Originally posted by BroMikey
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Let's start with efficiency. Efficiency is the actual output of desired power divided by the power input.
Electric heater is a device which converts electric power input to heat, or thermal power output.
Electric motor is a device which converts electric power input to mechanical power output.
Efficiency of the electric motor is mechanical output power in watts divided by electric input power in watts and is always less than 1. The difference between input power watts and output power watts is undesired heat measured in watts. It is often referred to as loss because it is not a desired motor output.
Efficiency of the electric heater is heat output in watts divided by electric power input in watts. Since heat is the desired output and all the electric power input is converted to heat, watts output is equal to watts input and efficiency is 1. There is no loss in this case.
Thane just needs to learn the difference between an electric motor and an electric heater.
There is a special case called a locked rotor motor test where the mechanical power output of the motor is zero watts and all the electric power input is converted to heat. In this case, the efficiency of the electric motor is 0. 0 mechanical power output divided by the electric power input is 0 for efficiency. All the electric power input is lost as heat because heat is not the desired output of the electric motor.
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