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Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter - Recreating Tesla's dream.

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  • #31
    To ERNST

    Hello Ernst

    i have had problems with Amazon and your book. It is a pity that there are not other book sales opportunities. For me the final price, with currency exchange rates, Amazon HANDLING(!) and postage will cost me around $65. I am a bit reluctant to support Jeff Bezel and his inflated account.

    On another note. I imagine that your book will be a welcome source of accurate information for the faithful. But, often, when going through some of the threads and comments on this forum, I believe that the focus is misplaced, if, the intention is t0 "spread The Word". I am mindful too, of the old advertising adage, " Build A Better Mousetrap, and people will beat a pathway to your door". A truism that has other connotations. The better mousetrap, once seen by the entrepreneurs out there becomes a common market place item manufactured by all those able to copy it!

    The question needing to be addressed, is who is able to build the better mousetrap?

    I wish you well.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Dwane View Post
      Hello Ernst

      i have had problems with Amazon and your book. It is a pity that there are not other book sales opportunities. For me the final price, with currency exchange rates, Amazon HANDLING(!) and postage will cost me around $65. I am a bit reluctant to support Jeff Bezel and his inflated account.

      On another note. I imagine that your book will be a welcome source of accurate information for the faithful. But, often, when going through some of the threads and comments on this forum, I believe that the focus is misplaced, if, the intention is t0 "spread The Word". I am mindful too, of the old advertising adage, " Build A Better Mousetrap, and people will beat a pathway to your door". A truism that has other connotations. The better mousetrap, once seen by the entrepreneurs out there becomes a common market place item manufactured by all those able to copy it!

      The question needing to be addressed, is who is able to build the better mousetrap?

      I wish you well.

      Thank you, Dwane!
      If you don't mind sending me your postal address and pay me in advance, I can send you any of the 4 books that you'd like to order. Drop me a PM and we will definitely find a cheaper solution for you. One that has less money going to J.B.

      As for who'll build it first. If you're talking about a full-scale TMT, that will cost millions. No one will risk that kind of money without including someone with relevant experience (me).
      There is also a downscaled option, which I am not yet 100% certain if it will work. But my guess is 9 to 1 that it will. (90% sure) At the moment I have very little time and money available, but I do what I can to be there first.



      • #33

        The problem with distributing wireless power to the fire stricken portions of Northern California with a "Tesla Magnifying Transmitter Tower" is that the power would be recoverable by anyone with a receiver anywhere on the Planet.

        Grounded in a high potential "Counterspace" scaler wave, infinite power would be available to draw from the "Earth Dynamo" into the resonant receiver coils from anywhere on the Planet.

        California governor Gary Newsome would need to battle the money giant energy companies from around the World to help Dr. Dollard build a Wardencliff tower in Mendocino.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 11-02-2019, 02:06 PM.


        • #34
          Mars Rover

          NASA could transmit power instantly to the Mars Rover with double tuners. Raising the voltage in the transmitter tuner would result in an instantaneous rise in voltage in the receiver tuned to transmitter "Q" on the Planet Mars. The problem is that everyone could receive free power here on our home Plant Earth along with the Mars Rover with properly tuned frequency receivers!
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 11-02-2019, 02:12 PM.

