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  • Shungite?

    Been playing and working with shungite....
    for the past two years....
    in that two years the energy bill on the Grange (13 rooms 3 kitchens) has dropped 3/4 from £1000 a month to £300. This is Because I placed a shungite Exciter coil and the power input line....

    You guys need to have a look at shungite

    here my first research video proving we have the Real stuff (not coal Dust) at Oraphim.....

    it will purify water... has the ability to change the spin of wifi and phone signals to a less harmful spin.
    its electrical conductive...
    works great in orgonite cloudbusters and pyramids...
    We make Jewelry out of it too....

    and here my cloudbuster videos part one and two....

    all in all its really amazing stone found in one place and the planet!
    and hold the buckminsterfullerenes C60....

    thanks for having a look!

  • #2
    cloud busker schumann freq spike

    I've been making cloudbusters for some time now and have just notice that every time i make one the schumann freq spikes really high at the time i caste them. here a video of the last one i did..


    fullerenes in shungite( are made when you get a high voltage discharge between two carbon electrodes. this would indicate that a massive electrical discharge happen in russia in a area covering 900 square miles

    I've been researching this effect for some time now and will be posting more on the subject when i get the time to do a comprehensive video, until then here some interesting facts of carbon c60 buckyballs.

    what i find fascinating is when i add silver to shungite powder its magnetic field gets stronger, which in turn makes me thing of the Ev Gray motor spark gap...silver and carbon.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      the cloudbuster idea does not need hardware to do
      neal slade (if I spelled that correct) has a great demo on how to activate the amygdala or at least he use to share that information freely


      • #4
        My understanding is that the c60 shape is the same as the ley line grids, the distortion of the grids and of this realm itself has made it incredibly difficult to regain and maintain the original blueprint that we should be on, not the lower 4th dimension distortions we have around us. For me, all of this realms is a distorted, it can't be anything else down here. But to what extent has it become a total disconnection from God? For me i need to put something into the realm in a physical way, which them puts a physical marker in the universe.

        thank you for your comment spacecase0


        • #5
          found a link with what I was talking about

          maybe a better how to from his website

          had not thought about the link to C60 doing a similar thing
          Last edited by spacecase0; 12-26-2019, 11:20 PM.

