It all make perfect sense. I hope will have time to check what you discovered carefully, yet I think what I'm trying to do is very similar in the DC impulse range. I try to isolate voltage and current The same beast I think with proper switching technic. Currently some personal duties are slowing me down however.Keep up good work.
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LTSpice Simulation of Electronic Boost via the Isolation of Voltage & Current Sources
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostI bet you would like to see C.E.Ammann and his device
Look here
Malicious web page.
Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
Ok.I cut the article from the whole newspaper page.
P.S. I wish if somebody could find a whole picture somehow... we could see more details
Context of Article:
DENVER, tag i" Hu an Invention been mode that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light building*. run automobile*, bat-' tleshlp 1 *. power plant# by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say “yes'*, and the young Inventor. C E. Am-, mann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching It to an automobile and running In It about the city. An atmosphere generator Ib the name of Ammann's apparatus. It is a compact, cyilnderical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside. Ammann says, is an arrangement < t steel wires and minerals. so fixed as to draw electricity from the* air. condense it and utilize it for driving power. The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle'. There are said to he no batteries in the car. It propelled it , self with remarkable speed at a touch I of the foot, climbed hills and glided > thru a maze of traffic under easy control. When asked by skeptical persons j If he had a storage battery concealed j Inside of the power cylinder. Am- , mann said: "As badly ns I would like to show j the Inside of my Invention I can't, for i I have not yet obtained patent rights. Tt would he exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cyl- ! inder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights, t When I return I will gladly show | everything and I can only say. wait j until then and time w ill tell. "1 have bucked every law of the | textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different except that the* electricity is derived from the air it will run anywhere except under water. "The automobile is only a Imp! test. The generator will light buildings. furnish an inexhaustible supply of power for airplanes, do away with steam turbines, and. in fact, propel any kind of an engine." J. N*. Davis, proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage Co. at 921 East Fourteenth avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thoro study of the generator. “I believe that Mr. Ammann has •t last made tl»e invention which will revolutionize power." Mr. Davis said. “Of course, we don't know what is Inside of the generator, and the inventor would he foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which, if properly arranged toegther. would furnish power. That. In substance, according to the blueprints of the Invention, is the basis of the whole thing. •‘lf the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of Its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing thru
t *■ generator, would be available for any use.** So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of the building for Mr. Ammann's headquarters. Am inann. who is but 28 years old. < rue to Denver from Spokane Wash. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut hotel.
Another Version:
Denver Man Invents Generator That Takes Electricity From Air & Propels Automobile
Believes He has Apparatus that will Revolutionize Power & Lighting & Gives it a Test on Streets of City
Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say "yes", and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.
An atmospheric generator is the name of Ammann’s apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw the electricity from the air, condense it and utilize it for driving power.
The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle. There are said to be no batteries in the car. It propelled itself with remarkable speed at the touch of the foot, climbed hills and glided through a maze of traffic under easy control.
Careful To Conceal His Invention ~
When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder, Ammann said:
"As badly as I would like to show the inside of my invention, I can’t, for I have not yet obtained the patent rights. It would be exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights. When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say, wait until then and time will tell.
"I have bucked every law of the textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different, except that the electricity is derived from the air. It will run anywhere except under water.
The automobile is only a simple test. The generator will light buildings, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of engine motor".
J. N. Davis, the proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage company, at 921 East 14th Avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator.
Electrical Man Has Faith In It ~
"I believe that Mr. Ammann has at least made the invention which will revolutionize power", Mr. Davis said. "Of course, we don’t know what is inside of the generator and the inventor would be foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which if properly arranged together, would furnish power. That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing.
"If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing through the generator, would be available for any use". So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of his building for Mr. Ammann’s headquarters. Ammann, who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane, Washington. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut Hotel.
Last edited by Turion; 10-16-2022, 05:54 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
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