTube puts more adds or less adds on particular video – I don't know this too.

            So, let's say from 50000 views at x3 adds per video = 150000 clicks
            At $7.60 per 100 clicks – that is a lot of money by Russian terms.

            I can see why he wants his content to last as long as possible regardless if it is informative to others or not

            Next section of the video he answers a question regarding why he is not getting an ele4ctric shock. He answers it and shows why.
            That is not that important – what is important is what he says afterwards.
            He doesn't may this question was stupid or childish.
            Bit the way he said it in Russian – I understood he is IMPLYING so

            He said ''Those people who ask such questions are doing it because they are not aware of my engineering solutions''

            It could have several meanings, but as I understood it he might be implying


            People might be asking STUPID question because they are not aware of the solutions.
            People have many times tried actively to find out about the solutions – but Alexey is not talking to the people who want to find out about the solutions.

            But when people are asking this quyestion – the question might very STUPID.

            It is like ''I got no time to talk to you, but if you ask a question I might say it is stupid''

            What kind of attitude is that?

            Moving on to the end of the video.

            Here he is making a demonstration of the effect again. Briefly he is showing his bed with some equipment on it.
            Here is a device here that he calls Anti-Gravity Detector.
            Device looks like some kind of fan thing. Device is not ever discussed in any of the videos I seen

            Here again Alexey is saying he will switch off during tuning time.
            Because he is saying here is NO POINT in making video of the tuning process. Because it might be very long 1-2h and who would sit and watch it all this time?
            People just like the good bits.

            Who might want to sit and watch it all this time?
            How about THE PEOPLE who want to replicate it?
            Or the people who want to at last understand it?
            Or the people who want to see the process of tuning happening on camera?

            Alexey is not even remotely bothered to ask himself this question.

            Now -at the very end of the video he is saying that EVEN if the people will replicate it exactly bolt to bolt 100% -

            Yes, my forum friends – Alexey says it exactly like that.
            He saying you can replicate it, but within knowing how to tune it it will do you no good.

            It will not work.

            And does he shows the whole tuning process?


            He is saying no one be interested in watching it any way.

            He is saying also that he will give the info and theory about it very slowly in the coming clips. He says it must be given very VERY slowly so people can slowly learn the theory and the schematics used for it.
            This process as he is saying it might be taking many clips.
            Each clip would have adds on it.
            May be each clip be long enough to contain more then 1 add.
            And he will not forget to remind people to click on them while watching.
            So every clip would be a potential cash cow for Alexey.

            Would he give us enough info on the turning process?
            How many clips would it be till the tuning process is shown?
            Would he ever add a circuit of his ''Anti-Gravity Detector''?

            NOTE: May be he did added it to the video where he shows schematic. I need to watch that one and probably sub-title it as well.

            Would he ever give us the tuning process?
            Is he at all interested in sharing the tuning process?

            Or would here be 10+ videos that show everything, BUT the WAY WE NEED TO ACTIVATE IT?

            And why would he share the tuning process at all? His videos are making him hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars and he has all the cards in his deck.
            Alexey has all the queens kings and aces to play and what do other got?

            Further more. In this video he at one point gives a Russian saying.
            I think it is when he is showing his High-Voltage test. When you watch it you will find it.
            That saying goes that ''why did you go and dig up the pole or mast'

            I have looked at Russian saying Wikipedia and here are many meanings to this saying.

            Several main meanings here:

            First meaning:
            he had dug himself in – an army version meaning he had left his regiment or group and dug himself a trench in the ground to sit in waiting for something. This means the person had left the group's common understanding.
            This would mean that anyone asking this question is left the group possibly common sense in asking this. Another way of saying that it was a stupid question

            Second meaning:
            the guy is so drunk that he found a pole and he thinks it is another bottle of vodka so he is trying to dig it up to drink
            This again means that question is relly stupid
            Even saying it is so stupid that only a drunk guy would ask something like this

            I am not a skeptic. Nor am I a ranter

            But listening to this got me thinking that he has no intentions of sharing anything that would impact his profits from advertising and this FAME

            Why would he share tuning process? So, 5 others can build it AND then make it fly. The here be adds on their videos as well and then portion of his income will leave his channel and go else where. Because right now his channel is the only one that has his flying machines actually flying.

            My own comment on this is the following

            YES, I agree that he is having a device that can levitate. He had showed enough of it flying to eliminate doubts that it is hanging on a string almost 100%
            Almost because I have some few pointers left.
            However, I see a pattern that his declaration of sharing with like-minded people have been totally or nearly totally reversed. He is now more interested in getting cash from add clickers other then sharing with like-minded people.
            He constantly refuses to film tuning process.
            Saying no one would watch it.
            Not even people who try to duplicate it
            He openly calls most questions put to him as stupid and other questions he saying things that imply he is thinking those questions are also stupid.

            People who want to replicate is are openly denied the most important thing the tuning process. He says so in the video that it is the most important thing of all without which none of it would work.

            He calls question stupid or implying they are stupid

            How stupid does he thinks we are?

            He also saying he studied Searl, Grebennikov and some guy called Charkes. I don't know who he is sounds like some french guy may be an inventor.
            He is saying that he had cracked many of their secrets.
            Yes, he is done it he is the great secret cracker.
            OK He done it he cracked it.
            Would he share this new found knowledge with the rest of us mere mortals?
            Very hard to say – the way it goes now I don't know where we end up with.,

            Here are a few things that even Andrei Tirtha did think off
            I am going to openly challenge Alexey t6o fulfill those questions
            As he says on the video please do come and ask questions.
            He also saying any criticism using swearing is something very critical ois not welcome.

            I hope you dear friends won't fall asleep while reading all this I typed up.
            It might not turn out to be true or it might turn out differently
            We don't know at this point

            If it won't fit into single post I will do in several posts.

            Please watch video and share your own views here


            • Hey robur; thank you to be with us and making efforts in translating alexey are from rusia?If so , in near future , maybe you will find a way to meet with Alexey and see with your eyes how his system flying for real without any fake ;if you will confirm this for us ,Alexey will have more viewers and more cash from his videos...if his stuff is real,personaly , I have no problem if alexey making cash from his videos ; experiments need moneys ...the important thing is to not spend our time if his system is fake..if is real he should have no problem to let you to see it in action ; I think would be a pleasure for you also to see his system flying alive ..

              MAybe Alexey have some bad behavior coming from imperfections of his character ( who are perfect ) ..maybe he is arogant and have a lack of respect with people ,maybe he need money from his videos but this is also not important; we need to be focused on his technology not on imperfections of his character ,and try to replicate it ....
              Last edited by sinergicus; 11-29-2018, 08:12 PM.


              • I just watched alexey video with answers posted by robur before .....personally I found common sens in Alexey answers and no arrogance or something else...I know from my experience by talking about free energy systems on some forum in my country , I was swore by different guys and criticized because of my ideas and because I tried to convince them about reality of phenomena ..I was very upset because of their attitude ...Alexey was attacked in the same way like me ..however he have a calm voice and a little sarcastic attitude against that guy who criticized him .I understand that ...

                By the way ..Alexey has mentioned about Ignatov system and about construction plans that are available on the internet...if somebody know about that please let us know..I found nothing about Ignatov antigravity system ..


                • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                  Hey robur; thank you to be with us and making efforts in translating alexey are from rusia?If so , in near future , maybe you will find a way to meet with Alexey and see with your eyes how his system flying for real without any fake ;if you will confirm this for us ,Alexey will have more viewers and more cash from his videos...if his stuff is real,personaly , I have no problem if alexey making cash from his videos ; experiments need moneys ...the important thing is to not spend our time if his system is fake..if is real he should have no problem to let you to see it in action ; I think would be a pleasure for you also to see his system flying alive ..

                  MAybe Alexey have some bad behavior coming from imperfections of his character ( who are perfect ) ..maybe he is arogant and have a lack of respect with people ,maybe he need money from his videos but this is also not important; we need to be focused on his technology not on imperfections of his character ,and try to replicate it ....
                  I am from Belarus originally, but I live in United Kingdom now.
                  Alexey has made it VERY clear he will not meet with anyone.
                  I have friends in Russia who also research this subkjrects. Here is a whole host of people wanting to meet him.
                  But he had stated he will not meet anyone.
                  He says he has no time.
                  On this video - all comments except mine are 2 month old at the youngest.
                  He don't answer e-mails nor answers comments and you want him to give his address or even make up time to go and meet you for FREE?


                  • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                    Hey robur; thank you to be with us and making efforts in translating alexey are from rusia?If so , in near future , maybe you will find a way to meet with Alexey and see with your eyes how his system flying for real without any fake ;if you will confirm this for us ,Alexey will have more viewers and more cash from his videos...if his stuff is real,personaly , I have no problem if alexey making cash from his videos ; experiments need moneys ...the important thing is to not spend our time if his system is fake..if is real he should have no problem to let you to see it in action ; I think would be a pleasure for you also to see his system flying alive ..

                    MAybe Alexey have some bad behavior coming from imperfections of his character ( who are perfect ) ..maybe he is arogant and have a lack of respect with people ,maybe he need money from his videos but this is also not important; we need to be focused on his technology not on imperfections of his character ,and try to replicate it ....

                    I am not rich person. Here is no way for me to go on fool's errand to Russia looking for the guy who cannot be found. Here are like 10+ people who want to meet him.
                    And they can't find him any where.
                    He doesn't communicate except rarely from youtube. May be he will talk to someone who brings him cheque for a lot of money.
                    And what makes you think that he will show it if you come to him?

                    Bigfly tells me that he thinks here be no more information from Alexey and I tend to agree with him. Alexey is not interested to prove anything to anyone.
                    It should be obvious by now

                    I have schematics of a similar system in my possession.
                    Just minus the tuning that Alexey speaks off.
                    But I can't get at it till weather gets warmer as I need to work outside with them

                    We still haven't had a report of the person who was duplicating Alexeyy's system

                    If nothing comes of this possibly mine might work. If mine works I give you everything I possibly can


                    • Literally faith on a string


                      • What I'm not seeing is an understanding of the now revived physics behind the contraption and which is probably the reason for doubts and suspicions being cast on the device. Now you really can't have it both ways. Either you believe in Einstein's Physics or you don't, and if not then you can explain the machine, if you do then of course the machine is a fraud because it is impossible.

                        Einsteinian Physics cannot explain this machine because to do so requires the warping of so-called space time. This warping involves tensor theory and the idea that space is composed of a lattice work of interconnected points upon which energy can act. The idea here is you sock enough energy in to the surrounding space and bend it: Miguel Alcubierre's space warp drive, which is how the ARV is explained as operating in conventional physics, is an example of what's required to bend/warp space time. This whole entire idea is something I very much doubt is even possible.

                        The problem with this bending of space time is that space has no such lattice work; it's all theoretical based on, you guessed it, Einstein's theories of space time and the room of latex dolls rolling around on rubber sheets pretending to be so attractive that they call themselves gravitational space warps; but again, this is all a fantasy, and you can no more bend and warp space to create a propulsion system than you can bend and warp your own shadow: An object which is at least visible. Now naturally this is officially denied and ignored, and of course it's heresy to say otherwise.

                        The next problem involves the power requirements to accomplish this bending of the surrounding space time; assuming it actually exists. Now since the Alexey is using essentially a 12 volt battery we would have to assume the device is a fraud and being dyed in the wool Einsteinian Fanatics there's no possible way that it could anything but that because the energy required to bend space time far exceeds that of a 12 volt battery.

                        So if you're a conventional subscriber to physics then there is only one possible conclusion, and that is this is a charade and farce which can easily be dismissed and tossed in the waste bin, alongside all the other perpetual motion machines and other crack pot devices. No thinking or dissecting of the machine is required. It simply breaks the laws of Einsteinian Physics which is of course impossible.

                        Now hopefully you're not in this camp. So in order to understand what might be taking place and to see it as possibly working you have to have an alternative physics to explain it, and we do already have the physics to do that, it's the same physics which preceded Einstein's wacked ideas about space and time. You don't need to talk to Alexey and frankly it's almost unimportant as to whether or not the machine actually works. What you need is to understand the physics which could explain how it might work.

                        I think that Bugsfly nailed it when he said that Alexey doesn't know why it works. If you don't know Ken Wheeler, if you don't know Henry Stevens, then you have no idea how to explain this machine with anything other than Einsteinian Physics and which will not work to explain or understand the device. I've said it before and I repeat it now, this thing is probably more inclined to not work as opposed to working, and the reason he's mumm's about this is because he himself has no idea why it is like this even though he thinks he has a clue as to what it taking place. Alexey is trying to figure this out on his own without the advantage of knowing about the science which preceded Einstein. I know how impossible a task that is. You cannot explain or understand this machine with the corrupted science which is convention. You have to have an understanding about the way gravitational force is created by energy passing through matter. You have to have basic foundations denied by the physics of Einstein to understand this machine and I'm not seeing this comprehension in the comments.

                        It is for these reasons, and others, that I am confident that the device does work. I'm also confident that it's nearly accidental when it does work. I don't have the materials or knowledge to replicate this myself. However, I can buy a microwave for less tha $80 dollars, or get one off Craigslist for free, or go to a second hand store and find one. Right now I'm moving towards experiments involving projected microwave energy beams which I think are the basic technology behind early UFO designs as I've shown in the ARV thread using Chris Hardeman's basic experimental work as a foundation. I've repeatedly posted video's of Ken Wheelers which I think are directional in this area. There's probably more and it probably involves more complexity but if we can first accomplish a measurable reduction in weight then we will at least know we are on the right path.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 12-01-2018, 08:42 PM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • WELL SAID GAMBEIR

                          If Alexey's device doesn't pan out I have an alternative in my possession that I can make in small size next year.

                          And difference from Alexey's version is that I know EXACTLY how my version should work - if I have enough tools that is to make it work even partially


                          • Here is device similar to the one Alex built Aero Radio Balistique - Wikirota There is no motors but the idea is the same. Dig around and you might find interesting stuff there.


                            • Originally posted by mlurye View Post
                              Here is device similar to the one Alex built Aero Radio Balistique - Wikirota There is no motors but the idea is the same. Dig around and you might find interesting stuff there.

                              That looks like some flying bicycle.

                              Are you Russian?

                              Your avatar picture is from Soviet sci-fi comedy movie


                              • Originally posted by robur View Post
                                That looks like some flying bicycle.

                                Are you Russian?

                                Your avatar picture is from Soviet sci-fi comedy movie
                                Yes I am. And I love that movie.

                                This flying bicycle weighted 100 kg and it was in the air for 40 hours. Even so the only proof is newspaper. But look at the anti gravity parts of this device you will see some similarities with what Alex built.
                                Last edited by mlurye; 12-02-2018, 02:36 PM.

