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Is reality real?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
    If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a noise if nobody is there to hear it, that is not the question to ask.

    The question is, do the trees even exist, when one is not there to observe them.
    that is a very human centered view.

    do the trees wonder if the humans are real if they were not there to observe them ?

    the trees observe themselves
    so do the bacteria and the insects.
    there is almost an infinite amount of observing going on here on earth.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
      If you don't exist, does it really matter?
      It does to me.

      Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
      Which only goes to show you how much LSD some people have taken. LOL - it becomes a huge carousel of word play and comedy, like who's on first? Do you exist, yes because I think I exist, well when you don't think ---do you exist?
      I'm not sure. As far as I can tell, thinking is just yap yap. It's necessary sometimes, but if it were to stop even for 1 minute, I think the sense of I am ness would still remain.

      How much my existence depends on your thought processes, I can't say. Maybe I am you and you are me and we just forgot about it.

      I can relate to most of what you're saying and agree, I am just not completely sold on the philosophy of I think therefore I am. I just think
      that it is fundamentally floored.

      Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
      The truth that will be revealed is that it doesn't matter if reality doesn't exist, just don't be an A-hole. Hahahhahhhahha...
      I'm trying but it's harder than I thought.


      • #18
        Hi SkyWatcher,

        I'm not an expert in Buddhism, but it seems to me to be some of the wisest stuff I've ever read.

        Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. It could be a sign that your mind isn't as tightly bound as a lot of others.

        In general. What about Schrodinger's cat. It must have some mind or awareness to some degree. What effect does it's own consciousness have on the experiment.


        • #19
          Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
          Hi ilandtan, I don't need to ponder, I know.
          You can have your perceptions and I will not judge you right or wrong for them, I do wish everyone else afforded the same respect to others as I do.
          I wish you well on your journey.
          peace love light
          My journey is a little rough brother: I got pushed out of first class cause I was dope, and I'm sitting with the 800 pound gorilla to one side of me, and the other side sits the Elephant in the room, and though I complain to the flight attendant she keeps on asking for a credit card to buy the peanuts... she just doesn't get me, but I'm in love with her.

          Originally posted by lotec View Post
          It does to me.

          I'm not sure. As far as I can tell, thinking is just yap yap. It's necessary sometimes, but if it were to stop even for 1 minute, I think the sense of I am ness would still remain.

          How much my existence depends on your thought processes, I can't say. Maybe I am you and you are me and we just forgot about it.

          I can relate to most of what you're saying and agree, I am just not completely sold on the philosophy of I think therefore I am. I just think
          that it is fundamentally floored.

          I'm trying but it's harder than I thought.
          So out spills the barrel of existentialism monkeys.

          You can't be me because I would remember, and you wouldn't want to be me, because I think you either a spectator or a player. You are either a Hero or Zero; binary determinism.

          I'm probably an A-hole BTW


          • #20
            100lb block of steel

            Drop it on your toe. There's your answer. If you've ever seen tendons and bones hanging out of your body it's a really easy question to answer.



            • #21
              Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
              Drop it on your toe. There's your answer. If you've ever seen tendons and bones hanging out of your body it's a really easy question to answer.


              Thanks for kit, It was a treasure.


              • #22
                Hi lotec, your welcome, and that is what they are, just experiences, not right or wrong, good or bad, just a journey of experience.
                Yes, from what I've researched of buddhism, it has some great wisdom in its teachings.

                As far as whats inside the schrodinger thought experiment, I think it depends on whether or not the entity within the box has the same capability as us, that being to affect this realm around us by mere observation and thought.
                And if the cat has that ability, I think two realities or more, can coexist at the same time and space.
                One reality, where the cat was smart enough not to drink the poison, while we may simultaneously perceive the cat as dead when we open the box.
                The double slit experiment shows this is possible, for two humans to be in the same space and one perceive different things around them and sometimes they can be influenced to tune into the same frequency reality that we are perceiving and experiencing.
                I have much experiential evidence and other second hand accounts to corroborate all of this.
                peace love light


                • #23
                  Sorry ilandtan
                  My bad. I ranted on a bit in such a way, that made it look like the statement 'I think therefore I am ' isn't a truth in and of it's self, which it very much appears to be. The problem was the assumptions I had made about it. In having bit of a go at that statement, it might have looked like I was having a go at your views, which wasn't my intention.

                  Thanks SkyWatcher for the explanation of Schrodinger's cat.


                  • #24
                    Reality is an LSD hallucination?

                    No, I don't think so.

                    This is how it appears to me. A lot of loose logic and self deception is on the table. One reality could be called the external reality. External reality has a lot of "inertia" and as finite human entities we can only make limited changes to that reality, the external reality.

                    A second reality is the internal model(s) of reality that we carry in our neural synapses and brain chemistry, etc. I call that the internal reality. The internal reality is quite different in character compared to the external reality. It is highly malleable and can be influenced by detached fake arms and hands, chemicals, and other assorted magic. In fact you can train your brain to play out your fantasies in lucid dreams. For a while I enjoyed flying without a jet pack in my dreams night after night. The landscape became monotonous and eventually I gave up the effort.

                    I also hold internal models of other people's models. Models of models. Such models have to be held loosely because they can change or be out and out wrong.

                    Most of the regulars here in this forum ... Well, I don't have to lay it out in technicolor!

                    An old saying goes like this: Whatever you can conceive and believe you can achieve!

                    Using my imagination I can conceive many fantastic things that it would be nice to create but can not because I don't really believe it is possible, but I try to stay open to the possibility.
                    There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.

