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Nikola Tesla’s Turbine Secrets - Global Open Source Project

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  • Hi Bob, would you believe the Center for Implosion Research is in the city I live in!

    I have had two meetings with them in the last 2 weeks. They are a lovely, well educated couple, who are very knowledgeable about water implosions.

    Centre for Implosion Research

    Whilst I wait for my rotor and axle to be finished here are some more pictures.

    Also I've commissioned the production of my blueprinted rotor which features 420hp stainless tapered discs. This is the material that circular blades are manufactured from. It is magnetic stainless with the corrosion properties. All the discs, star washers, end plates and end plate washers will be lapped. If you are not familiar with lapping. This is when a machine perfectly flats a material on both sides to a very fine tolerance. It will mean all parts are as flat as can be.

    I've still not done anymore sanding and polishing. There are a couple of cracks where the bearings were such a tight fit. The cracks don't appear to effect the workings of the machine. Just means I'm less inclined to be OCD in sanding and polishing.

    The suggestion to offset the bearing housings and rotor by 0.2mm has been given for next print.

    I would have love to have CNC machined it from acrylic but I wouldn't have the hologram effect. Also it was a lot more expensive.

    The cheapest way to mass manufacture appears to be vacuum casting for plastic or die casting in aluminium. The die casting would need some machining.

    I am soon moving onto prototyping the air bearings. This will be an insert that goes into the bearing housing and leaves an air gap of around 0.50mm-0.80mm around the axle. The axle and rotor are spinning in mid air held by the inrush of air due to the negative pressure inside the casing. This is why I need a blueprinted rotor. I want to go for 300,000rpm as a goal.

    See if any of you can tell what is coming next from the pictures

    This material is lovely to work with; sand, polish and tap.
    Last edited by soundiceuk; 03-11-2019, 08:36 PM.


    • I received my Group A K&N air filter today. They fit these on 500+hp cars.

      I'm still waiting on my rotor and axle.

      I'm also waiting for a silicon hose and clamp.


      • I'm about to start designing the pump for stage 2 and also the fountain for stage 3.

        We've also worked out that stage 1 can loose the bearings and the axle.

        The discs need to be keyed to a spindle and the whole rotor and casing symmetrical with a centre solid disc. Tesla always uses an odd number of discs in every patent for that reason. It keeps the thrust equal.

        Tesla had worked it out. Check out the design.

        I've ordered a pickup that is capable of 30,000hz / 1,800,000 rpm and a monitor that goes up to 999,999 rpm.

        Stage 2 is where the power is drawn if stage one rotor is floating / spinning in a vacuum. When taking power off stage 2 normal bearing are used.

        I've got a few shiny bit for the Tesla turbine. Some of you may be wondering why the air filter?

        If the Tesla turbine rapidly condenses water like a dehumidifier on steroids, then I would like to see exactly how clean it can be. This is no good if the air is contaminated with grit, insects etc...

        Based on experiments carried out in Idaho. I think my version is going to condense a lot of water and very quickly.

        Idaho has imploded enough blades in his turbines now and is switching to discs now to compare:

        The four holes are for flanges. This isn't perfect but it works if you haven't got a keyed shaft.

        This new build is a single Tesla turbine disc with exhaust holes and two Tesla pumps with the discs with tear shaped holes swapped for solid discs which is Tesla's compressor.

        Male and female, Yin and Yang, Decompressor and Compressor

        The next step will be to feed some of the stage two back to stage 1. A true Tesla Turbo!

        Realised by myself since the start of this thread.

        Now it's time to show the easiest machine a man could ever build that harnesses the forces of nature!
        Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:28 AM.


        • Air Bearing Disclosure

          The atmospheric air bearing was patented by Westinghouse in 1904. Tesla took this to the next level and patented his turbine in Britain in 1910 and in US in 1911 and altogether 21 different countries. One of the secrets was the hidden air bearings which allowed a colossal frictionless RPM to be achieved. I rediscovered Tesla's air bearing design in December 2018. My research partner in Idaho youtuber "I Energy Supply" built a number of these prototypes recently. In this video is prototype 2. We will be releasing more information regarding air bearings and displaying further prototypes.

          The faster the air speed the more locked the rotor becomes. Last night a 10lb weight was put on the rotor and it still centralised.

          A tapered disc in a tapered casing isn't going anywhere and is very stable.

          Tesla patented a rotor without an axle in 1921 in British patent 186,082 which is shown on page 1 of this thread.

          The discs are keyed to a spindle.

          The design works without bearings using an axle and also without bearings or an axle
          Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:28 AM.


          • I'd like to seize the moment here and add that if you have a diverging nozzle with an air tap and a port.

            You can use the port to start the rotor to get up to idle speed and open the air tap slowly and you can then remove the compressed air and it will run on its own from the heat in air as the rotor creates a large heat sink and a vacuum in the casing.

            This is the real way of using the machine as a "Thermodynamic Prime Mover" intended by Nikola Tesla!

            Using RPM you have unlimited power!
            Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:29 AM.


            • Here is the latest air bearing progress for the turbine:

              My axle is finished and I nearly have all the parts to complete the prototype.

              Next week I should have both my 316 stainless steel rotor and also my blueprinted stainless steel 420hp rotor.

              Expect extreme results! Make sure you have downloaded all the CAD files before I go public with the results!


              This will help to protect the technology!
              Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:29 AM.


              • Hello soundiceuk,

                I don’t want to derail this thread but I think this one post is appropriate here.

                About your CAD files. Not owning a version of SolidWorks, I looked for something that would allow me to work with your actual models of the turbine parts and found a pretty good one.

                FreeCad, for Linux or Windows 7+. I use Linux Mint 19.1 with 8GB ram.
                Like the name says it’s free, just like Linux, and you don’t have to install either system version. It’s pre-compiled and ready to use.

                With the latest release version (0.18) you can import your .stl files and convert them to solids, then scale or modify them. Change the transparency and you can view the insides from any angle. Then you can export a new .stl file for printing if need be.

                FreeCad is a bit daunting to use at first but I have only had it for a couple of weeks and can already perform these tasks.

                You can get the latest FreeCad here



                • Cadman, I think it is great you have looked at the files and provided feedback.

                  The rotor files have a DXF which is pretty compatible with almost any CAD software.

                  The shaft, end plates and washers have PDF CAD drawings so anyone with a lathe can manufacture or change them.

                  The casing files are really awkward to provide CAD drawings for but the STL files seem to be very compatible.

                  What I have noticed when getting quotes for these parts is that most companies can work with STL files but quite a number want STEP files.

                  I am currently having a casing manufactured from acrylic using a CNC 5 axis milling machine.

                  This is to achieve the best transparency possible. So we can witness exactly what is happening inside the casing.

                  With the axle, most companies want to modify it slightly to suit their tooling, which is fine.

                  The discs and end plates are easiest to laser cut and then have the ID ground. The best companies to use for this are ones that make circular blades. Tesla's best design features bevelled discs. The bevel starts from the tip of the star washer. It isn't necessary but for high rpm it is preferable.

                  The discs don't have to have this feature, a small radius or chamfer is better than nothing, but even nothing will work.

                  Tesla explains that the star washers are preferable but round washers will also work.

                  Also Tesla's perfect design has the discs, washers and end plates keyed to a hub rather than the shaft.

                  We have worked out that this is for perfect symmetry and using no axle for the turbine. This would be for using a machine with more than one stage and no purpose for the turbine other than propelling stage 2.

                  From Tesla's British 1910 pump and turbine patent onwards, the drawings are accurate and the writings accurate. Tesla wanted folk to build these machines and left us the exact blueprint.

                  When I started looking at the list of 1 - 29 things Tesla drew and listed in his US Patents 1,061,142 Fluid Propulsion and 1,061,206 it soon became clear that youtubers had not followed the patents and then all started copying each other. Some with very mild success and some with complete failure.

                  I've copied every aspect of the patents in these designs.

                  If this youtuber below had used an air blower to start his turbine up to the point when it starts jumping 10,000 rpm a second, he could have removed the compressed air and the massive vacuum created would have allowed it to run on the vacuum it was creating inside the casing. Notice it sucks the compressor empty rapidly.

                  The 10K jump is caused by implosion. You can hear it and reading the text on the video he doesn't know what caused it.

                  This is the effect that we seek.... It can be increased by increasing the amount the nozzle diverges.

                  The De Laval nozzle is the key!

                  Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:29 AM.


                  • Hi folks, I've got a treat for you here!

                    Bit of real history and research.


                    Tesla's first British mechanical patent:

                    24,001 "Improved Method of Imparting Energy to or Deriving Energy from a Fluid and Apparatus for use therein" 1910

                    Page 5 - Line 47

                    "I am aware that it has already been proposed to effect atomising by dropping a liquid on to a plate rotating about a substantially vertical axis and I make no claim to this arrangement"

                    Last section of last page:

                    "Reference has been directed in pursuance of Section 7, Sub-Section 4, of the Patents and Designs Act, 1907, to Specification No. 696 of 1867"

                    I contacted the UK Patent office in March 2019 and obtained the patent 696 of 1867.

                    Nikola Tesla would have been 10 years old when the patent was issued.

                    Specification 696 - "Propelling Vessels" 1867

                    "Improvements in Propulsion, and in Rotary Apparatus for Giving Motion or Energy to Fluids and Receiving Motion of Energy from them"

                    Here is the patent:


                    Some very interesting paragraphs in this patent!


                    • Hi folks, I've finally got my stainless steel 316 rotor back from the engineering company.

                      They didn't machine the middle disc because they thought the disc with no exhaust holes was a mistake, as a result it won't spin in the casing.

                      The casing bore is 127mm and the discs were water jet cut to 127mm. 12 discs have been turned to 126mm and the end plates 126.8mm, so the middle disc is still 127mm.

                      I could just get the middle disc turned to 126mm but decided to get the lot ground to the same diameter. Tesla shows this in British Patent 186,799


                      I found a company local to me that can grind the axle between centres and make all the discs and end plates exact.

                      I have been told the rotor should have been ground by the weekend.

                      Hopefully I get to do some testing on Friday.
                      Last edited by soundiceuk; 04-03-2019, 10:17 PM.


                      • Hi folks, I got my rotor back this morning and I have done a few basic tests.

                        Here is a video of the first test.

                        I'm wondering how long it would spin for at 10,000 or 100,000rpm

                        Compressed air test will be next.
                        Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:29 AM.


                        • Hi folks, yesterday I used an air compressor with 0.8CFM with a 9 litre tank and obtained 3300rpm max.

                          Today I used an air compressor with 14cfm and a 50 litre tank and obtained 14,000rpm

                          The gyroscopic effects are quite bizarre at this speed. It felt like holding powerful magnets in my hands.

                          I was able to burn through blocks of wood with the axle with no air compressor attached and loosing several thousand rpm in the process but was still doing over 7000rpm.

                          Tomorrow I am going to use a 3 phase 415v twin pump 400 litre compressor. I'm not sure of the full specs yet I haven't seen it.

                          So to start up a heavy rotor to idle speed you will need a large air tank at least.

                          My research partner in Idaho suggested a Dremel and I checked the UK ones go up to 33,000rpm.

                          I'm not sure what my idle speed will be but I believe around 37,500rpm at a guesstimate.

                          When I say idle speed, I mean the speed at which the implosions first occur and you get massive vacuum pulses and rpm jumps.

                          The is the point the diverging nozzle comes into play when you get an artificial draft through the machine. An artificial sink hole for heat.

                          Tesla's "Self-acting engine"!

                          We have already got a really simple generator design and the results are coming through with voltages going up and up with RPM.

                          We are using two cylinder diametrically magnetized neodymium magnets on the axle and bifilar coils.

                          Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:29 AM.


                          • Here is this evenings installment.

                            After trashing my last set of bearings because I didn't preload them (too eager) and ran them up to 20,000rpm with an unbalanced rotor for an hour or so here is a brand new set of bearings that have been preloaded.

                            Tomorrow I will be trying my new blueprinted rotor to see how out of balance it is.

                            Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:30 AM.


                            • Here is a video which demonstrates the torque produced.

                              The torque gets stronger the higher the RPM.

                              This was the test where I wrecked my first set of ceramic bearings.

                              Preloading the bearings and balancing the rotor are essential to a functional machine.

                              Tesla's British Patent 186,799 tells you exactly how he achieved a perfect balance.

                              The rotor and axle design are also key. The parallelism of the discs, washers and end plates to the axle are very important.

                              I am redesigning my axle to reflect this after an ultra fine measuring session today.

                              My new rotor parts are looking awesome now I need a blueprinted shaft.

                              Here are some photos of my new blueprinted rotor parts:

                              12 x 126mm x 0.8mm Hardened & Bevelled Stainless Steel 420HTP

                              1 x centre disc 126mm x 0.8mm Hardened & Bevelled Stainless Steel 420HTP

                              2 x End Plate 126mm x 4mm Tapered & Hardened Stainless Steel 420 HTP

                              Here is a photo of my current stainless steel 316 rotor:

                              I strongly advise against using stainless steel 316 as it can't be bevelled accurately as its not magnetic.

                              To grind an accurate bevel on both sides of a disc so it becomes a blade you need a magnetic chuck.

                              This is why stainless steel 420HTP is perfect.

                              Any circular blade manufacturer can provide you with perfect rotor discs.

                              The reason Tesla used bevelled discs in his Mk2 rotor featured in British Patent 186,082 is for a few reasons.

                              1. Cuts the air better
                              2. Quieter
                              3. Allows more air at the periphery
                              4. Creates a converging nozzle on the turbine discs which makes the air stay circulating at the periphery for longer.

                              When I get to test my new rotor, which may be tomorrow. I'm sure it will become visually clear how much difference they make.

                              I have also been busy designing stage 2.

                              Here are my Tesla vacuum pump designs based on British Patent 179,043

                              Rocket feet design attached to wrong end of vacuum pump

                              Cross sectional view of vacuum pump

                              Vacuum Pump at bottom, turbine on top

                              Vacuum pump on left and turbine on right

                              I've also done a perfectly symmetrical rotor design which is to be used with air bearings on an axle or without an axle. Symmetry is key.

                              I'll try and dig the US Patent 1,061,142 Tesla pump design off my other phone to show you.
                              Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-27-2020, 11:32 AM.


                              • Here is my blueprinted axle design which is 100% symmetrical:

                                You could use any decent steel or aluminium.

                                You could also use aluminium for the rotor.

                                We have discovered that the weight is insignificant as the speed can be increased to get the same power.

                                If your design is 100% symmetrical you will benefit greatly as the rotor acts like a gyroscope and finds its centre and stays there.


                                1. Manufacture axle

                                2. Check rotor discs for parallelism using dial test indicator or similar.

                                3. Fit end plate, 6 discs with exhaust holes, 1 centre disc with no exhaust holes, 6 discs with exhaust holes, end plate.

                                4. Press axle pressed end onto shaft.

                                5. Remove 0.25mm from pressed end for 100% symmetry and centre of balance in centre disc.

                                6. Balance dynamically using Tesla's British 186,799 patent or use a balancing specialist for fastest RPM possible depending on location.

                                Once you reach the RPM where you have oscillations the mix is ready for a spark!

