If the generator is populated with coils. Meaning 12 coils and their cores in place, and magnetic neutralization backed off so it has no effect, to START turning the generator draws more amps than my 30 amp meter will register, and if I let it run for five minutes, allowing it to speed up, it is still drawing around 27 amps, which is the max amp draw the motor is rated for and it will reach the rated rpm of 2800 RPM.
With magnetic neutralization in place, it requires about 23 amps to begin turning the generator. After running for five minutes, allowing it to speed up, the amp draw drops down to around 12 amps. Those were the numbers last time we ran it when I was THERE. Greyland has been fine tuning it and has the amp draw down to 9 amps now. Continuous draw of 9 amps at rated speed of 2800 rpm with 12 coils in place. It runs on 36 volts.
With magnetic neutralization in place, it requires about 23 amps to begin turning the generator. After running for five minutes, allowing it to speed up, the amp draw drops down to around 12 amps. Those were the numbers last time we ran it when I was THERE. Greyland has been fine tuning it and has the amp draw down to 9 amps now. Continuous draw of 9 amps at rated speed of 2800 rpm with 12 coils in place. It runs on 36 volts.