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The bistander thread

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Oh Matty,
    I'm pretty sure I WAS the one who started the 3 Battery System thread on this forum. And at the time, I stated I got the idea from a circuit I saw from John Bedini. I think I GAVE credit at the time, and I'm MORE than willing to give it again. Maybe you don't remember that, but it is a true story. Recovery of DC energy while using it to run a load. SImple. Also worth its weight in GOLD.

    And Tesla showed us how to recover DC energy with a Tesla switch way before that. Again, I have given credit to the person who showed us the way. And Benitez did it before Tesla. He should get MAJOR credit.

    I believe YOU were the one who showed, on the USE FOR THE TESLA SWITCH thread how to do some work with that DC energy and recover it by running it through some SPECIFIC devices. You provided instructions on how to build them, and I built all three. You open sourced it.

    But Benitez already SHOWED that. He also shows how to take low voltage DC and convert it to high voltage DC, and how to get out AS MANY AMPS as you have volts when you have created that high voltage. I'm not claiming I "discovered" that either. Just that I researched and read how to do it. Experimented, and what do you know?

    I never claimed what I am working with is "ALL MY" discovery. Why do I need to come up with "an idea" when all that is needed is to apply the research of those that have gone before us? All the pieces are there, and have been for a long time. I'm just working on ways to put them together.

    Are you insinuating that YOU are the one who came up with a method of producing energy with no moving parts? If so, where is it? If you believe what I am doing is somehow based on YOUR work, how could that possibly be, when you say I know NOTHING about your work? I have an email from YOU stating that I can "do whatever I want because I "know NOTHING about your work." Would you like a copy? LOL

    I don't NEED your work. Benitez and Tesla have already shown us all we need to know. We have much better methods of implementing the principles they discovered than they EVER had.


    1800-200 watts output and under 300 watts input (24v at 12 amps) Never said I wasn't interested or that the work isn't going forward, just that it isn't MY PRIORITY. It isn't.

    You guys can whine all you want. I have better things to do.
    Yep sickness.. Deprived sickness, just wanted to make sure it was still intact.


    • "Deprived" sickness? Invest in a dictionary dude!

      Last edited by Turion; 11-09-2023, 10:31 PM.
      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Subject: the Bloch Wall

        I feel there is a widespread misconception on this subject. So:

        I keep up with UfoPolitics' forum,, but am not a member, for a few reasons. I have interacted with UfoPolitics over the past 7 or 8 years. He is a member here, so hopefully he'll see this.
        This chatGPT is an interesting thing. Opposed to having a "discussion" based on a difference of opinion (or interpretation) with a human, chatGPT doesn't get emotional. Most humans do.

        So I've been at odds with UfoPolitics about the use of the term "Bloch Wall". Today on his forum he made a statement to which I object. Unable to confront him there, and never resolving the issue before, I decided to ask chatGPT. See below.

        Another thing. UfoPolitics attributes the use of Bloch Wall to Dr. Felix Bloch. I have investigated this reading considerable amount about and from Dr. Bloch and have never seen "Bloch Wall" used in this context. Has anybody a citation of reference?

        ChatGPT 3.5

        Today I read on line this "All Magnetic Fields have a Center Plane, between Both Poles...North, South.

        First one to identify this Plane as a "Wall" was Felix Bloch...reason why they name it after him the "Bloch Wall"."


        It has been claimed that all Magnetic Fields have a Center Plane, between Both Poles...North, South. And that Dr. Felix Bloch identified this feature and hence it was named after him, the Bloch Wall.

        Is this true or have any basis in physics or science?

        The concept of a "Bloch Wall" does have a basis in physics. It refers to a transition region between magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic material where the magnetization direction changes. This transition zone is where the magnetic moments rotate to align with the neighboring domains. Felix Bloch's work contributed significantly to our understanding of magnetism, but the term "Bloch Wall" is not widely used to describe the center plane between magnetic poles. It's more commonly associated with the transition region within ferromagnetic materials.

        You did not answer the question. Need I repeat?

        Apologies for any confusion. The statement you read online about "All Magnetic Fields have a Center Plane, between Both Poles...North, South" and the connection to Felix Bloch naming it the "Bloch Wall" is not accurate. While the concept of a "Bloch Wall" does exist in physics to describe a transition region in ferromagnetic materials, it's not directly related to a center plane between magnetic poles in all magnetic fields. So, no, the statement doesn't have a basis in physics or science as presented.

        Thank you. Is there any feature midway between the north and south poles of a magnet distinguishable from other areas of the magnet's material?

        Yes, in many magnets, there's a region known as the magnetic equator, which is roughly midway between the north and south poles. At this point, the magnetic field strength is typically weaker compared to closer to the poles. However, this region doesn't have a distinct physical feature like a "wall"; it's more of a transitional area where the magnetic field gradually changes.

        How does the magnetic field change there?

        In the magnetic equator region, the magnetic field transitions from being directed predominantly outward from the north pole to being directed predominantly inward toward the south pole. This transition results in a decrease in the strength of the magnetic field compared to closer to the poles. The magnetic field lines tend to spread out more evenly in this region, leading to a weaker overall magnetic field strength.

        I don't believe you. Please give sources or experimental proof.

        I apologize for any confusion. My response was based on general knowledge of magnetic fields. However, I cannot provide specific experimental proof or sources to support that claim. If you're interested in detailed information about the magnetic equator and how the magnetic field changes in that region, I recommend consulting scientific literature or textbooks on magnetism and magnetic fields. These sources should provide more comprehensive explanations and possibly experimental evidence to support the behavior of magnetic fields in the equatorial region of magnets.

        I have studied what you recommended and never have seen the weakening of the magnetic field midway in between the poles inside of a magnet. Take a look at the field representation seen in FEMM diagrams. Can you do that?

        I don't have the capability to browse external content like FEMM diagrams. However, based on my knowledge, I can clarify that the concept of a weakening magnetic field at the midpoint between the poles inside a magnet might not be accurately represented in all cases. The magnetic field strength typically decreases as you move away from the poles, but it might not necessarily weaken significantly at the midpoint between the poles inside the magnet. Instead, it may remain relatively uniform in certain materials and configurations. I appreciate your clarification on this matter.

        Knowing this, then is there any field transition midway between poles as you said? If so, be specific.

        In certain magnetic materials, there can be a transition region called the domain wall located midway between the poles. A domain wall is a boundary between adjacent magnetic domains with different magnetization directions. It's not a weakening of the overall magnetic field but rather a transition between regions with different magnetic orientations. These domain walls play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of magnetic materials, especially in ferromagnetic materials where magnetic domains can align to produce strong magnetic fields.

        Does this domain wall occur between numerous domains throughout the entire magnet meaning the midpoint is no different, unless you have a two domain magnet, which is nearly impossible?

        You're correct. In most practical magnetic materials, the concept of a single domain wall occurring between numerous domains throughout the entire magnet is accurate. The presence of multiple domain walls throughout the material means that there isn't a distinct transition or feature at the midpoint between the poles. Instead, the magnet's internal structure consists of numerous domain walls, and the behavior of the magnetic field is more complex and continuous throughout the material.

        Is it fair to say, observation from the inside of a magnet, one could not distinguish this midpoint between the poles from the field strength and direction only? If not, how then?

        That's a fair assessment. Observing the magnetic field strength and direction alone from inside a magnet, one wouldn't be able to distinguish a specific midpoint between the poles. The magnetic field would generally exhibit a continuous and complex behavior throughout the material, with variations occurring due to the presence of multiple domain walls and domain structures. To identify a specific midpoint or transition region, additional analysis beyond field strength and direction would likely be necessary, such as detailed magnetic domain imaging or other experimental techniques.

        You keep saying that there is a transition at the midpoint. Transition from what to what? What is different on either side of this transition midpoint?

        I apologize for any confusion. Let me clarify. In a magnet with multiple magnetic domains, there isn't necessarily a distinct transition or feature at the midpoint between the poles. Each domain has its own magnetization direction, and domain walls separate these domains. The behavior of the magnetic field is continuous and complex throughout the material. So, there isn't a specific transition occurring at a midpoint between the poles; rather, the entire material comprises multiple domains and domain walls. The behavior of the magnetic field changes gradually across the material due to these domain structures.

        Thanks, bi


        • We can "observe" something, but whether the Bloch wall actually exists is a rhetorical question.

          The mistake in treating visualisation - the image from a magnetic film held up to a permanent magnet - is simply to misinterpret what it depicts.

          There are "bubbles" in the magnetic film that contain a planar particle with the appropriate magnetisation.

          Depending on the vector of closure with the magnetic line, the particle is turned towards the observer: flat (dark part) or edge-on (light part).

          The film shows the character of the force line vector only on the outside of the magnet body.
          If the light strip, the magnetic lines crossing the film particles outside the magnet are strictly parallel to the magnetic vector between the poles in the body of the magnet.

          And what happens in the body of the magnet is a very interesting question, which has not yet been practically checked by anyone (at least, which is available publicly).

          Therefore, your inferences cannot be correct in any way. We don't know the truth yet.


          • Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
            We can "observe" something, but whether the Bloch wall actually exists is a rhetorical question.

            The mistake in treating visualisation - the image from a magnetic film held up to a permanent magnet - is simply to misinterpret what it depicts.

            There are "bubbles" in the magnetic film that contain a planar particle with the appropriate magnetisation.

            Depending on the vector of closure with the magnetic line, the particle is turned towards the observer: flat (dark part) or edge-on (light part).

            The film shows the character of the force line vector only on the outside of the magnet body.
            If the light strip, the magnetic lines crossing the film particles outside the magnet are strictly parallel to the magnetic vector between the poles in the body of the magnet.

            And what happens in the body of the magnet is a very interesting question, which has not yet been practically checked by anyone (at least, which is available publicly).

            Therefore, your inferences cannot be correct in any way. We don't know the truth yet.

            Hi Rakarskiy,

            I know how magnetic viewing film works. And have some, and have used it for decades. Your description is good. Thanks.

            Your last comment is illogical. Your premise that "We don't know the truth yet", infers that I CAN be correct. Which I believe is the truth. All evidence supports me, but sadly I am unable to prove such.



            • ‘Assumption’ and ‘Assertion’ are very different actions. We can all be right or wrong. Especially with regard to the phenomenon - ‘magnetic field of a permanent magnet’, so I am very cautious on this issue.


              • Magnetic Domains and Domain Walls

                Continuation of discussion from reply #2538 above.

                Magnetic Domains and Domain Walls


                Concerning magnetic domains and domain walls, physically, typically, what are the dimensions of a magnetic domain wall?
                The dimensions of a magnetic domain wall can vary depending on the material and its specific properties. However, in typical ferromagnetic materials, the thickness of a magnetic domain wall is usually in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers (nm).

                The exact thickness depends on factors such as:

                The material's exchange stiffness (a measure of the energy cost of non-uniform magnetization).
                The magnetic anisotropy (which determines how easy or hard it is to magnetize the material along certain directions).
                The presence of impurities or defects.
                In general, softer magnetic materials (with low magnetic anisotropy) tend to have thicker domain walls, while harder magnetic materials (with high magnetic anisotropy) tend to have thinner domain walls.

                Thanks, you answered for the thickness. What about the length and height?
                The length and height of a magnetic domain wall are less clearly defined and can be quite variable, depending on the size and shape of the magnetic domains they separate. Magnetic domains themselves can range from microscopic to macroscopic sizes, often spanning micrometers to millimeters in length and height.


                Length: The length of a domain wall typically corresponds to the size of the magnetic domains, which can be several micrometers (µm) to millimeters (mm). In thin films or nanostructures, domain walls can be confined to smaller lengths, often in the range of a few micrometers or less.
                Height: Similarly, the height of a domain wall will depend on the material's thickness and the domain structure. In thin films, the height of the domain wall is essentially the thickness of the film, which could be on the order of nanometers to micrometers. In bulk materials, it could span larger distances.
                The overall shape and size of magnetic domains and domain walls can be influenced by various factors, including material composition, external magnetic fields, temperature, and mechanical stress.

                What is the largest size magnetic domain found in ferromagnetic material?
                The largest size of magnetic domains in ferromagnetic materials can vary widely, depending on the specific material and its conditions. In general:

                Macroscopic Size: In bulk ferromagnetic materials, magnetic domains can grow to macroscopic sizes, often on the order of millimeters or even centimeters in certain cases. This is more common in materials with low defect densities and minimal impurities.

                Single Crystals: In high-quality single crystals, such as in some ferromagnetic metals (e.g., iron, nickel), the magnetic domains can be particularly large, sometimes spanning several millimeters.

                Soft Magnetic Materials: In soft magnetic materials (e.g., permalloy, which is a nickel-iron alloy), domains can also reach large sizes due to low magnetic anisotropy and minimal pinning sites.

                Factors like the presence of defects, grain boundaries, and external magnetic fields can all influence the size of magnetic domains. In practical applications and everyday materials, domains are often smaller due to these imperfections and external influences. However, in controlled laboratory conditions and high-quality materials, the largest domains observed can be on the order of several millimeters to centimeters.

                In a typical ceramic or rare earth magnetic, what is the largest magnetic domain ever observed?
                In typical ceramic or rare earth magnets, the size of magnetic domains can be significantly influenced by the material's microstructure, composition, and the presence of defects or impurities. These materials often have smaller grain sizes and more complex microstructures compared to metallic ferromagnets, which generally lead to smaller magnetic domains.

                For ceramic and rare earth magnets:

                Ceramic Magnets (Ferrites): These materials, like barium ferrite (BaFe₁₂O₁₉) or strontium ferrite (SrFe₁₂O₁₉), typically have smaller domains due to their polycrystalline nature. The magnetic domains in ferrites are usually on the order of micrometers (µm). While specific observations can vary, it is uncommon to see domains larger than a few tens of micrometers due to the presence of grain boundaries and other structural inhomogeneities.

                Rare Earth Magnets: Rare earth magnets, such as neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) and samarium-cobalt (SmCo), also tend to have smaller domains compared to pure ferromagnetic metals. The magnetic domains in these materials are typically in the range of a few micrometers to tens of micrometers. Due to their high magnetic anisotropy and the fine-grained microstructure resulting from their manufacturing process, the domain sizes are often limited to this range.

                Overall, while the largest magnetic domains in these materials can reach several tens of micrometers under ideal conditions, the typical domain sizes are generally much smaller compared to those in metallic ferromagnets.

                How about in magnetic grade steel as used in motors and transformers, what is the typical domain size?
                In magnetic grade steels, such as those used in motors and transformers (commonly referred to as electrical steels or silicon steels), the size of magnetic domains is typically influenced by the material's grain structure and the presence of impurities and inclusions.

                Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel: This type of steel is specifically processed to have a preferred crystallographic orientation that enhances its magnetic properties along a certain direction. In grain-oriented electrical steels, the magnetic domains can be relatively large, often ranging from a few micrometers to several tens of micrometers in width. The length of these domains can be even larger, sometimes extending across the entire grain, which can be several millimeters long.

                Non-Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel: In this type of steel, the grains are randomly oriented, which typically results in smaller and more irregularly shaped magnetic domains. The domain sizes in non-grain-oriented electrical steels are generally smaller than those in grain-oriented steels, typically in the range of a few micrometers to tens of micrometers.

                Overall, the typical magnetic domain size in electrical steels used in motors and transformers is usually on the order of a few micrometers to tens of micrometers, with grain-oriented steels having the potential for larger domains due to their specific processing and grain structure.

                Thanks. On to domain walls, Bloch and Neel walls in particular, are these found in fully charged permanent magnet materials and in saturated electrical/magnetic grade steels?
                In the context of fully magnetized or saturated magnetic materials, including permanent magnets and electrical/magnetic grade steels, the presence of domain walls (Bloch and Néel walls) can be discussed as follows:

                Permanent Magnets
                Fully Magnetized (Saturated) Permanent Magnets:

                In a fully charged (saturated) permanent magnet, the material is magnetized to its maximum extent, meaning the magnetic domains are aligned uniformly in the direction of magnetization. In this state, there are no domain walls because the material essentially consists of a single magnetic domain.
                Upon demagnetization or during partial magnetization, domain walls can reappear. These domain walls can be of the Bloch or Néel type, depending on the material's thickness and the nature of its magnetic anisotropy.
                Electrical/Magnetic Grade Steels
                Saturated Electrical Steels:

                When electrical steels (both grain-oriented and non-grain-oriented) are in a saturated state, the domains are fully aligned with the external magnetic field, and thus, domain walls are minimized or effectively absent.
                Under normal operating conditions (below saturation), these materials do exhibit domain walls. The type of wall (Bloch or Néel) depends on the thickness of the material and the magnetic properties. For thin films or thin regions of these materials, Néel walls are more common. For thicker regions, Bloch walls are typically observed.
                Bloch and Néel Walls
                Bloch Walls: These are common in bulk ferromagnetic materials where the wall's magnetization rotates in a plane perpendicular to the domain boundary. They are typically found in thicker materials where surface effects are negligible.
                Néel Walls: These are more common in thin films or thin regions of materials where the magnetization rotates in a plane parallel to the domain boundary, minimizing surface magnetic charges.
                In Summary:

                In fully magnetized permanent magnets and saturated electrical/magnetic grade steels, domain walls (both Bloch and Néel) are generally absent because the material is uniformly magnetized.
                In partially magnetized states or during the magnetization and demagnetization processes, domain walls can form, and their type (Bloch or Néel) will depend on the material's thickness and specific magnetic properties.

                Does not the answer above, for fully magnetized or saturated magnetic material, have domain size drastically exceeding your previous answers concerning domain size? For example a 1 inch by 1 inch by 4 inch long magnet or solenoid core where you claim it could be a single domain.
                You're correct that there is a nuance here that needs clarification. While a fully magnetized or saturated ferromagnetic material can appear to be a single domain, the term "single domain" in this context doesn't always imply a physical domain of that exact macroscopic size.

                Fully Magnetized or Saturated Materials
                Saturation: When a material is fully magnetized or saturated, all magnetic moments are aligned in the same direction. This means that the material behaves as if it were a single domain because there are no domain walls within the material to reorient the magnetization. However, this does not necessarily mean that the entire piece is a single microscopic domain.
                Single Domain vs. Multidomain
                Single Domain Particles: True single domain particles are typically very small, often on the order of nanometers to micrometers. In these particles, the entire magnetic moment aligns in one direction because it's energetically unfavorable to form domain walls.
                Multidomain Structures: Larger pieces of ferromagnetic material, such as a 1 inch by 1 inch by 4 inch magnet or solenoid core, are generally composed of many magnetic domains. When these materials are fully magnetized, all the domains align in the same direction, but they still consist of multiple domains separated by domain walls under less than fully magnetized conditions.
                Practical Examples
                Permanent Magnets: In a fully charged permanent magnet, while the macroscopic magnetization is uniform, it's composed of many smaller domains that have all aligned in the same direction due to the applied magnetic field. The domain walls are minimized or eliminated in this state.
                Electrical Steels: In a saturated state, electrical steels also align their domains in the direction of the applied field, effectively eliminating domain walls. But, like permanent magnets, they are composed of many smaller domains.
                In essence, while fully magnetized materials behave as if they are single domains in terms of magnetic behavior, they are typically still composed of many microscopic domains that are all aligned in the same direction. The size of these individual domains in fully magnetized materials would be consistent with the typical sizes mentioned earlier (micrometers to millimeters), but in the fully magnetized state, the entire material acts as if it were one large domain.

                Thanks again. Considering a charged permanent magnet or energized solenoid core, is there any scientific validity to the notion of the existence of a single domain wall midway between the physical ends referred to as the North Pole and the South Pole? Or, if domain walls are present in such material, they are, more or less, evenly distributed throughout?
                In the context of a fully charged permanent magnet or an energized solenoid core, the idea of a single domain wall existing midway between the physical ends (North and South Poles) is not scientifically valid. Here’s why:

                Permanent Magnets
                Fully Magnetized State:

                When a permanent magnet is fully magnetized, the magnetic domains are aligned uniformly in the direction of the magnetization. In this state, there are no domain walls because the material is effectively a single domain, with all magnetic moments aligned in the same direction.
                Therefore, there would not be a single domain wall midway or anywhere within the magnet.
                Partially Magnetized State:

                In a partially magnetized state, domain walls can exist, but they are distributed throughout the material. The distribution depends on the material's microstructure and the magnetic history, rather than being concentrated at a single location.
                Energized Solenoid Core
                Fully Energized State:

                In a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core, when the solenoid is fully energized, the core is magnetized such that the magnetic moments within the core align with the magnetic field generated by the solenoid.
                Similar to the permanent magnet, a fully magnetized solenoid core would not have a single domain wall. The magnetic field is continuous from the North Pole to the South Pole.
                Partially Energized State:

                If the solenoid is not fully energized or if the core is in a demagnetized state, domain walls can exist within the core. These domain walls would be distributed throughout the core and not confined to a single plane or location.
                Distribution of Domain Walls
                In partially magnetized or demagnetized materials, domain walls are generally distributed in a way that minimizes the total magnetic energy. This distribution is influenced by factors such as material defects, grain boundaries, and external stresses.
                Domain walls form to separate regions of different magnetization directions, reducing the overall magnetic energy. These walls are not typically found in a single, specific location but are instead spread out throughout the material.
                Midway Domain Wall Concept
                The notion of a single domain wall midway between the North and South Poles is not supported by the physics of ferromagnetic materials. In practical terms, domain walls do not form in such a simple, ordered manner.
                Magnetic domains and their walls form complex patterns based on energy minimization principles and the material's microstructure.
                In a fully magnetized permanent magnet or energized solenoid core, domain walls do not exist, as the material behaves as a single domain.
                In partially magnetized states, domain walls are distributed throughout the material rather than being concentrated at a single midpoint or specific location. The distribution of domain walls is complex and influenced by the material's internal and external conditions.

                Thanks. bi
                Memory updated
                You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask
                Reference to post #7 by Ufopolitics on his forum here:

                Last edited by bistander; 07-13-2024, 02:23 AM.


                • Hello all, and to Ufopolitics, if he reads this, which I hope,

                  There is some confusion or misinformation about the magnetic field, represented by the B-vector and force. So I inquired to chatGPT which gave the commonly accepted scientific explanation. I encourage all to look it up for themselves or confirm by experiment.

                  B-field vs Force


                  Talking about a magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet or solenoid electromagnet with a ferromagnetic core, it is referred to as a B-field represented by a B-vector at each point in the affected space, that B-vector having a direction and magnitude (in Tesla or Webers/m^2). Is this B-vector a force vector like a physical force in newtons caused by something like gravity or impact?

                  No, the B-vector, or magnetic flux density, is not a force vector like a physical force measured in newtons. Instead, it represents the strength and direction of the magnetic field at each point in space. The B-field is measured in teslas (T) or webers per square meter (Wb/m²).

                  While the B-field itself is not a force, it does interact with moving electric charges and magnetic dipoles, such as current-carrying conductors or magnetic moments, to produce forces. The force

                  F experienced by a moving charge

                  q in a magnetic field

                  B is given by the Lorentz force law:



                  v is the velocity of the charge and
                  × denotes the cross product.

                  Similarly, a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a force given by:



                  I is the current and

                  L is a vector representing the length and direction of the wire.

                  In both cases, the magnetic field

                  B interacts with the charge or current to produce a force, but the

                  B-vector itself is not a force vector.

                  Thanks. Please explain how force develops from the interaction between two magnets, like poles (repulsion), and unlike poles (attraction), and between a magnet and a ferromagnetic object, relating to the B-field(s).

                  The force between two magnets or between a magnet and a ferromagnetic object arises due to the interaction of their magnetic fields. Here's how these forces develop, relating to the B-fields:

                  Interaction Between Two Magnets
                  Like Poles (Repulsion)
                  When the like poles (e.g., north-north or south-south) of two magnets are brought close to each other, their B-fields interact in a way that causes repulsion. Here's why:

                  Field Lines and Direction: The magnetic field lines of both magnets point away from their north poles and toward their south poles. When two north poles are close to each other, the field lines repel each other because they are in the same direction and do not combine smoothly.

                  Energy Minimization: The magnetic system seeks to minimize energy, and repulsion occurs because it would require work to bring the like poles closer against the repulsive force of their aligned field lines.

                  Force Calculation: The force between the two magnets can be calculated using the concept of the magnetic dipole moment. The magnetic force between two magnetic dipoles (m1 and m2) separated by a distance r is:


                  Unlike Poles (Attraction)
                  When the unlike poles (e.g., north-south) of two magnets are brought close to each other, they attract. Here's why:

                  Field Lines and Direction: The field lines from the north pole of one magnet naturally extend to the south pole of the other magnet, creating a smooth, continuous field line flow between the poles. This lowers the system's potential energy.
                  Energy Minimization: The system seeks to minimize energy, and attraction occurs because the unlike poles align their field lines, thus reducing the magnetic potential energy.
                  Force Calculation: The attractive force can also be understood through the dipole interaction as described above, where the interaction between opposite dipoles leads to attraction.
                  Interaction Between a Magnet and a Ferromagnetic Object
                  Magnetization of the Object: When a ferromagnetic object (like iron) is placed in the B-field of a magnet, the magnetic domains within the ferromagnetic material align with the external B-field. This induced magnetization effectively turns the object into a temporary magnet with its own north and south poles.

                  Attraction Mechanism: The magnet and the induced poles of the ferromagnetic object interact. The induced south pole of the object is attracted to the north pole of the magnet, and vice versa, resulting in an attractive force.

                  Force Calculation: The force can be estimated using:


                  m is the magnetic moment of the induced dipole in the ferromagnetic material, and

                  B is the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. The force is the gradient of the potential energy of the magnetic dipole in the external B-field.

                  In summary, the magnetic B-field interactions give rise to forces due to the alignment of magnetic moments and the tendency of the system to minimize energy by either attracting unlike poles or repelling like poles. These forces can be calculated using principles from the magnetic dipole moment interactions and the behavior of magnetic fields in space.

                  Thanks. bi

                  Memory updated
                  You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask


                  • Figuera’s generator

                    To all,

                    Something that I had not seen considered before. I'm not sold on the idea, but find it interesting. So I am sharing it.

                    Article Conclusion

                    The main principle behind the Figuera’s generator is the gathering of electrostatic charges from atmospheric air by an alternating magnetic field. Any air volume submitted to this oscillating field produces electrostatic current rings in the same circular path of the secondary coil. If the electric charges that forms these currents collide with a metallic surface that is in electrical contact with the secondary coil, they will accumulate in it and may be conducted to the load circuit simply by electrical connection. So, this is an electric current power source. The primary electromagnets have ferromagnetic cores, but the secondary coils do not have cores and are put in the air gap of the primary cores. This arrangement causes the induction of electric potential in the secondary coil and forces the electrostatic charges of the air volume in the gap to follow a circular path by Faraday’s Induction Law. A first approach for calculating this device, considering that the ion density of the atmosphere is 4*10 25 electrons/m 3 , gave us 3*10 10 C/s that may be collected. Surely this is a super estimated value because the device is not so big and factors that may reduce the gathering were not considered. Since the atmosphere is an inexhaustible source of electrostatic charges, the gathering may continue indefinitely. So, this generator is a very promising electrical production system that deserves experimentation to get calculation refinements
                    From article at:



                    • I don't think the author's assumption has anything to do with the actual construction of Clemente Figuera, but the assumption is interesting. The author should connect his assumption with Testatika.

