A petrol engine that is in good mechanical condition pulls about 20-22 inches of mercury.
When the Tesla pump reaches supersonic periphery speeds the vacuum will be around 28.5" of mercury.
This allows water vapour to atomise at room temperature.
The pump and the turbine are widely misunderstood.
The pump is a four stroke cycle rotary compression engine.
The air enters at the centre of the rotor and the faster the rotor spins the spiral path gets tighter and tighter. Once the sonic boom occurs it triggers continuous explosions.
The water vapour in the air atomises and becomes 85 times as viscous as air, levering the rotor at the periphery (power stoke) before it exhausts.
No valves, gaskets, oil, camshafts, crankshaft, timing gear etc.... planned obsolescence does not exist here.
British Patent 24,001 (This is not in US or Canadian Patents)
"I am aware that it has already been proposed to effect atomising by dropping a liquid on to a plate rotating about a substantially vertical axis and I make no claim to the arrangement."
British Patent 24,001
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
US Patent 1,061,206 (Bare in mind the turbine and pump are one patent - look at the part numbers and also look at Fig 1. & 2. the font is different. Really they are Fig 3. & Fig 4.)
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
Canadian Patent 135,174
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
No self looping required to run from ambient heat using cold steam cold sink.
However, Tesla's pump can also use a solid disc and then it is a compressor.
If the compressed air is recycled into the compressor it will only get more compressed.
There is no reason why the turbine cannot use this compressed air also if it is under high partial vacuum.
Canadian Patent 135,174 & US Patent 1,061,142
"When, irrespective of the character of the fluid, considerable pressures are desired, staging or compounding may be resorted to in the usual way the individual runners being, preferably, mounted on the same shaft. It should be added that the same end may be attained with one single runner by suitable deflection of the fluid through rotative or stationary passages."
Other relevant references:
British Patent 179,043
"In the development of power by thermo-dynamic primemovers, as steam engines and turbines, a low back pressure is essential to good economy, the performance of the machine being increased from fifty to one hundred per cent. by reducing the absolute pressure in the exhaust space from fifteen to about one pound per square inch. Turbines are particularly susceptible to such improvement and in their use for operation of power plants and manufacturing establishments the attainment and steady maintenance of high vacua has assumed great importance, every effort being made to better the conditions in this respect. The gain effected by this means is, in a large measure, dependent on the initial pressure, characteristics of the primemover, temperature of the cooling medium, cost of the condensing apparatus and many other things which are all well-known to experts."
When the Tesla pump reaches supersonic periphery speeds the vacuum will be around 28.5" of mercury.
This allows water vapour to atomise at room temperature.
The pump and the turbine are widely misunderstood.
The pump is a four stroke cycle rotary compression engine.
The air enters at the centre of the rotor and the faster the rotor spins the spiral path gets tighter and tighter. Once the sonic boom occurs it triggers continuous explosions.
The water vapour in the air atomises and becomes 85 times as viscous as air, levering the rotor at the periphery (power stoke) before it exhausts.
No valves, gaskets, oil, camshafts, crankshaft, timing gear etc.... planned obsolescence does not exist here.
British Patent 24,001 (This is not in US or Canadian Patents)
"I am aware that it has already been proposed to effect atomising by dropping a liquid on to a plate rotating about a substantially vertical axis and I make no claim to the arrangement."
British Patent 24,001
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
US Patent 1,061,206 (Bare in mind the turbine and pump are one patent - look at the part numbers and also look at Fig 1. & 2. the font is different. Really they are Fig 3. & Fig 4.)
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
Canadian Patent 135,174
"In the preceding it has been assumed that the pressure of supply is constant or continuous, but it will be understood that the operation will be, essentially, the same if the pressure be fluctuating or intermittent, as that due to explosions occurring in more or less rapid succession."
No self looping required to run from ambient heat using cold steam cold sink.
However, Tesla's pump can also use a solid disc and then it is a compressor.
If the compressed air is recycled into the compressor it will only get more compressed.
There is no reason why the turbine cannot use this compressed air also if it is under high partial vacuum.
Canadian Patent 135,174 & US Patent 1,061,142
"When, irrespective of the character of the fluid, considerable pressures are desired, staging or compounding may be resorted to in the usual way the individual runners being, preferably, mounted on the same shaft. It should be added that the same end may be attained with one single runner by suitable deflection of the fluid through rotative or stationary passages."
Other relevant references:
British Patent 179,043
"In the development of power by thermo-dynamic primemovers, as steam engines and turbines, a low back pressure is essential to good economy, the performance of the machine being increased from fifty to one hundred per cent. by reducing the absolute pressure in the exhaust space from fifteen to about one pound per square inch. Turbines are particularly susceptible to such improvement and in their use for operation of power plants and manufacturing establishments the attainment and steady maintenance of high vacua has assumed great importance, every effort being made to better the conditions in this respect. The gain effected by this means is, in a large measure, dependent on the initial pressure, characteristics of the primemover, temperature of the cooling medium, cost of the condensing apparatus and many other things which are all well-known to experts."