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The bistander thread

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  • I use AWG #23 for all my coils. All around 3000 feet of wire. Just different numbers of strands, from 3-12 and different combinations connected in series. Because my machinist has switched coils all over the place I have no idea which coil is which. After I test each pair, I will unwrap the tape and SEE how many stands we’re wound in parallel. Only 3 come off any of the coils. In Safford North Caroline tonight. Will see Matt tomorrow.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Originally posted by Turion View Post
      I use AWG #23 for all my coils. All around 3000 feet of wire. Just different numbers of strands, from 3-12 and different combinations connected in series. Because my machinist has switched coils all over the place I have no idea which coil is which. After I test each pair, I will unwrap the tape and SEE how many stands we’re wound in parallel. Only 3 come off any of the coils. In Safford North Caroline tonight. Will see Matt tomorrow.
      Hi Turion,

      I hope your N.C. trip was productive. Do have plans to resume testing on this generator?



      • I do. I am in constant communication with my machinist who has been under the weather the last couple days. I'm giving him a chance to see if he can get that amp draw down to the 12 amps I have claimed and where it SHOULD be running, as I had it there before. (Only NOT with this rotor) But I won't prolong it. If he hasn't gotten it in the next couple days, I will schedule a trip down there to measure the outputs with that 16 amp input. That may just be the best that is achievable with this new rotor. I don't know. My brother in law is in San Jose, which is close to my machinist's shop, and has plans to go by there. He is going to shoot some video if he can. It depends on how well they can match up their two schedules.

        I am definitely putting one of the two machines I have back together. I just don't know which one yet. If I knew whether or not the ferrite would speed up under load, the answer to that would be easy.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
          I do. I am in constant communication with my machinist who has been under the weather the last couple days. I'm giving him a chance to see if he can get that amp draw down to the 12 amps I have claimed and where it SHOULD be running, as I had it there before. (Only NOT with this rotor) But I won't prolong it. If he hasn't gotten it in the next couple days, I will schedule a trip down there to measure the outputs with that 16 amp input. That may just be the best that is achievable with this new rotor. I don't know. My brother in law is in San Jose, which is close to my machinist's shop, and has plans to go by there. He is going to shoot some video if he can. It depends on how well they can match up their two schedules.

          I am definitely putting one of the two machines I have back together. I just don't know which one yet. If I knew whether or not the ferrite would speed up under load, the answer to that would be easy.
          Talking about ferrite and powdered iron, and how much you love book learning, here is a reference which I found interesting.

          Also, this company which sells cores.
          Their iron powder core rod looks like it might fit. I doubt you'd ever get reasonable properties and results from an epoxy mix. These really need to be sintered--- high tonnage, heat, controlled atomsphere, and magnetic field for grain orientation.

          Last edited by bistander; 01-31-2020, 01:34 AM. Reason: Corrected spelling


          • Originally posted by bistander View Post

            Also, this company which sells cores.
            Their iron powder core rod looks like it might fit. I doubt you'd ever get reasonable properties and results from an epoxy mix. These really need to be centered--- high tonnage, heat, controlled atomsphere, and magnetic field for grain orientation.
            The O.D. is big enough but they stop at 2" long. I like this material

            Choosing a Mix

            Fair-Rite makes quite a number of mixes, and Table 1 shows typical uses and permeability of several common ones.
            MIX .....PERM .....INDUC MHZ ....EMI MHZ
            31 1500 1-300
            61 125 <100 200-2000
            43 850 <10 25-300
            77 2000 <3
            75 5000 <0.75
            Note — Data from Fair-Rite catalog, 16th edition.
            TABLE 1. Common Ferrite Mixes and Permeabilities.

            There are two primary uses. Fair-Rite refers to them as “inductive” and “EMI suppression” products. (EMI stands for electromagnetic interference.)

            Not surprisingly, a mix optimized for use as an inductive product is designed to store and release magnetic energy with low losses. This would be the kind of material you would use in a switchmode power supply inductor. When the switch in the supply’s circuit is on, current flows through the inductor, “charging” it with magnetic energy. When the switch is turned off, the stored energy is returned to the circuit in the form of current.

            Good job Bi-Shammer

            Hey Dave, anything is better than welding rod.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 01-25-2020, 12:13 AM.


            • Thanks for the suggestions and the info. I’ll take a closer look tomorrow and see if I can’t order enough to at least do a couple test coils. Putting two 2” rods together and having them stick out the back of the coil 3/4” is no big deal. Lots less work than painting all the pieces of iron so they are insulated from each other as much as possible. By the time I get this back together they might even get here. I have never used welding rods. The 10’ rods I get from the metal supply place are 3/32 diameter and I like them better.

              Still dealing with health issues on a daily basis. While the plane was sitting waiting for the ok to even begin takeoff on the trip to see Matt, I began getting dizzy and told my wife I was going to pass out. The dizziness lasted about five minutes before I passed out, and then I started throwing up while passed out. I was out for over two minutes and continued to throw up for the next 20 minutes How my wife managed to deal with that I will never know, but she did. When I woke up all I had was some stains on the front of my shirt which I eventually covered with a jacket to walk off the plane. This is the 4th time this has happened in the last five years. I have had every test the doctors can think of. I have another appointment tomorrow. My doctor is required to report this to the DMV and then they suspend my license for six months to see if it happens again. Had that happen TWICE now. It really makes life difficult. It hasn’t happened within six months a second time, so they reinstate my license. Just A couple migraine headaches a week that cost me an entire day while I lay in bed and throw up. Another reason this generator is NOT my priority. My hope is that SOMEBODY will replicate this and continue to push it forward so I DON’T HAVE TO. It’s not that I don’t WANT to work on this it’s just that I have to really prioritize the time I have.

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Hi Dave sorry for the bad feelings on the plane.


                Also you need a power core design look here

                Thank you for sharing. I have never gone to the doctor because I learned along time ago that "A PATIENT CURED IS A CUSTOMER LOST!!!!!" Phrase coined by Dr Bob Beck
                I am confident you will prevail.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-26-2020, 07:36 AM.


                • Greetings Dave, you recover and better, food and exercises, and good treatment help you to be better.
                  You can also learn to meditate or study some kind of alternative help, transcendental meditation (MT), can help you be more relaxed.

                  I comment your announcement:

                  The generator is currently running with 16 amps at 36 volts

                  I see that the consumption and voltage that your generator operated increased, previously it was 24 volts, 12 amps, so you said.
                  But now it has more coils more magnets, there is more weight in the rotor.

                  Anyway if you have 12 coils that give 130 volts, 1.5 amp. each. It has

                  Generation: 130 * 1.5 * 12 = 2340 watts
                  Motor: 36 * 16 = 576 watts
                  Gain: 2340-576 = 1764 watts or so

                  You can see that you have profit and that is good.
                  Of course, if you can reduce consumption much better,
                  But you have done a very good job.

                  Here I still do not decide on the engine, if I buy the 24-volt or 36-volt. I need to get the 2800 rpm in a 6 magnet rotor, and then with 12 magnets, the 1400 rpm,
                  I keep working and moving on that.
                  Thanks and see you soon


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    ... The rotor he is currently using is heavier than my original rotor so it may require more amps to turn it. It's weight is almost double. ...
                    Hi Turion,
                    You've said this before and I have pointed out that it is wrong. The power, and therefore the motor current, required to turn the rotor at a constant speed is independent of the rotor mass. This is stated in Newton's first law of motion, paraphrased here.

                    An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force.

                    External forces would include friction, aerodynamic drag and magnetics. Or since it is not actually the same motor, the difference in current may be due to a difference in the motor compared to the one used earlier.




                    • It won’t let me post just “LOL”. It says the message must be 10 characters long. This should do it! LOL
                      Last edited by Turion; 02-03-2020, 10:26 PM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        It won’t let me post jus “LOL”. It says the message must be 10 characters long. This should do it! LOL
                        So you're saying that Newton was wrong and you know better? Perhaps you could submit your laws of motion and be appointed Chair of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, England.
                        Last edited by bistander; 02-03-2020, 09:06 PM. Reason: Typo corrected


                        • It won’t let me post just “LOL”. It says the message must be 10 characters long. This should do it! LOL

                          If, as you claim, the mass of the rotor makes NO difference to the motor, why not run your car with a vacuum cleaner motor? Reason: The power, and therefore the current required, is NOT independent of the load. It is BASED on the requirements of the load. Every load is a RESISTANCE to the motor turning. The motor must pull enough amps to overcome that resistance. It is just simple physics. You've heard of that haven't you?
                          Last edited by Turion; 02-05-2020, 09:16 PM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • newdropletba.jpg

                            Here's an interesting development:

                            generator: A drop of water generates 140V

                            New droplet-based electricity generator: A drop of water generates 140V power, lighting up 100 LED bulbs

                            Last edited by bistander; 02-05-2020, 10:39 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              If, as you claim, the mass of the rotor makes NO difference to the motor, why not run your car with a vacuum cleaner motor? Reason: The power, and therefore the current required, is NOT independent of the load. It is BASED on the requirements of the load. Every load is a RESISTANCE to the motor turning. The motor must pull enough amps to overcome that resistance. It is just simple physics. You've heard of that haven't you?
                              when traveling at a constant speed on the level, the load on the propulsion system of the car is friction and aerodynamic, not mass. That's Newtonian physics. Look it up.



                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                ... speed up under load is possible and ... magnetic neutralization is possible,
                                I have never claimed otherwise, however neither contribute to output power or free energy.

                                Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                ... yet not a single person has replicated my machine.
                                Not even you or Matt.


