Now, for those of you that have been paying attention you will have realised that the Kibble balance is no less than a motor generator.
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The bistander thread
Originally posted by Quantum_well View PostNow, for those of you that have been paying attention you will have realised that the Kibble balance is no less than a motor generator.Originally posted by Quantum_well View PostThere's so much crap out there about Tesla patents. I bet if Einstein had been the relevant patent officer he wouldn't have let half of them through.
Mike, its a few years ago but I remember your indignation when you realised Thane was running his device from wall power. Perhaps your memory might be different from mine but I'm pretty confident.
Until you boys read the patent given for this work and point out the errors, you can not shoot down his work. Go read COILS FOR ELECTROMAGNETS in this patent we find why Tesla's lab was burnt to the ground as Tesla was trying to bring energy forward for free.
One of Hitler's body guards put a pillow over Tesla's face in his bed in his old age because Nick was spilling all of the beans. People today have the same spirit and do everything in their power to muffle Tesla's finding. And why? Answer: Pride, people can not and will not admit that they were so easily duped, putting all of their credentials in the obsolete file box.
Same ole, oh hey did you see those flywheel generators? How about so many others? Looking forward to all of the wonderful theories. Mean time it is already for use in a practical application. Sent me your best idea.
According to Heins, this contraption needs no electrical input power. To me that statement is dubious.
Originally posted by bistander View PostHas anyone heard anything from Turion lately?
Atleast John B gave us an example. The conference will be the tell all once again. Mean while hanging out with the back ground trolls is more comfy.Sad but true. He has to prove me wrong or go down in history as the many who flopped out in the race short of the finish line. Turtle and the hare story with Dave being the unbeatable hair of course.
He is napping and the race is still on.He is a great guy who will finish last if he doesn't get his show on the road. There must be something to back the chatter.
You were right BYE and I have always backed you up on that.
Any fool can point out everyone's flaws.
CHOWLast edited by BroMikey; 02-21-2021, 10:27 PM.
Hey bro,
You think anything YOU have to say would actually wound me? LOL. I’ve been insulted by experts and I am still around. YOU have no credibility whatsoever.
How’s that “one coil wonder” of yours doing. Ten years and you’ve only managed to wind one coil yet you “know”’how a large machine functions? And you think you know more about them than me? Really? Anyone who listens to you rather than doing the bench work for THEMSELVES deserves exactly what they get.
As for me not having the bench work to back up what I say, it’s a good thing you have your own little world to live in because there’s no place for you in this one. YOU’RE the one who spends all his time posting Thane’s work because all he has of his own is a piece of junk one coil prototype that looks like it’s about to fall apart.
I’ve posted lots of videos of my MANY machines over the years and those videos are on my YouTube channel right now. That’s what we define as “bench work” in case you didn’t know. Building different versions of a machine to test the concepts is bench work. Way more investigative than shooting videos of the same one coil wonder over and over. So saying I have no bench work really demonstrates your mental deficiencies. Everything I know is from results I have seen on the bench. Every concept has been replicated and tested time and time again. So I’m confident that what I share actually works simply because I have SEEN it work and so have others.
Yes, I plan on attending Aaron’s conference and presenting as long as I am able to get my vaccinations by then, and I don’t see that as a problem since I fit into the next age bracket they are going to vaccinate in CA. And, as I said before, I will share no videos of total output of the machine vs input until after the conference. As I promised Aaron.
This weekend I will probably post at least a couple more videos of the generator assembly process as I figured out how to deal with most of the problems I was having and found an essential piece I somehow misplaced. The motor mount I had made to spec didn’t quite fit and it was their error not mine. But I’m not about to wait another month for another one, so I had to make some modifications to what I have, which I will talk about in the video. I will also talk about a couple simple design changes I should have thought of that would have eliminated the problem in the first place.
I saw Aaron’s video on the coil cores made out of #7 shot, and since I have a couple bags of that for reloading shotgun shells, I will give it a try. I also found a place that sells permalloy pellets much like the shot, and have requested a quote. So experimenting (you know, bench work) will continue as I have time.
I still have a house to finish remodeling, but am closing in on completion of that.
Here’s something for you to consider:
Motivated reasoning is thinking through a topic with the aim of reaching a particular conclusion. You know what you want to be true, so you let the outcome you desire guide your thinking.
If you’re certain that you’re smarter than most other people and you tune out all evidence that contradicts that, why wouldn’t you believe yourself?
That’s why I have OTHERS examine what I have built and explain my thinking process to them. The inputs and outputs on these machines will take care of themselves if the concepts upon which the conclusions i have made are real and correct. And THAT can be tested through “bench work.”
1. Do Tesla style coils allow the rotor magnet to outrun Lenz. Even bi’s debunking video proves that they do. The debunker just saw no benefit in it because the “speed up under load” coil produced less power than the standard coil. What he FAILED to show in that video is that slowing the motor down to the point where the coil neither slowed the motor nor sped it up when put under load would INCREASE the output of the Tesla style coil to where its output was the SAME as the standard coil. At that point the INPUT to the motor would have been much less at that lower speed, and no increase in motor amps when the coil is put under load. Try it. It’s called bench work.
2. Do offsetting magnets lower the amp draw of the motor when the coil they offset is put under load. Again, the answer is found in an experiment a 7th grader could do on the bench. Bi said he was going to DO that experiment, but so far no word from him. He will belittle my results, he just won’t attempt to replicate them and make those results public. Wonder why?
I have things to do that are far more important than spending time here. I will let my published results at the conference speak for themself. Wasting time arguing with you folks is just that...a waste. The proof is on the bench. The truth will come out.
Last edited by Turion; 02-21-2021, 12:27 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Hey Dave just when I thought you were in a coma.You really know how to complicate that box. More hareware at the home 20. Nice. See you this spring
I hope you don't hurt and have a temperature, no no that was not my goal. My goal was to see if you were still on earth. I guessed right. I just love this ever changing hardware card. The guy that sent you that plastic messed up royal. Shame on him, now it's gonna be quite sometime. What did the 4 independent testing companies from 4 years back say? Did those 4 complete units disappear?
Keep trying, that's better than knuckling under. Someday over the rainbow that Dorthy sang keeps coming back to me. Can't you find a coil pack to break even with? !:1 cop would be a start or 1.1:1 cop like the Bedini.?
Add a small amount more length and the rotor won't drag with additional coils. Dogging down the rotor is not needed. Of cource you know everything so I'll leave you to your own devices and will return to witness your build in a year or 2. Any almost right after the weekend cards to play?please I need hopium.
Last edited by BroMikey; 02-21-2021, 12:04 PM.
Originally posted by Turion View PostHey bro,
You think anything YOU have to say would actually wound me?:embarra ssed:
I’ve posted lots of videos of my MANY machines over the years
Maybe this is from another forum? 18 sec video with no result, more hardware? Them bulbs are kind of dim, so medium bright or dim to bright is how you cover data? 700w input? I need moar hopium
Next time say something if this is your video. Must have been embarrassing results hey? Another told ya so moment for your critics.
The girl explains
Last edited by BroMikey; 02-21-2021, 12:12 PM.
Originally posted by Turion View PostHey bro,
Yes, I plan on attending Aaron’s conference and presenting as long as I am able to get my vaccinations by then,
I saw Aaron’s video on the coil cores made out of #7 shot, and since I have a couple bags of that for reloading shotgun shells, I will give it a try.
Always another maybe moment why you might not make it. better kick it in the azz you're out of time. You are always short.
if it is not done in 12 weeks then you better wait a year, same ole Dave.
Last edited by BroMikey; 02-21-2021, 12:38 PM.
Originally posted by Quantum_well View PostThane's thingy in that video is mind blowing! 140 watts in and 10 watts out works out to about .072. 166 watts in and 10 watts out works out to about .06 without regeneration, so there's clearly an advantage!
Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
Not only is the system efficiency really terrible at 6 or 7%, but it is an unfair comparison. He obviously has the "regenerative acceleration" coil in place when disconnected and taking the readings for the conventional coil. So it is not a A vs B test of the Heins coil vs standard coil output/input. It has been shown that the bifilar coil loads the generator when it is disconnected. So the Heins coil is causing losses which show up in the input power measurement for the conventional coil.
To get a valid A vs B comparison, one must test only one coil at a time without any other coils affecting the device, like the debunker video. First the standard coil only. Then the bifilar coil only. All other conditions the same for both tests.
There is a lot wrong with this video besides what I just outlined. Thane is wrong with one of his first statements. Equalibrium does not imply zero mechanical power on the shaft transferred from motor to the generator. Equalibrium means an unchanging condition. Look it up. The motor is turning the generator rotor. This requires mechanical power. That mechanical power is transmitted via the shaft.
I notice that when Thane connects the regenx coil he doesn't disconnect the standard coil. So the increase in output current from .88 to .93 amps is for one coil to a combination of two coils. His regenx coil appears to be responsible for only .05A, not the entire .93A. He doesn't show measured coil voltage or PF, so I have no idea how he arrives at output power figures. Interesting to observe the lamp as he connects and disconnects coils. And the second lamp never glows.
Then there is that bit towards the end where he increases the delay of the signals from 45° to 90°. What's he do? Conveniently, he hides his connection behind the meter out of view of the camera, on purpose. Why be sneaky? Hiding stuff.
And why have that unused motor and ammeter sitting on the front left corner of the bench? Distraction.
Yeah,I just looked up equilibrium and it says "where no changes are occurring " Heins implication was that there was no input to the shaft. We just don't know where all that 166 watts of input power was going. Basically the resultant output would be barely enough to power the Ebike's lights let alone power its motor and recharge the battery at the same time.Its more of a cop out!
I didn't bring Aaron into anything, except to mention I would speak at the conference and present my machine, so once again you do not know what you are talking about.
If that is the only video of my machine you could find on my youTube channel, that's your problem. Once again, you don't know what you are talking about.
As for output in that video, those were coils that did NOT speed up under load, so were dragging the motor down. The bulbs were 200 watt bulbs, and yes they were not very bright. There are lots of OTHER videos I have shared that show actual METERS in them, but you choose one that doesn't and then whine about it.
No results from the one coil wonder huh? You know so much, when will we see YOUR multi coil machine with videos of inputs and outputs? We won't, because you're all talk.
I'm still working on grinding and drilling holes, but I hope to have the motor mounted sometime today or tomorrow. I'll get to it when I get to it. I don't owe YOU or anybody else anything. I've shared all the plans for this multiple times. If YOU want to see one run so bad, build it yourself. I'll disclose what I want, when I want. Your grade school taunting reveals you fro exactly what you are. Grow up.
Once I have the machine up and running, I will be testing coils. Hopefully I will find something that works.
Oh, and I watched the "Debunk Thane" video again.
Notice he only runs a 10 watt load. Something that will NOT drag down the motor or cause it to draw any significant amount of amps with this monocular coil. If he ran a REAL LOAD and compared the two coils and their overall effect on the performance, what would you see? We can always establish test conditions that give us the results we WANT to see. Motivated reasoning.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View Postbro,
I didn't bring Aaron into anything, except to mention I would speak at the conference and present my machine, our grade school taunting reveals you fro exactly what you are. Grow up.
We can always establish test conditions that give us the results we WANT to see. Motivated reasoning.
I see the wheel turn but that's it just endless TALK. You don't need to TALK much if you are doing your job. More action, cut back on blubbering.I tried to be nice and you always fall back to sleep. edited by BroMikey; 02-22-2021, 12:26 AM.