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Is reality real?

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  • Is reality real?

    [QUOTEPhysicists Are Starting to Suspect Physical Reality Is an Illusion

    Jon Christian*in*Hard Science

    Master of Reality

    A*provocative new column*in*Scientific American*floats the idea that what’s fundamentally real in the universe — its actual, base reality — isn’t the quarks, fields, and quantum phenomena that seem to comprise it.

    Instead, according to scientist and philosopher*Bernardo Kastrup, some are starting to suspect that matter itself is an illusion — and that the only real thing is information.

    Information Space

    The basic idea is that the physical universe exists because we perceive it — it’s a sort of mass hallucination we use to make sense of the mathematical relationships of objects.

    Make no mistake,*this is a pretty far-out idea. But, according to Kastrup, it’s gaining ground.

    “To some physicists, this indicates that what we call ‘matter,’ with its solidity and concreteness — is an illusion; that only the mathematical apparatus they devise in their theories is truly real, not the*perceived world*the apparatus was created to describe in the first place,” Kastrup wrote.

    READ MORE:*Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind*[Scientific American]

    More on reality:*Quantum Physics Experiment Suggests That Reality Isn’t Objective[/QUOTE]

    Just an interesting idea which I ran across. Enjoy.

    Last edited by bistander; 03-26-2019, 09:40 PM. Reason: Size-sorry, can't fix it, that works, kinda

  • #2
    Dude, the biggest question in my mind every single day is, Do I actually live on a planet called Earth with 7 billion other people, or is it all in my head?!?!


    • #3
      Physicists are so arrogant, they assume they can see all the pieces. Try to explain your smartphone to your dog, that's why the question doesn't matter... only the information matters to you.


      • #4
        I am convinced that reality is an invention of consciousness.
        without reality, things would be pretty boring.
        so at some point a consciousness figured out how to make a place to live.
        reality is a pretty fancy bit of logic, a math equation so fantastic that most everyone decided to move in.
        calling reality an illusion is kind of implies that none of it is really here,

        if you want a good layout of how reality is likely structured (if this is what reality is), look at Wilbert smith's book The New Science

        to add to that, look at what shamans say about where they have power. They say that they power they have is in the gap of what reality is and how we perceive it.

        I have always seen physics as hacking reality, shamans do the same thing from the other point of view.
        when they agree on something, then I tend to think they have got something worth paying attention to.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Turion
          We're either in the Twilight Zone or the Matrix. Take your pick.
          Same so called authority figure with all of those impressive titles that
          say magic mushrooms gets you photonically illusive where we all become
          one with the A.I.


          • #6
            one very good example of these quotes.

            “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

            "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality"

            -nikola tesla


            • #7
              When I was younger we used to say that reality is an illusion brought about by lack of alcohol (or weed, or shrooms or ...)

              On a more serious note, while exploring the possibility of an artificial consciousness (one step beyond AI), I came to this same conclusion: Our consciousness creates "reality", it has to in order to exist. Thus we can not create an artificial consciousness because it would have to merge with ours in order to create and perceive the same "reality".

              Much later again I found some youtube video that more or less says the same thing approaching it from a different angle.

              Then there are some more (mystical) approaches that also lead to this same conclusion.

              So... I feel pretty certain that our "reality" is created by our consciousness. Now how do we use this knowledge to improve things here?



              • #8
                a dog has a different perception of reality, and so is the cat, and also to those who are blind.. but it doesn't mean "reality" is being created by our conciousness.. It's just that we have different perception of "Reality"..

                maybe they mixed up "perception"(how) with "reality"(what)?
                or maybe they fill themselves with weeds and their reality changed and came up with this theory..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                  So... I feel pretty certain that our "reality" is created by our consciousness. Now how do we use this knowledge to improve things here?

                  ever been in a computer programming class ?
                  I watched some fascinating things happen there,
                  30 people are all told to write a program, and at least 25 of them write almost the identical thing.
                  I bet if we just think about how to build and structure a reality, we will likely figure out how ours is already made.

                  so, having looked at what comes of the designing reality thought experiment, one conclusion is that dream worlds are structured the same way as this one.
                  and potentially to take things one assumption to far,
                  if dream worlds are just more fluid, and our reality is made of "frozen reality", then we should be able to make a device to "melt reality", or at least do it for some small volume.
                  if such a device was possible, it would pretty much prove what is going on.
                  and the more I think about the MAGVID device and its geometry, it is all set up to melt reality (they don't use that phrase, but that is what they say it does).
                  my only issue so far with building it is to get enough power into the field for a proper test.

                  so far I have got very good at dream control methods, I can do anything I want in a dream now.
                  and the same methods seem to work in our reality, but they take way way more energy, so I have my personal proof. Now I just need to make it undeniable to everyone.
                  Last edited by spacecase0; 03-27-2019, 04:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    I think therefore I am, and because you think something different but perceive similar information in the same time and space, ergo we experience the same reality.

                    Take Schrodinger's cat, it may be dead or alive, but once we have committed to viewing it at the same time, we cannot have different results. That is true for two or a million viewers, or infinity viewers. That should be an axiom for reality. It's like the movie "Lucy" time validates reality, because it's unity.

                    My comment about explain your smartphone to your dog is this: The understanding of that phone, that information, creates a dimensional perception of reality. If you are a two dimensional entity, and a three dimensional entity views you, but you can't perceive his presence, your description may be accurate in your two dimensional experience but inaccurate holistically.

                    That's why physicists can't tell you what an atom or a field really is, they can only describe it. A fifth, sixth...Nth dimensional physicists may.


                    • #11
                      I think therefore I am ? For those who have slowed the thinking processes or entered the gap between thoughts, or even silenced the mind completely, when they are in those states, they don't think therefore they are not ? Just something to think about.

                      There are schools of Buddhism that consider the world to be a mentally projected physical hologram.

                      A quote from Ananda, " The world tends to exist due to polarity of the mind. " .

                      Not trying to make this a religious thing, Just pointing out that there are people who have thought this way for a very long time and science is
                      just now starting to play catch up.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lotec View Post
                        I think therefore I am ? For those who have slowed the thinking processes or entered the gap between thoughts, or even silenced the mind completely, when they are in those states, they don't think therefore they are not ? Just something to think about.

                        There are schools of Buddhism that consider the world to be a mentally projected physical hologram.

                        A quote from Ananda, " The world tends to exist due to polarity of the mind. " .

                        Not trying to make this a religious thing, Just pointing out that there are people who have thought this way for a very long time and science is
                        just now starting to play catch up.
                        If you don't exist, does it really matter? It's funny how you transposed no mind as non existence when meditation strives to turn off the mind that resists awareness.

                        Which only goes to show you how much LSD some people have taken. LOL - it becomes a huge carousel of word play and comedy, like who's on first? Do you exist, yes because I think I exist, well when you don't think ---do you exist?

                        The truth that will be revealed is that it doesn't matter if reality doesn't exist, just don't be an A-hole. Hahahhahhhahha...


                        • #13
                          Hi all, Hi lotec, then the buddhists have the closest theory in my opinion.
                          I've seen buildings render with mine own eyes.
                          Was cruising in the car at 50mph and was looking to my left at the strip malls and buildings, etc., when a barn came quickly into view, problem is, it was rendering itself like scan lines on a computer monitor, from bottom up. Something must have caused a lag between my mental projector and the screen around us.
                          I've seen other occurences that reinforce this hologram theory.
                          peace love light

                          If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a noise if nobody is there to hear it, that is not the question to ask.

                          The question is, do the trees even exist, when one is not there to observe them.
                          Last edited by SkyWatcher; 03-28-2019, 02:49 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                            Hi all, Hi lotec, then the buddhists have the closest theory in my opinion.
                            I've seen buildings render with mine own eyes.
                            Was cruising in the car at 50mph and was looking to my left at the strip malls and buildings, etc., when a barn came quickly into view, problem is, it was rendering itself like scan lines on a computer monitor, from bottom up. Something must have caused a lag between my mental projector and the screen around us.
                            I've seen other occurences that reinforce this hologram theory.
                            peace love light

                            If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a noise if nobody is there to hear it, that is not the question to ask.

                            The question is, do the trees even exist, when one is not there to observe them.
                            You have to have corroboration of the same experience in order to prove that an anomaly existed in time/space, ergo existence isn't real. You must also assure that the observers have the same perception available. Without those prerequisites, well ...every nut(please don't take that as an insult) could be right.

                            If you and I are in a same room at the same time with a single object at it's center. I see a dog, but you see a watermelon, you would think I was crazy or insane if I said, "dog". But what if I could alter your perception and change your view on existence? I could show you how to see the dog.

                            Consider the perception of the soundwave of "Laural" and "Yanny" some people hear one or the other, and few can hear both. People listening to the same soundwave, will hear different things. That doesn't imply that they are making reality happen outside of their own mind. Nor does it prove that the soundwave doesn't exist.

                            See Perception Matters in Existence

                            This is why I don't buy Existence is a reality construct theory. If you experienced any body going through death, you know it's final. Don't waste your life pondering it's illusion, live it.


                            • #15
                              Hi ilandtan, I don't need to ponder, I know.
                              You can have your perceptions and I will not judge you right or wrong for them, I do wish everyone else afforded the same respect to others as I do.
                              I wish you well on your journey.
                              peace love light

