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The bistander thread

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I say it does what I claim. You say I am a liar, fraud and con man. I say put your money where your great big mouth is or keep it shut. It’s THAT simple. Don’t keep trying to weasel out of it. Put up or shut up. COWARD
    Weasel out of what? Your the one who made the extraordinary claim. Anyone, myself anonymously included, has the right to demand proof from you. Your refusal to provide proof makes you no better than a liar, fraud and con man. That is the way all reasonable people would view this situation. Only you and your fan club say otherwise.


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  • Turion
    I say it does what I claim. You say I am a liar, fraud and con man. I say put your money where your great big mouth is or keep it shut. It’s THAT simple. Don’t keep trying to weasel out of it. Put up or shut up. COWARD

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    You’re plenty vocal, calling me a liar, a con man and a fraud, insisting that nothing I have shared is for real, demanding proof. But when called out, you won’t put your money where your mouth is. Because you know you’ve been full of poo all along. If you’re so “positive” I’m wrong, why not make that bet? COWARD How could you possibly lose if Newton and Lenz and the rest support YOU and not me? You’re just pathetic and now EVERYONE knows it.

    Its because NOTHING I’ve shared violates the laws and you know it. Even though you’ve twisted yourself into a pretzel attempting to obfuscate and redirect. You’ve failed. Unless you make the bet everyone knows who the fraud is here. And it ain’t me. COWARD

    You judge MY character because I call you a coward for failing to show yourself or put your money where your mouth is? Things any real MAN would do? But it’s ok for YOU to hide in the dark and call me a liar and fraud and con man? Yeah, you’ve got HEAPS of character. NOT!

    Oh, and as I have probably said a hundred times. There have been lots of validations of the input and output of this machine. They just haven’t been shown to YOU. I’m perfectly willing to make a public statement of inputs and outputs of this new machine and back those numbers up, not with my MOUTH, but with $$$. I’m asking that the COWARD who hides in the dark and says whatever he feels like about MY WORK back up HIS words with $$$ also. But you won’t. And we ALL know why.
    You say "Its because NOTHING I’ve shared violates the laws and you know it."

    That might be a big lie right there. You have shared, in the sense of making statements and claims, many things which do or would violate the laws of physics. I do agree that you have not shared, in the sense of showing demonstration or "proof", anything which violates the laws of physics.

    You are the one who obfuscates and redirects our exchanges. All I ever wanted, what I routinely and often attempt to return to, is for you to back up and show proof of your extraordinary claim. You're the one who insists on interjecting your schemes like speed-up-under-load and magnetic neutralization, or subjects of my identity or gambling, or name-calling, insults and ridicule, none of which has anything to do with getting 2000 watts of real power out of your device while using 300 watts input.
    Last edited by bistander; 04-02-2021, 10:37 PM. Reason: Typo

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    You talking to me or yourself?
    not a single recorded validation of real output power exceeding input power shown.

    What do you hide, and why?

    Name-calling really builds your character, doesn't it? Feel better?
    You have seen the evidence both from myself, Thane and Mr Dave. The fact that you refute the generous offering to you is of no consequence. It seems like you are on a mission to hurt your fellow mates. Are you in pain? Lashing out continually is bad for you and bad for everybody.

    The thought that free energy devices do not exist in the practical sense is inaccurate. Mankinds has always reached out for a higher level of understanding of the universe. You guys need to back off an let grumpy ole do his job and then make your comments. Meantime lighten up you guys are hurting my ears.

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  • Turion
    You’re plenty vocal, calling me a liar, a con man and a fraud, insisting that nothing I have shared is for real, demanding proof. But when called out, you won’t put your money where your mouth is. Because you know you’ve been full of poo all along. If you’re so “positive” I’m wrong, why not make that bet? COWARD How could you possibly lose if Newton and Lenz and the rest support YOU and not me? You’re just pathetic and now EVERYONE knows it.

    Its because NOTHING I’ve shared violates the laws and you know it. Even though you’ve twisted yourself into a pretzel attempting to obfuscate and redirect. You’ve failed. Unless you make the bet everyone knows who the fraud is here. And it ain’t me. COWARD

    You judge MY character because I call you a coward for failing to show yourself or put your money where your mouth is? Things any real MAN would do? But it’s ok for YOU to hide in the dark and call me a liar and fraud and con man? Yeah, you’ve got HEAPS of character. NOT!

    Oh, and as I have probably said a hundred times. There have been lots of validations of the input and output of this machine. They just haven’t been shown to YOU. I’m perfectly willing to make a public statement of inputs and outputs of this new machine and back those numbers up, not with my MOUTH, but with $$$. I’m asking that the COWARD who hides in the dark and says whatever he feels like about MY WORK back up HIS words with $$$ also. But you won’t. And we ALL know why.
    Last edited by Turion; 04-02-2021, 08:37 PM.

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  • bistander
    How about Tesla coil fun?


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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Put up or shut up. COWARD
    You talking to me or yourself?

    You keep talking but refuse to "put up" your proof. All this time, years, all these prototype versions (16, 17?), yet not a single recorded validation of real output power exceeding input power shown. What do you hide, and why? I have reasons that I choose to be anonymous which are off topic and irrelevant to your claimed free energy device. The data that you hide is exactly relevant to your claim.

    Name-calling really builds your character, doesn't it? Feel better?

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  • Turion
    Put up or shut up. COWARD

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    You attempt to use their names like some magical club to beat people into submission. Lenz can be outrun. That’s a fact. Invoking the names of the gods you worship means no more to me than it did to the Wright Brothers. You are simple of mind if you believe you can stop the work from going forward. Too late. Nice try though. How many people will see this at the conference? What will you do then? LOL
    Wright brothers? They demonstrated their experiment publicly with results plainly visible. I don't recall ever hearing that they made extraordinary unsubstantiated claims for years before Kitty Hawk. I'm not attempting to stop forward work. Only to challenge you on falsehoods which you so often publish here. Thankfully this forum allows me (and you) to exercise free speech. So you can write something untrue. I can counter it with truth. And support my claims of truth with sources and references. What's wrong with that? I encourage you to complete your projects and sincerely wish you success.

    As to your question, How many will see Lenz outrun; I'll say nobody. By the way, how fast was Lenz running?

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  • Turion
    You attempt to use their names like some magical club to beat people into submission. Lenz can be outrun. That’s a fact. Invoking the names of the gods you worship means no more to me than it did to the Wright Brothers. You are simple of mind if you believe you can stop the work from going forward. Too late. Nice try though. How many people will see this at the conference? What will you do then? LOL

    This is a new machine with a new rotor with a different number of magnets and I am testing core materials. But once I have new numbers worked out, how about we make a little wager? I’m MORE than willing to put MY money where my mouth is. After all, I already HAVE, building sixteen different versions of this machine. We could mail a cashiers check to Aaron and he could hold the bet. We could agree on terms and let the conference attendees be the judges. You up for that COWARD? If you win, the money could be sent to a PayPal account and you can keep your identity secret. I think it’s about time YOU put your money where your mouth is. COWARD
    Last edited by Turion; 04-02-2021, 06:19 PM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    You’re the one that’s going to need excuses, which is why you hide your real identity. You don’t have the guts to put your real name on all the crap you shovel do you? LOL. You’ll just change your name and go on to detract on someone else’s project. Luckily, once the conference us over, I am done with the forum. My project will be something I’m not going to share, so you will be rid of me. But not before I expose you for what you are.
    "real name on all the crap you shovel"

    The truth which I present has names attached, like Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Lenz, Lorentz, etc.

    My identity is irrelevant.

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  • Turion
    You’re the one that’s going to need excuses, which is why you hide your real identity. You don’t have the guts to put your real name on all the crap you shovel do you? LOL. You’ll just change your name and go on to detract on someone else’s project. Luckily, once the conference us over, I am done with the forum. My project will be something I’m not going to share, so you will be rid of me. But not before I expose you for what you are.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    You’re correct. He never did. The application of his idea to generator coils rather than motor coils was MY idea. Because winding the coil correctly to achieve the effect is dependent on so many variables it was simpler just to add the capacitor. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work now does it. You’re grasping at straws again. Too many people are realizing this is for real and you have failed at your disinformation job. Gonna miss that paycheck? Not many jobs out there for COWARDS are there?
    You're so nice. I was simply offering some interesting background information for anyone interested. I don't care how 'you' wind your coils. And didn't mention you or your claim in my post.

    Grasping at straws, disinformation, paychecks? Really? Dreaming up conspiracy theories for possible excuses?

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by bistander View Post
    Hi all,

    Came across interesting article on Tesla coil geometry. It treats bifilar as little more than a footnote.


    And I have never come across any evidence of Tesla himself using or even referring to bifilar coils in generators or motors.

    You’re correct. He never did. The application of his idea to generator coils rather than motor coils was MY idea. Because winding the coil correctly to achieve the effect is dependent on so many variables it was simpler just to add the capacitor. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work now does it. You’re grasping at straws again. Too many people are realizing this is for real and you have failed at your disinformation job. Gonna miss that paycheck? Not many jobs out there for COWARDS are there?

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  • bistander
    Hi all,

    Came across interesting article on Tesla coil geometry. It treats bifilar as little more than a footnote.

    As early as 1893, Tesla already patented a very unique flat spiral coil design, now commonly known as the “bifilar pancake coil”. This coil was wound using two parallel wires, and then connecting the end of one to the beginning of the other wire. This setup resulted in a larger difference in potential between the turns, and therefore a much larger self-capacitance in the coil, with the goal to do away with expensive capacitors altogether, and let the coil itself contain all the capacitance it needs to oscillate at a certain frequency:
    “My present invention has for its object to avoid the employment of condensers which are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to maintain in perfect condition, and to so construct the coils themselves as to accomplish the same ultimate object.” 10

    However, Tesla kept using capacitors, mainly Leyden jars, in many of his later experiments. So even though the idea behind the bifilar coil is brilliant, it seems like Tesla did not find it useful enough in practise.

    And I have never come across any evidence of Tesla himself using or even referring to bifilar coils in generators or motors.


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