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An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications

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  • #46
    Originally posted by nutzNvoltz View Post
    Yeah Spacecase, that makes sense. Also, didn't you mention in the ARV thread that you did some experimenting with oppositely charged counter rotating discs that produced a huge magnetic field? Seems like the permanent magnets wouldn't be needed in that case.
    yes I did,
    it was the physically moving electrostatic field that created the magnetic field in my device.
    the problem I had with it was that the induced electric field from that magnetic field messed up my electrostatic field.
    so it would flip polarity once it built up any substantial field.
    and an alternating gravity force is not that useful.


    • #47
      OK Spacecase, thanks for the clarification.


      • #48
        Alexey Schematic Translations Pt1

        Garage Technologies; Alexey Chekurkov
        Good day to all of you, here is Garage Technologies channel, and my name is Alexey.

        To start with I'd like to thank everyone who supports my channel.
        Thanks to you, my friends, for staying with me. And so I'd like to tell you one thing:

        When I was browsing through your comments, I started having some doubts.
        Some of you want that I record close-ups, the others tell me to record from a longer distance to include the panorama.

        I've shot two videos already, and neither of them was well liked. So I guess I'll need to go for something in between. Anyway; I've just wanted to make a new video when I was attacked again for doing it all wrong.
        And so I thought, fighting this is useless, so why shouldn't I just do what I think right.
        I've promised you the scheme of a graviplane, and I'll show it here.
        This is going to be a long video as I'll insert some videos from different materials,
        So that you don't think that what I'm saying is some fantasy of mine.
        I'll add videos supporting my commentary.

        Because you know what they say; belief is based on knowledge and knowledge is based in facts, and facts are the most persistent thing in the world. Everyone knows that, as you surely agree. I'd like to present to you the theory matched by the schemes as well as my reasoning; and my reasoning will be supported by facts from other videos.

        Of course I understand everyone has some doubts; and having doubt shows that you are grounded in reality. I understand this is too good to be true; so there'll be evidence. So this is why this video will be long.

        And if you find yourself uninterested in the whole entirety of this video, you can easily fast forward to the schemes. But to understand the principles you'll have to listen to my reasoning. I'll try to go into this in detail, including my own research. So please be patient, and let us start.

        What exactly is gravitation?

        Many scientists have their own theories in this regard. You can describe it like this: gravitation is the force that pulls us down to Earth. What does it amount to? In us being pulled down as such.

        There are several ways to affect gravitation; they are: low temperatures, as you already know; I've shown in a previous video how a magnet floats at a low temperature. The second way: special electromagnetic fields that affect gravitational waves of the Earth; and the third: the correctly chosen acoustic frequency also affects the weight of things.

        This has been proven in ancient times already, as the Egyptians built their pyramids they created audio waves with giant trumpets and the weight of things changed.

        You might also know about the Coral Castle; some blocks weighed several tons, and it was built by a single person, but he never revealed his mystery and took it to the grave. It's definitely clear he did it with acoustic vibrations, made the weight of the blocks lighter and created the castle.
        And fourth, elements charged with particles also lose weight (I'll demonstrate it a bit later).

        5, anti-gravity; if you create anti-gravity you get levitation.
        6, measuring the frequency response of the object.
        As we know, gravitation is the inter-working of frequencies; and 7, the neutralization of gravitational flows.

        When I started looking into this, I've come across the constructions of known researchers, such as Schauberger, Searl, Charles, so what did I see? I saw an analogy to the physical principles of their devices; they are almost identical, they rotate radially and have electromagnetic fields. Even in the project Bell that existed in the Third Reich, 2 cylinders rotate; and Schauberger has 2 rotating disks.

        So what is this effect? Let's begin. As I looked into Charles and Searl I noticed one thing:

        They have the same principle, so many confuse Charles with Searl. No, guys, John Charles is dead, and John Searl is still alive. So what did it all start with? At the age of 14 Charles got employed as apprentice of an electrician at a plant in the English town of Birmingham. While he worked with magnets for electrical meters, he discovered a new effect of electric engineering in 1946: In a fast rotating disk, a radial driving force with a vertical vector appears. In order to increase this force he first magnetized the disks and then started using permanent magnets.

        So Searl had some rings, and Charles had these disks. Once a model consisting of a couple of intertwined rings was tested outdoors. Already at slow rotation a strong difference of potentials occurred in the radial direction of the rings, which caused crackling of electric charges and the smell of ozone. Then something completely unexpected happened: the block of rings took off and still rotating, floated at 1,5 meters above the ground, and the number of rotations kept increasing.

        The object was surrounded by a pink glow, which signified activation of the air at drop in pressure. The object started to rise. There was a side-effect: All radio communication stopped, radios have turned off. Finally, rotation got so fast that the object went out of sight.

        Inspired by his success, Charles has tested from 1950 to 1952 more than 10 models of levitating disks. He learned to control the speed of rotation. So then, an electric driving force with a vertical vector appears in a fast rotating radial disk. Just remember this. This effect has been also used by Schauberger, if you look at his construction, it's based on the same principle as Charle's construction.

        There is a slight difference between the two constructions; I've based my disk on Schauberger construction. In the 1980-s there was a lot of articles about Charles in the media, he was called the father of UFO, but suddenly just like by command all talks stopped. And then he died.
        I'll add that 2 Russians from Moscow, Vladimir Roshchin and Sergey Godin, decided to test the discovery by John Charles, they went to him and interviewed him in prison, but he refused to share his secret. They didn't give up and built their own generator of free energy.

        At weight of 350 kg it gave 10 KV of electric power without using any fuel, and its weight dropped during rotation.

        So let me get back to my disk: How did I start?
        I've looked at the experiments by Schauberger, Searl and started making it. So what physical properties does this device have? What makes it levitate?
        The first thing that comes to mind is an analogy with a 3-section condensator. The disks should get charged when powered. I'd like to show you one device I've come across, an experiment on how objects with charged particles behave. I'll show you one video that's worth watching. It'll show that a charged object loses its weight.

        Let's take a look.

        The aim of the experiment is the saturation of a sample of liquid in a glass ampule that's brought in equilibrium at lab scales. With help of induction machine I'll charge it with static electromagnetic energy and we'll see how it behaves in the gravitational field. It's under this sample.

        As it was a short term influence on the sample, there is no significant deviation; at a longer exposure the sample gets lighter by a more significant degree.

        As an example let's look at the time. Depending on the time the charge is bigger and enables creation of an antigravity field that is repelled by the gravity field of the Earth.

        This amount is enough. You can see that the induction machine is far enough. Let's make note of the time. This sample shows its anti-gravitational properties in the gravitational field of the Earth in a more significant way. It's noticeable. If this sample is charged in hard aggregational state, the charge is stronger, the electrical density is higher.

        And you can use this principle to build flying machines to lift and move cargo in the atmosphere and in space. ...Now that you've watched it let's draw conclusions from this video: an electrically charged object loses its weight.
        Electromagnetic fields surrounding the object partially affect the gravitation. But that's not enough as we need to make the object levitate. We need to create an electromagnetic field with a circular, closed stream, then gravitational waves will bend around it.

        Over the surface of the Earth you can find anomaly zones.
        For example Preiser's zone where gravitation is bent - this is created by electromagnetic anomalies of the Earth. So why do rotating disks create this effect? Charging the disks with high voltage creates a field around it, and mechanical rotation makes this field twist into two toroidal swirls.
        These swirls have a different potential so as not to fall apart, the lower one is the minus and the upper one is the plus. To prevent them from falling apart, I used the middle disk, charging it from the cacher [katcher], the charge is pulsating and makes the 2 toroids stable.

        And magnets situated on them strengthen this effect. While supplying high-frequency pulse from the cacher I selected the frequencies at which these toroids intertwined and twisted one into the other creating two toroidal whirls.

        It's worth mentioning that Grebennikov also said he flew on ring-shaped rolls, i.e. the very same toroidal whirls his device created; but the construction he used was different, while the effect was the same.
        While selecting the pause/pulse ratio on the cacher I made these fields pulse at such frequencies where gravitational waves bend.

        Let's for example take insects; they create similar electrical fields round their bodies. Take a look at the insect, how the charges are distributed in it and how the charges are distributed around the Earth.
        Let's take a closer look. What do we see? The same 3-way (3 section) asymmetric condensator. When we look at the body of a beetle we see the same plates as in Shaorberg's disks.

        They have the same flight principle. They create these anti-gravitational cocoons around which these gravitational waves bend. It's worth mentioning that beetles also use electricity in conjunction with sound waves.
        Beetles create the levitation effect due to the combination of acoustic vibrations and electrostatic charge in their bodies. Shaorberg's device used a similar principle, with one difference, it levitated by the traction vector in the rotating disks.

        ...This scheme shows that the engine consists of the propellers like those of a helicopter, but this information is wrong; Shaorberg believed the propeller traction force to be yesterday's news, a futurless idea for high speed flying machines. He proposed installation of special membranes instead of the propellers on his flying dish,thin metallic disks that were brought into motion by electric magnets. The engine has been created using the principle of the speaker in a telephone device, that's why the first flying machines were shaped like disks.

        ...And the beetles fly on their top wings, creating vibrations in them. It was the same effect achieved by different methods. They had one thing in common.

        If we look at Shaorberg's device and a beetle, we can see an analogy.
        Last edited by Sputins; 10-02-2018, 03:22 AM.
        "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


        • #49
          Part 2

          There are sound waves in electromagnetic fields that create an effect, this effect was replicated by Hutchison; as we'll see in the next video. He used a combination of waves from Tesla transformer and acoustic vibrations. He also used Van de Graaff's device. Let's look at this video and draw another conclusion. ...the inventor John Hutchison.

          Enthusiasts-experimenters have long proven that gravitation is an ambiguous term. The Canadian physicist and inventor John Htchinson already in 1979 witnessed a new occurrence unknown to the science while studying Tesla compression waves and using Van de Graaff high voltage generator. A short glossary: Van de Graaff high voltage generator generates voltage up to 7 Mio Volts.

          The functional principle is based on the electrification of the operating dielectrical tape; the power of the electrical current is incommensurably small, so that even children can touch the generator.

          The interference of the longitudinal waves created by two or more Tesla coils made a 32 kilos ball levitate and lifted wafer ice-cream, wrenches and similar small items up to the ceiling. Metals and various materials, like wood and metal, intertwined and heated up to their melting or ignition temperature, and massive steel rods tore by themselves as if they were made of paper. The videos and reports look so convincing that they border on paranormal.
          Now we're looking at one of the experiments performed by the inventor in his garage. John adjusts the frequency of the electromagnetic emission that's directed at randomly selected objects.

          Hutchison made no secret of the fact that his discoveries were a continuation of the experiments by Nicola Tesla whose available works he carefully studied. But the results of Hutchison's experiments surpassed all expectations and crossed the boundaries of the existing knowledge about the nature of gravitation, space and time.

          After Searl, many experimenters, on their own, came to the conclusion that the electromagnetic field of specific frequencies can create the state of zero gravity where the matter, time and space change their characteristics.

          ...Alright, let's sum it all up.

          Four basic principles are clear. As you can see this is not my fantasy but real effects proven by real people, such as Charles, Searl, Shaorberg.

          So then:

          1: Electromagnetic field of a specific frequency can create a state of zero gravity.

          2: Interference of longitudinal waves created by two or more Tesla coils bends gravitational waves.

          3: In a quickly rotating radial electromagnetic field, a radial force with a vertical vector appears.

          4: Acoustic vibrations of a correctly selected frequency make objects levitate.
          All these principles build a basis to graviplane engineering.

          I forgot to mention such effect as grating structures like graphene and the like, but that's a topic for another time.

          Same goes for superconduction at ultra-low temperatures, this effect is rather difficult.

          Note the four principles. Now let's get to the most interesting part.
          Last edited by Sputins; 10-02-2018, 03:23 AM.
          "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


          • #50
            Part 3

            Let's take a look at the scheme; I'll tell you how it's designed.

            Finally I'll show you this scheme in this video. Here it is. What can we see here? It consists of 3 parts:

            The impulse part (the cacher), the power part and the low voltage part.

            Now let's look at all this in detail.

            The power part serves to charge the two disks (supplying high voltage).
            We see the regulator with a power unit; power supply, the regulator, then the power supply diagram of the FBT (it can be different, it can use 2 MOSFETs but I've decided to leave it simple); then the FBT and the multiplier that is built into the disk below.

            The positive voltage is supplied to the upper disk, the negative goes to the lower disk.

            This is due to ground charges being distributed in the following way: The ground has the minus charge and the ionosphere has the plus. And as we know minus repels minus. So the minus repels from the ground.
            Analogous to magnets, but here we have no magnets, it's rather a different effect.

            Why do we need the cacher? The cacher provides impulses (the transformer itself) but if we put a cable there, impulses shall be routed to the middle disk.

            What does it bring? When the motor units start rotating and we supply high voltage to them, 2 toroidal whirls are created that rotate in opposing directions. And the cacher, and the middle disk, doesn't let these whirls cancel each other out.

            You can see the positive and the negative potential that could cancel each other out; and the impulses, the constant impulse circuit prevents the two toroidal whirls from falling apart.

            Then here is the ultrasound part. We see the battery, the regulator, another regulator and the ultrasound generator.

            As you could see in the video, Hutchison directed longitudinal waves at the objects, and the objects levitated. But those were high frequency waves.
            And I decided not to search for the correct longitudinal waves; I have the impulse going from the cacher but high frequency waves go from the ultrasound generator.

            There is a piezoelectric element here, it's situated in the upper part of the disk, the chip itself is quite small; the regulators are outside of it. <the low voltage part> Here is 1 wire but it has 4 cables inside; it powers on the engines and this chip. The power is distributed between the ultrasound generator and the engines.

            We see the engines (motors) rotate the disks in opposite directions, like in Schauberger's design. But in his layout this disk is the very same induction machine that is horizontally placed. But Schauberger had two longitudinal brushes here that took off the charges during rotation and divided them into electrons and positrons.

            The whole Schauberger machine was charged by positrons; and the object charged by positrons has the ability to levitate.

            As you remember from the video, a charged object, charged by simple electrons, also has the property of losing its weight. The gravitational waves of the Earth bend around it.

            Let's take a look at the system.

            These engines provide rotating force to the disks, 2 toroidal whirls are created, the middle disk doesn't let them cancel each other, and the gravitational waves bend around it.

            Gravitational waves are a simple aether that creates a pressure, it has a higher density despite being imperceivable.

            That's why all our planets are round, because they are under a tremendous pressure. Do you know why the planets are round? Because they are under the pressure from aether.

            And every object of a lesser density is condensed. This explains the nature of gravitation.

            So then; if the object isn't condensed the law of centrifugal motion comes into play, the centrifugal force of the Earth pulls this object away.
            This is clear. Going on; we have some magnets here. They are placed this way. There are six of them.

            Why six, why not 4, 8, 9? - Because if we put these lines here, we see a cell, a bee comb cell; like Grebennikov used to say, a wave beacon emits these cells. We have these fields distributed into a "chamomile".
            Well, we have if not a wave beacon, then an electromagnetic field.

            Please note how the magnets are placed:
            The North is above and the South is below, and the negative charge gets supplied to the South.
            Last edited by Sputins; 10-02-2018, 03:27 AM.
            "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


            • #51
              Part 4 - Fiinal

              This creates an effect - I can't explain it in its entirety as I myself don't understand all of it yet, but I explain what I can, I explain it on my level of understanding; so then, here is my point of view.

              Why do we need the ultrasound scheme here?

              Hutchison as you remember experimented with longitudinal waves. He directed them at the objects, and the objects levitated. As you remember from the video the generator emitted high frequency impulses.

              They were directed at an object, and the object changed its frequency response data, and obtained the property of levitation.

              As you can see I combine it all here. It might seem difficult, and I'm sure that the antigravitation system can actually be much more simpler than this.
              In Preiser zone for once there is no difficult electronics, just some anomalies that have to do with Earth crust. Anyway; this emitter, this piezoelectric element here, built into the disk itself, emits ultrasound for this whole system, emitting high frequency waves affecting the whole mechanism.

              The cacher provides an impulse, a high frequency one as well, and somewhere between them there should be a resonance.

              The fine tuning though presents a problem. Those of you who worked with parabolic antennas know that there should be polarization in the horizontal plane, in the vertical plane.

              So here we have all the same problems: You should coordinate the impulse frequency from the cacher at the middle disk with the toroids by setting up the voltage and the magnetic force of the disks.

              We actually have a condenser here that's charging, and if the charge is too high or falls short, the scheme simply doesn't work and the gravitational waves no longer bend around the system but go down and put pressure on the system.

              If we synchronize them and achieve the resonance of these fields, the waves bend around the scheme, and we achieve the levitation of the objects.
              You can build a graviplane using this scheme if you have enough metal for the disks.

              The top wing, the way Grebennikov did it, has a rough structure, it isn't even, and this unevenness bends the magnetic fields during electrification.
              Remember the beetle, it has a top wing and its wing beats, this beating of the wing creates electrostatic impulses that charge the top wing; and the top wing has a lot of small holes, and a sort of hairs on its bottom that accept charges.

              My system is a bit different. I copy these 2 disks, made of this metal, they closely resemble the structure of this beetle and the impulse is generated not by the beating wing but by this cacher that provides electrostatic impulses to the disk, combined with the ultrasound waves; and the whole system together gives this effect where the gravitational field of the Earth bends around it all.

              As you can see, you can build the device using this scheme when you have this metal (with unevenness). I've already started building a new disk. As you can see it uses a simple metal; it's build from simple DVD cases. And there are two magnetic fields here already.

              I'd like to find the correct settings for this disk to launch it into the air.

              This far it's in development stage. Let's get back to the scheme.
              Here it is; I'd like to note here that I bear no responsibility for the possible failure of your experiments. If you don't have the required metal and the correctly adjusted settings, then you'll have no results.

              As far as these settings go, it could be discussed in a separate video.

              Here I finish, I hope you've enjoyed it. I'll get back to Grebennikov, and I've already started building graviplanes. I've worked with Grebennikov's archive, I do the research in all directions.

              Later I'll also tell you something about such inventions as those by Ignatov.
              He also invented levitating devices but they were based on a different principle, and a very simple one at that. I'll tell you in the next video.

              So here were the main things; the way I understand it at the moment. I hope this was interesting to you.

              Please ask your questions, leave comments, like or dislike (I already expect some ****ty feedback from trolls).

              Good luck to you all, and thanks to everyone who supported me financially.
              You've helped me a lot. The research goes on.

              I'll try to launch this disk. It has a simpler construction, a simpler metal;

              I hope I'll find the parameters for it.

              For now, good luck, Alexey and Garage Technologies - out
              Last edited by Sputins; 10-02-2018, 03:29 AM.
              "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


              • #52
                thank you for the transcript

                the thing I would have likely not thought of that he came up with is that middle aluminum plate to keep the 2 vortexes from messing each other up


                • #53
                  That's great stuff, but I see it as a great challenge.

                  It's not that you can arbitrarily create counter spinning disks with six magnets separated by a center disk. This is device internally resonating, and creating an affect against "specific frequency".

                  Does anybody have that information of what that "specific frequency" is? This is the meat of all we don't understand. There is a relationship with frequency of matter and harnessing or negating the forces that bind it. I bet it's the missing ingredient in many of devices.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                    That's great stuff, but I see it as a great challenge.

                    It's not that you can arbitrarily create counter spinning disks with six magnets separated by a center disk. This is device internally resonating, and creating an affect against "specific frequency".

                    Does anybody have that information of what that "specific frequency" is? This is the meat of all we don't understand. There is a relationship with frequency of matter and harnessing or negating the forces that bind it. I bet it's the missing ingredient in many of devices.
                    would be nice if the guy with the running device would measure and tell us the frequency.
                    did someone already ask him in the comments of one of his videos ?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                      That's great stuff, but I see it as a great challenge.

                      It's not that you can arbitrarily create counter spinning disks with six magnets separated by a center disk. This is device internally resonating, and creating an affect against "specific frequency".

                      Does anybody have that information of what that "specific frequency" is? This is the meat of all we don't understand. There is a relationship with frequency of matter and harnessing or negating the forces that bind it. I bet it's the missing ingredient in many of devices.
                      You're over my head ilandtan but I'm just about positive you're on the right track with that idea. I'm not sure it matters except that the higher the better.

                      Now don't hold me to any of this; it's pure speculation and I've not had any time to really get in to the details (a lot of guessing right now), but what I think may be happening with the Alexey device is that there is a surface resonance created in the HV AC plate. A so~called plasmonic resonance if correct, and which is somehow happening in a manner akin to a Josephson Junction which takes place in other situations, possibly aided by the HF emitters, and this produces a Super High AC Frequency on the center AC plate. For that to happen an exchange with the DC plates to create some similar effect to a Josephson Junction must be taking place, and enabled with a rotating magnetic plate and the HF emitters. How this is all happening I cannot begin to speculate right now, but the parts to a similar puzzle are all here, with the exception of super cooling.

                      That junction would normally take place on/in a super~cooled conductor, probably a ceramic conductor with a dielectric insulator between an interior and exterior shell, and with a high voltage DC current being the energy source inside with a resultant Super High AC Frequency current being the resultant product outside on exterior. There is likely a direct correlation here to the Woodward Effect/mass cancellation.

                      *After thought, probably a higher DC input would be likely to result in a more propulsive force as there should be a conversion/exchange process between the plates and of course the higher the AC frequency the better. The whole idea here is to get the highest frequency possible the way I understand it. Course you don't want blind or X ray yourselves either.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 10-02-2018, 11:12 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                        That's great stuff, but I see it as a great challenge.

                        It's not that you can arbitrarily create counter spinning disks with six magnets separated by a center disk. This is device internally resonating, and creating an affect against "specific frequency".

                        Does anybody have that information of what that "specific frequency" is? This is the meat of all we don't understand. There is a relationship with frequency of matter and harnessing or negating the forces that bind it. I bet it's the missing ingredient in many of devices.
                        No doubt about it, it is a challenge…

                        There are many parameters to adjust, fine tune and balance. Likely adjusting one parameter may mean others also then require re-adjustment. Fortunately most of the parameters are adjustable on the fly which should make things easier, (or more frustrating). Then on top of that, maybe a certain sequence needs to be followed.

                        Hopefully Alexey will provide further details and a video about the settings and sequence he uses…!

                        Without that info, the parameters and settings will just have to be found via best guess, trial and error. I’ve have a digital balance which I am setting up as a launch pad, so I can use the of weight seen on the balance as a tuning guide… As power is switched on and parameters slowly adjusted, one might see the balance readout change…?

                        Variable parameters listed below:

                        Ultrasonic frequency* - within the limits of the device

                        The natural Tesla coil resonant frequency** - Set by the L and C of the secondary coil and loading on the coil.

                        The Tesla coil dielectric flux intensity* - Set by the primary coil input voltage

                        Tesla coil impulse duration / duty* - Set via the adjustable resistor to the base of the transistor

                        Plate and rotating disc physical size*** could be changed with maintenance.

                        Plate and rotating disc spacing / gap** – Even spacing or Asymmetrical? – If asymmetrical is it the positive side or negative side with the larger gap?

                        Magnetic disc flux density** - Size and strength of magnets

                        Magnetic disc RPM / CPS* - Speed of counter-rotating plates.

                        High Voltage DC* - Variable voltage

                        Natural weight of the overall device***

                        *Adjustable parameter “on the fly”
                        **Adjustable parameter only with maintenance.
                        *** Generally fixed. Adjustable with rebuild or replacement
                        "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                        • #57
                          Chekurkov's Functions Diagram

                          Hello All,

                          I have put together a "Function Diagram" based on Alexey's explanations about the way he understands his device...hoping it will help us to "see" in all these invisible fields what's going on here:

                          Originally posted by Sputins View Post

                          So here we have all the same problems: You should coordinate the impulse frequency from the cacher at the middle disk with the toroids by setting up the voltage and the magnetic force of the disks.

                          We actually have a condenser here that's charging, and if the charge is too high or falls short, the scheme simply doesn't work and the gravitational waves no longer bend around the system but go down and put pressure on the system.

                          If we synchronize them and achieve the resonance of these fields, the waves bend around the scheme, and we achieve the levitation of the objects.
                          As I have written the same way Alexey sees this...
                          The Tesla AC HF HV Center Disc prevents from both Electric Opposite Fields to Cancel Out or Collapse...HOWEVER, as underlined above...Center Disc is also CHARGING BOTH E-FIELDS.

                          Then, if the AC HV Tesla Coil supply charge is too high or too short it won't work.

                          Now, the FREQUENCY from the Tesla Coil ( which is ALSO RELATED to the RATE OF CHARGE IN TIME) SHOULD BE IN RESONANCE with the ULTRASOUND GENERATOR (I also said so before)

                          I believe, and please correct me if I am wrong...that the Frequency Rate from one emitter, NOT NECESSARILY need to be identical to another emitter, in order that BOTH BE IN I correct?

                          So, getting back to the drawing I made...

                          I believe that what He is trying for Us to understand NOT just about a "Specific MAGICAL Frequency" where everything all the sudden starts to glow in blue and vualá levitates...or hits the roof...with enormous force...

                          I believe He is on this an excellent order, trying to make Us understand that this whole thing needs to be in a close approach to "BLEND" (Or "FUSE") ALL FIELDS TOGETHER...through its settings or "TUNING" which NOT ONLY DEPENDS ON FREQUENCY, BUT ALSO ON HV LEVELS CHARGE of Both Discs E-Fields, Magnetic Field generated, RPM of opposite Disc, etc,etc.

                          So, for you to see in that first diagram what I am also trying to explain...I made a second Part to it...and here if you notice, the Two DC E-FIELDS became greater in size (charged up) by the effect of also now a greater and spatially bigger, Tesla Coil AC Center Disc Supply the point it is also about the size of the Ultrasound "Field"...

                          We are trying to reach this point...of "tuning" these Fields, in order to reach Antigravity...our device levitates.

                          Hope You all understand what am trying to explain on this post...

                          Regards to All

                          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-03-2018, 02:30 AM.
                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • #58
                            Ufopolitics ,
                            I understand
                            and was one of my thoughts was that if it is hitting some sort of resonance, it would very likely be with the other frequency in the system

                            plenty of 2 channel signal generators that will let you set the phase angle out.

                            my other thought is you can drive them from the same signal source and then change the distance of the speaker and the plates to set the phase angle, but that seems harder to move around bolts for tuning

                            and hopefully the ultrasonic phase angle is not critical on all 3 plates


                            • #59
                              Another great illustration Ufopolitics. Really wonderful to see this kind of effort being put forward. Ufopolitics I agree with you and here's some thoughts I have on the matching of energies, but first I want to bring up as an incidental to this machine a notion that sound can alter weather. Mostly this is just a bit of trivia, a concept as far as I know, but I wanted to pass it along for thought and I think there is a lot of sense to this which will come forward as we all progress down this path of examining the Alexey machine.

                              Now at first I wasn't sure that the ultrasonic emitters were necessary, but we know that sound can levitate objects, and so it is logical to have such a device/s included in the design. The recollection of this notion that sound can alter the weather, combined with on~going weather related disasters, and in combination with globally recorded strange sounds, all suggest sound waves are important influential energies.

                              *Speculation & Thoughts*
                              My assumption is that the earth's center serves as a magnetic center point, and in to which and out of which there are radial lines of counterspacial convergence and divergence, and with the divergent radials being the counterspacial radians which are desired.

                              These ultrasonic sound emitters must have a coherency with the diverging radian of the counterspacial field leaving Earth: Just as Earth itself has extremely low frequency fields then the reverse must exist for lines of force leaving the surface. The energies and frequecies of the ultrasound might not be specific, but rather have a range with a starting point and then proceed to higher levels, but there might be an optimal range for given piece of matter.

                              It is my assumption that the speed of the incoherent energy field of counterspace is billions of times higher than local light speed. It is only the local converging centrifugal radians of counterspace which act with a centripetal force on matter to provide an inward force of gravitation. Once we proceed beyond the converging centripetal force inducing centrifugal lines of gravitational force then the nature of free ranging incoherent counterspacial energy manifests as weightlessness.

                              It seems likely that the atmosphere and it's associated electrical energy play a critical part of the construction processes in matter creation and are likely an influencing force which slows counterspacial incoherency. By reverse process it is logical to assume a reversed process of higher frequencies of sound and energy would produce an opposite effect.

                              In the Alexey Device the magnets seem likely to be acting as ground to counterspace, which is assisted by the spinning magnets producing a vortex that attaches to the counterspace using a centrafugal convergence of counterspacial radian forces that form a magnetic centerpoint, or the point of contract with counterspace which is now an organized form in the product of a magnetic field. In effect all the negative polarized electrical energy is now grounded to counterspace and which leaves the positive polarized field uncountered by an attachment to the physical earth.

                              * It would be interesting to experiment with a honeycomb structure on the sound emitters and on the the machine as part of a covering shell on the upper and lower sections.
                              I haven't gone hunting yet but try scratching around with that notion.
                              Last edited by Gambeir; 10-03-2018, 09:10 PM.
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • #60
                                Who else is secretly building? I can't wait for testing to begin.

                                I was unable to locate suitable aluminum material off the shelf. I couldn't find any in the hardware stores around here so I went second hand shopping and now have two suitable pieces to start with.

                                I'm going to have to build a Tesla Coil for this project. Any suggestions or thoughts on that are welcome.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

