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The bistander thread

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  • Induction is relativistic and you can't mess with it. Imagine sitting there and a brick is flying towards your head at 60mph. Now imagine driving along in your car at 60 mph with a brick on the seat next to you. Same brick, same
    energy.....but somehow different!


    • I guess I live on another planet

      start from scratch.

      When the red light turns to FULL blue the rotor magnet is slightly past TDC. say anywhere from 45-90%. Does that make things all better? Stay with me or you will never get this. What's he talking about?? it's just my job 5 days a week, bye knows.


      • If you are an EE, then you know what he is saying is true., or you SHOULD. I'm not magically altering physics. I'm not bending or breaking any of your "laws." I am simply applying TWO concepts that have LONG been overlooked, but have ALWAYS existed to the mechanical operation of a generator. Remember, Lenz is NOT a law, it is a reaction. It can be controlled. When you have the proper coil there is NO SELF INDUCTION as Tesla has said, so NO magnetic reaction repelling the approaching rotor magnet. Simple.

        The motor that turns the generator requires 36 volts at 12 amps to run the thing. That's 432 watts. That is what it requires when NO coils are in place. That is what it requires ( ok, a BIT more) when 12 coils are in place and under load. With a standard generator coil EVERY coil you add increases the load on the motor because of Lenz and you pay for that one way or another.
        1. The amp draw of the motor goes up FOR EACH COIL ADDED which means the input power must increase just to maintain the RPM. OR
        2. The rpm of the motor goes down (as well as the amp draw STILL going up some) which means the output of the generator coils goes down.

        Let's say no matter how much load you put on the motor it was indestructible. You could still NEVER get to the point where the output of the generator is greater than the input because Lenz would defeat you every time. By the time you add enough coils to the system to produce greater output than input the amp draw of then motor would have risen through the roof, and with it your input in watts. Or the rpm would be so low that the generator coils would put out far less than the input.

        Greyland finally got all the meters in for all the coils yesterday and he put a volt meter and an amp meter on every coil. Now he is testing each coil to see which ones speed up under load at the RPM he is running at right now, which I believe is 2650, and what each coil puts out. I remind you that this is NOT the maximum voltage for this coil, since right now it is speeding up the motor under load, but he will be accumulating data over the next couple weeks as they tune the machine to NOT speed up under load and produce MAXIMUM output from EACH pair of coils. But it is a process, and will take time.

        Anyway, in the video of this ONE coil PAIR, it shows an open voltage and a voltage under load. It also shows the amps. Now it looks to me like right now it is putting out about 100 volts at 1.5 amps under load or 150 watts. That would mean to "break even he would need to add two more coil pair. In a regular system adding those additional coil pair would COST him in ONE of the ways I describe above. With THIS generator it costs NOTING. Add two more coil pair, or three, or five, or ten. No increased amp draw from the motor. (or very LITTLE) No decrease in RPM. (Or very LITTLE) Only an increase in output of the generator.......Or so I thought. Until I TRIED adding all those extra coil pair. Lenz was solved, but when I added more coils, there was still an increase in the amp draw of the motor. It was because of the attraction of the rotor magnets to the additional iron cores. So I went looking for a solution to THAT problem.

        The attraction of the rotor magnets to the coil cores that would ALSO drag down the motor trying to turn those magnets past the cores has to be "neutralized." These two concepts are not rocket science. The were both discovered over a hundred years ago. They were both patented in their time. They are both now part of the public domain. They work. Applied correctly they provide all the answers we have been looking for.

        You can deny the TRUTH, but it is not going away. It will always be here and you will always be WRONG about me and what I have shown.
        Last edited by Turion; 01-24-2021, 11:06 PM.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
          If you are an EE, then you know what he is saying is true., or you SHOULD. I'm not magically altering physics. I'm not bending or breaking any of your "laws." I am simply applying TWO concepts that have LONG been overlooked, but have ALWAYS existed to the mechanical operation of a generator. Remember, Lenz is NOT a law, it is a reaction. It can be controlled. When you have the proper coil there is NO SELF INDUCTION as Tesla has said, so NO magnetic reaction repelling the approaching rotor magnet. Simple.

          The motor that turns the generator requires 36 volts at 12 amps to run the thing. That's 432 watts. That is what it requires when NO coils are in place. That is what it requires ( ok, a BIT more) when 12 coils are in place and under load. With a standard generator coil EVERY coil you add increases the load on the motor because of Lenz and you pay for that one way or another.
          1. The amp draw of the motor goes up FOR EACH COIL ADDED which means the input power must increase just to maintain the RPM. OR
          2. The rpm of the motor goes down (as well as the amp draw STILL going up some) which means the output of the generator coils goes down.

          Let's say no matter how much load you put on the motor it was indestructible. You could still NEVER get to the point where the output of the generator is greater than the input because Lenz would defeat you every time. By the time you add enough coils to the system to produce greater output than input the amp draw of then motor would have risen through the roof, and with it your input in watts. Or the rpm would be so low that the generator coils would put out far less than the input.

          Greyland finally got all the meters in for all the coils yesterday and he put a volt meter and an amp meter on every coil. Now he is testing each coil to see which ones speed up under load at the RPM he is running at right now, which I believe is 2650, and what each coil puts out. I remind you that this is NOT the maximum voltage for this coil, since right now it is speeding up the motor under load, but he will be accumulating data over the next couple weeks as they tune the machine to NOT speed up under load and produce MAXIMUM output from EACH pair of coils. But it is a process, and will take time.

          Anyway, in the video of this ONE coil PAIR, it shows an open voltage and a voltage under load. It also shows the amps. Now it looks to me like right now it is putting out about 100 volts at 1.5 amps under load or 150 watts. That would mean to "break even he would need to add two more coil pair. In a regular system adding those additional coil pair would COST him in ONE of the ways I describe above. With THIS generator it costs NOTING. Add two more coil pair, or three, or five, or ten. No increased amp draw from the motor. (or very LITTLE) No decrease in RPM. (Or very LITTLE) Only an increase in output of the generator.......Or so I thought. Until I TRIED adding all those extra coil pair. Lenz was solved, but when I added more coils, there was still an increase in the amp draw of the motor. It was because of the attraction of the rotor magnets to the additional iron cores. So I went looking for a solution to THAT problem.

          The attraction of the rotor magnets to the coil cores that would ALSO drag down the motor trying to turn those magnets past the cores has to be "neutralized." These two concepts are not rocket science. The were both discovered over a hundred years ago. They were both patented in their time. They are both now part of the public domain. They work. Applied correctly they provide all the answers we have been looking for.

          You can deny the TRUTH, but it is not going away. It will always be here and you will always be WRONG about me and what I have shown.

          Thanks for taking the time to write that. I hear you and understand what you say, but you are wrong, or mistaken. I am pleased that you intend to continue testing. Please keep the data coming.



          • What exactly am I wrong about? That lenz can be outrun? It can. EVERY coil is a “speed up under load coil” at the right frequency. Although that is not the point at which it’s output is greatest as I have said many times.

            Or am I wrong about the fact that the attraction of the rotor magnets to the iron cores increases the motor amp draw and lowers the speed with the number of coils (and their cores) that you add but can be neutralized? If that isn’t true, why not just keep adding coils to a generator until the output exceeds the input? Why isn’t everyone doing that already?

            Or do you believe both of those statements to be false?
            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
              What exactly am I wrong about? That lenz can be outrun? It can. EVERY coil is a “speed up under load coil” at the right frequency. Although that is not the point at which it’s output is greatest as I have said many times.

              Or am I wrong about the fact that the attraction of the rotor magnets to the iron cores increases the motor amp draw and lowers the speed with the number of coils (and their cores) that you add but can be neutralized? If that isn’t true, why not just keep adding coils to a generator until the output exceeds the input? Why isn’t everyone doing that already?

              Or do you believe both of those statements to be false?

              I've addressed these issues before. The last time your reply was a series of laughing emoji.

              I am willing to explain again to you if you're willing to complete the tests, hopefully recording input power in watts with a Killa--watt meter like we discussed previously and share the data. I suspect that you won't be so quick to laugh then.



              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                If you are an EE, then you know what he is saying is true., or you SHOULD. I'm not magically altering physics. I'm not bending or breaking any of your "laws." I am simply applying TWO concepts that have LONG been overlooked, but have ALWAYS existed to the mechanical operation of a generator. Remember, Lenz is NOT a law, it is a reaction.

                It can be controlled.

                there is NO SELF INDUCTION indestructible.

                right now, whichI believe is 2650, and what each coil puts out. I remind you that this is NOT the maximum voltage for this coil, since right now it is
                I can not match this level of real world implementation, Can You? That's what I am talking about right there. Show me something or just blubber in the wind. Go Turion man.

                This is extra special and should be taken note of. So much in and never going above that mark. Unlike the normal windings that bogg down the whole system upon drawing the smallest amount. Not a bunch, just draw a tiny bit say 10 watts and watch the amp draw climb to 12 watts more for regular generators. This is the normal way we have produced power for 100 years.

                On the other hand if you can use a bicycle to turn a 200 pound mill stone with big magnet attached our generator coils produce power and at the same time make it just a little bit easier to peddle. Add as many coils as you like and the peddling gets easier while you might be getting 2000 watts.

                Conventionally we are talking a 200 watt load and the person will become exhausted very quickly. Is that better?

                Minimum 3X to 5X to one. Got that? I can always repeat these facts. Any genny that gets easier to drive as the load increase to infinite is an infinity generator. Other generators can not compete.

                Dave has a bunch of these machines and it is only a matter of time till he shows something that even Thane Heins can not do. Thane is recruiting EE people with his 3 coil mini units. Dave is way out there having the high powered stuff. Dave is not just a concept builder, he has the real thing, way beyond other weak examples. If he does not want it published right away I can understand.

                The more you add a coil the more power is produced and the easier the peddling. You guys are living in the past.

                The air force has anti-gravity patents and you all are still living in the stove age to think only inside your programmed boxes. Good luck with that.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-25-2021, 06:53 AM.


                • Basics


                  • David Bowling's continuous changing device. May 2008?


                    • Originally posted by Quantum_well View Post



                      • Turion,

                        IIRC, your machinist is using the induction motor at ~3500RPM.



                        • Greyland is using the MY1016 motor now, not the AC motor he WAS using. It’s RPM is controlled by voltage input and in the video I just posted he didn’t show either the input to the motor nor the RPM. He told me the RPM. Which I relayed. I know it was less than 3400, which is about the MAX you can get with the rotor as a load at 36 volts input on that motor, he stated what he measured as the RPM and I have no reason to disbelieve him.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Quantum,

                            That was me alright. I lived in Arizona at the time. That was the first 3 battery system I ever put together based on John’s little diagram. Only I used a little motor (which I still have) instead of a light bulb.

                            I used a bad battery as battery 3 because I only HAD 3 batteries and one of them was bad. It would take a charge but not hold it. The first time I hooked all the components together, nothing happened. The motor wouldn’t even run. I walked away from the bench in frustration and was talking to a friend for about 10-15 minutes. Suddenly the motor started running.

                            I put a volt meter across battery 3 and the same process would repeat itself over and over. The meter would read a fairly high voltage, something over 20 volts, but I don’t remember exactly what it was. I have it in my notes somewhere though. It would slowly go down to around 18 volts and then the motor would kick on and run as the voltage continued to drop down to (and this number I am sure of) 9 volts. Then the motor would kick off and the voltage across battery 3 would jump back up to over 20 volts and the process would repeat. Over and over. For hours, days, weeks. The primary batteries never went down. To keep the motor from shutting off I added loads across battery 3. I used an inverter as a load with a kilowatt meter attached to it and loads running on the meter. I ran loads day and night for a couple weeks before contacting a patent attorney that lived in California that my fiancé knew. An appointment was set for a few weeks later. Since it was going to cost me $10,000 non refundable up front to initiate the patent process, I wanted to be DAMN sure I had what I thought I had. My oldest boy and I basically camped out in my shop taking turns watching the thing run loads until I boarded a plane with the batteries and motor in a suitcase and flew to CA. I KNOW him much power went through that kilowatt meter during that time and it was many, many times what those 3 batteries could hold. I met with the attorney, showed him what the thing could do, and wrote him a $10,000 check. I spent about a week with my fiancé before traveling back to AZ. When I got back and hooked it up again and it wouldn’t work. Never worked again. The patent attorney refunded me my most of my money and he didn’t have to. Thank goodness for that!

                            I even did an on air interview at the time about the device. At that point I still thought I was going to be rich so I wasn’t disclosing much. The interview was before the trip to CA.

                            It wasn’t until a couple YEARS later (and I was doing NOTHING with free energy at the time) that Luther Goodman contacted me and told me he was having some success with the 3 battery system. We began to collaborate and I started the 3 Battery Generating System thread here. I spent YEARS trying to replicate that original setup. I believe it was all about the bad battery. I have found MANY batteries that would replicate this phenomenon, but none that ever lasted more than a few days or a couple weeks at most. Luther and OTHERS also saw it work, but it never lasted. Just enough that you could see it was for real and get hooked. And then it would quit working. Far too often the bad battery was “restored” when put in the 3rd position. So I gave up and moved on to working with variables I can actually control.

                            The 3 battery system taught me what is possible when you really understand how electricity works and it involves principles I know can be incorporated to build ONE kind of free energy devise.
                            Last edited by Turion; 01-25-2021, 05:36 PM.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • bi,
                              You are a funny, funny man. Do you think I will do the tests you demand and suddenly realize that I have been wrong all along? LOL. Those tests have been done DOZENS of times along the way. They just haven’t been done for YOU. As I said, the truth is and will always be the TRUTH.

                              I promised Aaron I would release no videos of total output of the machine until after I present it at the conference anyway. But once I get all my parts in I will send Aaron links to videos of everything. He will have all the assembly videos I AM posting as well as the videos that show data. Right now Amazon says my bushing for the generator shaft will be here by Feb 7.

                              There have been like 14 versions of the 6-6 machine that has an even number of rotor magnets and an even number of coils. The first ten versions didn’t even have offsetting magnets. One version used the coils as motor coils until the machine was up to speed and then the motor was engaged to run it as a generator. The electronics on that one burnt up. The others all had so many mechanical problems they were disassembled for parts.

                              Currently there are three versions of my generator in existence that I had a hand in. The guy who made Black Beauty for me is running his and testing core materials. (By the way bro, you were right about those ferrite doughnuts that we put a ferrite rod down the center of. The output was like 12 volts AC per coil. Don’t know the amperage. He is getting back to me on that. They SUCK....See, when I am wrong I am not too proud to admit it. We learn by our mistakes) I have MY Black Beauty. Call these two machines version #1. It has an even number of magnets and odd number of coils on each side of the rotor. So I call it a 6-5 machine. Not accurate but that’s what I call it.

                              There is the original of this version that has a rotor with magnets that stick out slightly. This version I gave away to an individual on this forum for the cost of shipping. I included the rotor, 24 rotor magnets, the coil holders, spacers, end plates and bearings, and a shaft. He would need to purchase the offset magnets and the coil bobbins and wire. What he does with it is up to him. But with the properly wound coils he would have a working machine. It has 12 rotor magnets while Black Beauty has 22. So call that version #2

                              Then there is the 6-6 machine that Greyland has at the shop. Version #3 He has a couple guys working with him and they are in the process of building three more of those machines. They have all seen it working. They all know what is possible.

                              So this is not going away.
                              Last edited by Turion; 01-25-2021, 06:27 PM.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                You are a funny, funny man. Do you think I will do the tests you demand and suddenly realize that I have been wrong all along? LOL. Those tests have been done DOZENS of times along the way. They just haven’t been done for YOU. As I said, the truth is and will always be the TRUTH.

                                I promised Aaron I would release no videos of total output of the machine until after I present it at the conference anyway. But once I get all my parts in I will send Aaron links to videos of everything. He will have all the assembly videos I AM posting as well as the videos that show data. Right now Amazon says my bushing for the generator shaft will be here by Feb 7.

                                There have been like 14 versions of the 6-6 machine that has an even number of rotor magnets and an even number of coils. The first ten versions didn’t even have offsetting magnets. One version used the coils as motor coils until the machine was up to speed and then the motor was engaged to run it as a generator. The electronics on that one burnt up. The others all had so many mechanical problems they were disassembled for parts.

                                Currently there are three versions of my generator in existence that I had a hand in. The guy who made Black Beauty for me is running his and testing core materials. (By the way bro, you were right about those ferrite doughnuts that we put a ferrite rod down the center of. The output was like 12 volts AC per coil. Don’t know the amperage. He is getting back to me on that. They SUCK....See, when I am wrong I am not too proud to admit it. We learn by our mistakes) I have MY Black Beauty. Call these two machines version #1. It has an even number of magnets and odd number of coils on each side of the rotor. So I call it a 6-5 machine. Not accurate but that’s what I call it.

                                There is the original of this version that has a rotor with magnets that stick out slightly. This version I gave away to an individual on this forum for the cost of shipping. I included the rotor, 24 rotor magnets, the coil holders, spacers, end plates and bearings, and a shaft. He would need to purchase the offset magnets and the coil bobbins and wire. What he does with it is up to him. But with the properly wound coils he would have a working machine. It has 12 rotor magnets while Black Beauty has 22. So call that version #2

                                Then there is the 6-6 machine that Greyland has at the shop. Version #3 He has a couple guys working with him and they are in the process of building three more of those machines. They have all seen it working. They all know what is possible.

                                So this is not going away.
                                OK. Thanks. But nothing I read or have seen leads me to believe that you have ever had a device produce more real power output than the power that was input to it.

                                Good luck,

