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The bistander thread

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  • Turion
    You have your opinion based on, well, your opinion. And I have my facts based on what I have built, watched run, measured and tested.

    You have not seen this machine run. You have not measured it. You have not tested it. You are the skeptic standing in front of the Wright Brothers’ plane insisting it will never fly. Good luck with that.


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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I think probably everybody here has built some kind of coil that produces output when a rotor with magnets is turned near it.

    imagine your only input cost is what it takes to turn that motor.

    Imagine your output is whatever you were able to get out of that coil times as many coils as you are able to find places around the rotor for. That is your output.

    There is no drag on the motor from adding additional iron mass that the motor must force the magnet past.
    Magnetic neutralization cancels that.

    There is no drag on the motor from Lenz. Tesla style coils eliminate that issue.

    if you have a coil and you have such a rotor you can do the math to see what is possible. Or you can wait until after the conference and I will show you.

    I’m almost done with my board. Ordered a 60 amp DC meter for my motor because I wanted to be able to show the drag as I added coils and I usually maxed out or came close to it with a 30 amp meter. Gotta be accurate or bi will whine. Is he still hiding in the dark? Such a coward!
    I've refuted all your BS numerous times. You simply don't listen. I'm just waiting for your proof quietly else I'll be blamed for the inevitable delays.

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  • bistander
    Another Turion post I want to save. No comment at this time.
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    bistander has called me a “con man” and now I’m supposed to start accepting money from people? I won’t give him that satisfaction.

    I’m not trying to do this all on my own for the glory. There are four of these machines in operation now. And there will be more. This is not the only forum I share stuff on and others are building and contributing.

    This is getting posted elsewhere, so I will share it here also:

    As for gettin the effect where the coil neither speeds up nor slows down the prime mover when it is put under load, there is a whole list of variables you can change to affect that.

    1. Core material, because every core material accepts and releases magnetic flux at a different rate. How fast the core material absorbs the flux is critical because it must absorb a specific amount before the wires wrapped around it begin to generate electricity. Every material accepts at a certain rate and NO faster. Outrun that rate and you outrun Lenz.

    2. Mass of core material extended out the back of the coil, because flux equalizes in the material and you have to reach a certain threshold of concentration until the lenz reaction occurs.

    3. Longer wire, because the electricity generated equalizes in the wire and you have to have a certain threshold of concentration to flip the polarity of the core so that it repels the approaching magnet (Lenz). Explanation: As a N magnet approaches the core it is turning that end if the core into an S pole to which it is attracted. Push any magnet toward a piece of iron and it is attracted to it and will eventually magnetize it slightly if left there long enough. If it was turning it into an N pole it would NOT be attracted to it. So the approaching rotor magnet is creating an S pole on the end of the core, but as electricity builds up in the wires because of flux accumulation in the core, those wires suddenly reach a point where they turn that end of the magnet into a N magnet that would repel the approaching N magnet, which is the Lenz reaction. The fact that these different things must take place before Lenz occurs is what allows you to engineer around Lenz.

    4. Wires in parallel connected in series create capacitance in the wires which accomplishes the same thing as longer wires. Gives you the same result as longer wires with LESS wire

    5. Speed of the rotor. If a magnet gets from point A where it begins to produce flux in the core material to point B where it is aligned with the core quick enough, all the steps that must occur do not have time to take place. You “outrun” Lenz.

    6. Add a capacitor in parallel with the coil. Same as adding length to the wire or winding wires in parallel and connecting them in series. Finding the RIGHT capacitor for the core material you are using, the length of wire you have and the RPM of your rotor can be tricky and very time consuming but once you HAVE it, it is the simplest solution there is because it works with ANY coil no matter the number of wires or their length. It is the ultimate solution to Lenz.

    I think this is information EVERYONE should have and understand. It allows us to build motors with NO back EMF and generators with NO Lenz

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  • Turion
    Since it has already worked on multiple occasions over the years, I see no reason why it would suddenly cease to function. So I'm not really worried.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    I've helped a few who listen and take what I offer seriously. They've thanked me, both publicly and by PM. I've done several experiments/replications from this board. This place is not a great source for projects and I don't build things which I know don't work. Primarily I try to help others by calling out BS, identifying falsehoods, correcting mistakes and offering pathways to knowledge. After you fail to deliver 2000 watts of real power while using less than 300 watts of input in time for the conference, again, go back and read my posts and learn why it doesn't work.

    But don't let me discourage you. Keep at it and I'll help if you let me. Just ask. Good luck. I hope you prove me wrong. The world could really use a 1700 watt tabletop free energy generator. All it'd take is a simple proof from you and I'd be all in. bi
    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-28-2021, 11:27 PM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    So does the opinion of a COWARD who hides in the dark to try and discredit the work of others.

    Tell me, in all the years you have been here have you BUILT a single thing that contributed positively in ANY way to the research?
    I've helped a few who listen and take what I offer seriously. They've thanked me, both publicly and by PM. I've done several experiments/replications from this board. This place is not a great source for projects and I don't build things which I know don't work. Primarily I try to help others by calling out BS, identifying falsehoods, correcting mistakes and offering pathways to knowledge. After you fail to deliver 2000 watts of real power while using less than 300 watts of input in time for the conference, again, go back and read my posts and learn why it doesn't work.

    But don't let me discourage you. Keep at it and I'll help if you let me. Just ask. Good luck. I hope you prove me wrong. The world could really use a 1700 watt tabletop free energy generator. All it'd take is a simple proof from you and I'd be all in. bi

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  • Turion
    So does the opinion of a COWARD who hides in the dark to try and discredit the work of others.

    Tell me, in all the years you have been here have you BUILT a single thing that contributed positively in ANY way to the research?

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    LOL. I keep telling you I have measured input and output all at the same time, but you keep ignoring that little fact. You live in your own dark little world.
    You had that LiFe battery right in front of you and knew how to count to 6, right? Your creditability sucks.

    I live in the real world, where real facts and truth shine, and BS stinks. Your "little fact" smells like BS.

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  • Turion
    LOL. I keep telling you I have measured input and output all at the same time, but you keep ignoring that little fact. You live in your own dark little world.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Just like you hiding in the dark and attempting to discredit others without facing them like a man reveals volumes about YOUR character. Can't have it both ways, COWARD.

    I lie is an intentional falsehood. A mistake is unintentional. But since you are the Wikipedia expert, I'm sure you already know that. Once again you attempt to use semantics to CYA. But we see you for what you are.

    Those who replicate what I have shown, like Alex, will see what I wanted them to see. You never will and that's fine with me. In the grand scheme of things you are a pimple on the rear end. The truth will come out, and you will explode. That's what pimples eventually do.

    By the way, I am not afraid to post my results. I have shown what it takes to run the motor with all 12 coils in place. I have shown the output from an individual coil. I just haven't shown it all at the same time. MOST people can multiply, so they can figure out pretty close to what he actual output of the machine would be. After the conference all the videos I have taken will be made public. What will you do then? Oh I know, change your forum name and attack someone else. COWARD
    "I just haven't shown it all at the same time." You say. You never have actually had more output than input. You're going on an assumption, which is invalid.

    And thanks for the kind words.

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  • Turion
    Just like you hiding in the dark and attempting to discredit others without facing them like a man reveals volumes about YOUR character. Can't have it both ways, COWARD.

    I lie is an intentional falsehood. A mistake is unintentional. But since you are the Wikipedia expert, I'm sure you already know that. Once again you attempt to use semantics to CYA. But we see you for what you are.

    Those who replicate what I have shown, like Alex, will see what I wanted them to see. You never will and that's fine with me. In the grand scheme of things you are a pimple on the rear end. The truth will come out, and you will explode. That's what pimples eventually do.

    By the way, I am not afraid to post my results. I have shown what it takes to run the motor with all 12 coils in place. I have shown the output from an individual coil. I just haven't shown it all at the same time. MOST people can multiply, so they can figure out pretty close to what he actual output of the machine would be. After the conference all the videos I have taken will be made public. What will you do then? Oh I know, change your forum name and attack someone else. COWARD

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    That was a mistake, to which I admitted almost immediately. As soon as I got the battery all the way apart and could see how the cells were connected.
    I was wrong and admitted it. How about you do the same- once. You keep bringing that up as if one mistake in how the cells were connected proves you are right. Is that all you got. Weak, Diaper Dandy.

    BS. Isn’t that YOUR name? BiStander? Come out,come out. COWARD. Remember that Loooong post I made explaining why this works and how this works. You know, the one where I asked you to point to a single statement that was a lie and you couldn’t? You don’t think THAT has any relevance here? You pick words to argue about because the FACTS prove you wrong and the TrUTH hurts too much to deal with. COWARD!

    So you call your false statement about the number of cells in that battery a mistake. Why isn't that false statement a lie? But either way, I say your statement of claim of device o.u. is false. Maybe it is a mistake. Maybe it is deception or lie. So what? It is untrue. You do not have or never have had a device put out 2000 watts using 300 watts as you claim and as you say you have proven to others and seen on your bench. Just like the 6 cells. It isn't so. You're afraid to post your proof because I'll see the flaw in it just as I saw the flaw in your 6 cell battery statement. I didn't need to build a 12V LiFe battery to know how many series connected cells are required because I have the knowledge and experience in the field. And the same with the generator. I know the science. You're mistaken and promoting a falsehood.

    Your complaining about anonymity and childish name-calling and ridicule are indications about yourself and have nothing to do with fact and truth and the device.

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  • Turion
    That was a mistake, to which I admitted almost immediately. As soon as I got the battery all the way apart and could see how the cells were connected.
    I was wrong and admitted it. How about you do the same- once. You keep bringing that up as if one mistake in how the cells were connected proves you are right. Is that all you got. Weak, Diaper Dandy.

    BS. Isn’t that YOUR name? BiStander? Come out,come out. COWARD. Remember that Loooong post I made explaining why this works and how this works. You know, the one where I asked you to point to a single statement that was a lie and you couldn’t? You don’t think THAT has any relevance here? You pick words to argue about because the FACTS prove you wrong and the TrUTH hurts too much to deal with. COWARD!
    Last edited by Turion; 02-27-2021, 09:07 PM.

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  • bistander
    Hey Turion,

    Remember this?


    05-25-2019, 01:03 PM


    LifePo4 batteries, because they accept the charge so much better than a standard battery seem to charge just fine with a stock motor running between them. So they seem to take the charge at ANY frequency and charge even without the higher voltage. SO FAR By higher voltage I mean two sides with different voltages will equalize without the losses to impedance you see in lead acid batteries, so it LOOKS like you don’t always have to have 2.5 volts over the battery standing voltage to get it to charge correctly.

    I only have one LifePo4 12 volt battery. But it is composed of 6 two volt cells. This lets me run a three battery system using four cells on one side for 8 volts and two cells on the other side for 4 volts, which gives me a 4 volt potential difference I can run a VERY small dc motor on. Because of their cost, I wanted to invest a little time playing with them before spending the money on several batteries. So far I really like what I see.
    "But it is composed of 6 two volt cells. "

    Is that a lie from you? It is obviously false. You admitted so a few posts later. So if one considers the telling, writing or transmitting of a falsehood a lie, then you are a liar, are you not?

    My identity has no relevance to the validity of your claim. Extraordinary claims demand proof.

    Stop all this BS and prove your claimed o.u./free energy device works.


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  • Turion
    But as demonstrated in the video, if you are at X amount to turn the rotor and adding the special coil costs you X plus five, then speeding up under load getting you back down to X is if no benefit.

    If you are at X with the coil ALREADY added and speeding up under load gets you to X-5, THEN you have something.

    Still, neutral gives the most output as a generator coil.

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