Originally posted by Turion
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Yet in many videos the machine runs almost all the time with many coils unloaded. In fact, only rarely and briefly are all your coils loaded before it is shut down or loads turned off.
I can just go by what you show in those videos. You're right that leaving the 12 parallel strands unconnected would not then constitute a multifilar coil. But I doubt that you go to the trouble of disconnecting everytime. Maybe you do. But having no coil there for the test is a sure way of eliminating a variable. Or is accuracy and transparency not on your priority list.
As far as you not being capable of counting a few battery cells, the point is your "test data" statements are unreliable. You cannot be trusted to see what's real when it is right in front of you. When it comes to such remarkable extraordinary claims as you've made, nobody can be trusted and proof is required. That's all I am attempting here: to get you to provide proof of these claims which you make.
BTW. You say: "I'm glad to see you are such an expert on how testing SHOULD be conducted."
Thank you. I'm just sharing many years of experience in the labs of industry and acidemia.