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An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications

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  • Good to see NutsNVolts Has had a crack at building this… Nice work.

    I agree the centre disk is meant to be Aluminium and the rotating plates are meant to be of a “bug wing” patterned plate. – I pointed out earlier that this may have something to do with the HV brush on the plate to produce transient spikes or rough square wave type effect. Maybe insulated spoke segments on these flat rotating discs might produce similar? – Or maybe the HV DV generator can produce this?

    I’ve remade certain parts on my model but progress is slow due other areas of interest and concern. – I also query why Alexey himself seems to have made little progress, except for the original so-called working prototype... – Why has he not built a second, third or fourth versions? Bigger, more impressive or released additional details…
    I still think it is worth perusing with more experimentation and research.

    Stay safe, don’t take the shot.
    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


    • Originally posted by Sputins View Post
      Good to see NutsNVolts Has had a crack at building this… Nice work.

      I agree the centre disk is meant to be Aluminium and the rotating plates are meant to be of a “bug wing” patterned plate. – I pointed out earlier that this may have something to do with the HV brush on the plate to produce transient spikes or rough square wave type effect. Maybe insulated spoke segments on these flat rotating discs might produce similar? – Or maybe the HV DV generator can produce this?

      I’ve remade certain parts on my model but progress is slow due other areas of interest and concern. – I also query why Alexey himself seems to have made little progress, except for the original so-called working prototype... – Why has he not built a second, third or fourth versions? Bigger, more impressive or released additional details…
      I still think it is worth perusing with more experimentation and research.

      Stay safe, don’t take the shot.
      1. He not build bigger perhaps because he has no money for bigger
      2. He was already bought off by those ''serious top people'' he told me about in e-mail
      3. He sees himself that this model being so hard to get to fly it is commercially enviable and possibly uncontrollable
      My work also going a bit slow. Waiting for part delivery. To use UfoPolitics Cold Energy Coil's discharge as power source for replication.


      • I am having doubts about if diagram of magnet placement in Alexey's device is correct.
        If we place 2 disks like that with NORTH POLE UP on top and bottom disk - then Bottom disk's North pole would be facing upper disk's SOUTH poles from across the middle plate.
        As middle plate is not exactly a shield and magnets are powerful - my understanding is that they would attract each other, thus creating a drag on the motors.
        However, if they are placed like in device known as Joe Par's Centrifuge - NORTH - NORTH facing each other - they would repel and ''float'' on each other's field across the middle plate.
        I know it is not the same device.

        This is an proposition only.

        When I replicate Alexey's set-up over course of August - I will make some changes
        My be it works out may be it won't - we shall see

        Here is a short except from book Shape Power by Dan S Davidson

        7.2.2 Dynamic Pyramid ES Generation

        At one time during the 11 year sun spot cycle, the static pyramid sensor
        went dead and quit providing data. In order to find another method of
        continuing the research, the reasoning was that a moving sensor could
        possibly continue providing data. Joe built an elaborate experimental
        Extensive experiments with the centrifuge provided additional data on
        the pyramid energy bubble. Positive ions in the centrifuge would cause
        the pyramid to be drawn to the polarity of the moon.

        Negative ions in
        the centrifuge would cause the pyramid to be repelled away from the
        moon. At certain times of the year (around December 8th-15th and May
        8th-15th) the energy bubble around the pyramids in the centrifuge would
        become totally opaque to all local gravitation, electromagnetic, and
        inertial forces. When this happened, the little, one-inch-base pyramids
        would rip off the end of the centrifuge arm causing extensive damage to
        the interior of the centrifuge.

        Detailed analysis of the amount of energy
        needed to rip the pyramid free of its epoxy mounting, showed that an 8
        gram pyramid had approximately 2000 pounds of force (i.e., 113,000
        times increase in kinetic energy). It is hypothesized that the pyramid
        moves into a different time/space condition, which Joe called
        hyperspace, when the pyramid is in the alternating magnetic field.
        When the pyramid moves out of the alternating magnetic field of the
        centrifuge, the pyramid comes out of h-space with huge amounts of
        additional energy.

        The centrifuge experiments also operated the same as the static
        pyramid in that putting radio frequency sources, radioactive sources,
        magnetic sources, and ion sources inside the pyramid showed that the
        energy of the energy sources was attenuated when in the pyramid
        energy bubble.This method relies on pyramids mounted on the outside of a rotor which
        is rapidly rotated. An E-field perpendicular to the rotor is aligned with
        rotor axis. A magnetic field is aligned perpendicular to the axis of the
        rotor. Thus, when the rotor spins, the pyramids not only make and break
        setup he named the "centrifuge".

        The centrifuge "pyramid motor" is
        illustrated in figure 7.2.2-1.
        the E-field but have an alternating magnetic field at right angles to the

        Analysis revealed detail in regard to alignment of the magnetic field with
        the pyramids. If the magnets cover the entire width of the rotor, then the
        electrostatic field gets generated in one direction on one side of the rotor
        axis and in the opposite direction on the other side of the axis. The
        question is: would this nullify the energy generation effect or does it
        make any difference since electrons are electrons???

        JOE PARR.jpg JOE PARR'S SET-UP.jpg

        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by robur View Post

          Isn't middle disk suppose to be Aluminum?
          And I see it it is plastic.

          I am NOT criticizing. I point out that your middle plate that facing magnets ins't Aluminum
          Set-up VERY NICELY DONE.
          May be you should change middle sheet to Aluminum and try it again?
          Hi Robur, I just replied to you're PM. I did plan on covering the middle disk on both sides with aluminum foil at some point. I wanted to first try it with just the high voltage DC. I've never built a tesla coil before so I would have figure that one out if I do continue experimenting with this rig. I have since moved on to another project but I may get back to this one at some point in the future.


          • Hello to All,

            This post is more intended to those actually working on an Alexey Chekurkov build, like Sputins...

            I found this late video (Oct 10 2021) from a Zoom interview with Charles Crawford III, who bought some components of the Graviflyer from Alexey...and is still waiting for the rest.
            Charles has done some translations into english plus research with others and some reverse engineering in the parts he received from Russia...

            Video have a lot of info, plus clearing up a lot of terms and misstranslations done before...

            I will quote some here, which I consider relevant to know:

            1- An Electromagnetic field of a certain frequency can lead to an absence of gravity
            2- The interference of longitudinal waves created by two or more Tesla Coils reject gravitational waves
            3- A force with a vertical vector appears in a rapidly rotating radial magnetic field
            4- Sound vibrations of certain frequency cause objects to levitate
            Alexey Chekurkov notes:

            I am experimenting with different physical properties and different technologies.
            In this case, Schaurberger's technology. The principle is such a high voltage current is supplied to the two oppositely rotating discs, and high-frequency pulses from Tesla's transformer to the middle one (disc).
            With the correct adjustment of the entire system, Torsion Fields arise, creating an electromagnetic cocoon that bends around gravitons. Rather the ether does not press the system to the ground. And then, according to the Classics, everything that does not hold the earth's force field is thrown out by centrifugal force.

            There are a lot of info also related to specific parts utilized, materials and diagrams on Alexey's Gravitometer that Charles received...etc,etc


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Please read my substack article on Nazi Flying Saucers
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Part II of German Flying Saucers: Invasion of the Woo
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • New vid on T.T Brown and link between electromagnetism and Gravity and ?
                  (thanks to Jimboot for passing it along )
                  respectfully submitted
                  Chet K
                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • Alexey Dudes I just ran in to this guy this evening. Highly recommend checking his material out. Getting there guys...getting there.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

