[QUOTEPhysicists Are Starting to Suspect Physical Reality Is an Illusion
Jon Christian*in*Hard Science

Master of Reality
A*provocative new column*in*Scientific American*floats the idea that what’s fundamentally real in the universe — its actual, base reality — isn’t the quarks, fields, and quantum phenomena that seem to comprise it.
Instead, according to scientist and philosopher*Bernardo Kastrup, some are starting to suspect that matter itself is an illusion — and that the only real thing is information.
Information Space
The basic idea is that the physical universe exists because we perceive it — it’s a sort of mass hallucination we use to make sense of the mathematical relationships of objects.
Make no mistake,*this is a pretty far-out idea. But, according to Kastrup, it’s gaining ground.
“To some physicists, this indicates that what we call ‘matter,’ with its solidity and concreteness — is an illusion; that only the mathematical apparatus they devise in their theories is truly real, not the*perceived world*the apparatus was created to describe in the first place,” Kastrup wrote.
READ MORE:*Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind*[Scientific American]
More on reality:*Quantum Physics Experiment Suggests That Reality Isn’t Objective[/QUOTE]
Just an interesting idea which I ran across. Enjoy.
Jon Christian*in*Hard Science

Master of Reality
A*provocative new column*in*Scientific American*floats the idea that what’s fundamentally real in the universe — its actual, base reality — isn’t the quarks, fields, and quantum phenomena that seem to comprise it.
Instead, according to scientist and philosopher*Bernardo Kastrup, some are starting to suspect that matter itself is an illusion — and that the only real thing is information.
Information Space
The basic idea is that the physical universe exists because we perceive it — it’s a sort of mass hallucination we use to make sense of the mathematical relationships of objects.
Make no mistake,*this is a pretty far-out idea. But, according to Kastrup, it’s gaining ground.
“To some physicists, this indicates that what we call ‘matter,’ with its solidity and concreteness — is an illusion; that only the mathematical apparatus they devise in their theories is truly real, not the*perceived world*the apparatus was created to describe in the first place,” Kastrup wrote.
READ MORE:*Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind*[Scientific American]
More on reality:*Quantum Physics Experiment Suggests That Reality Isn’t Objective[/QUOTE]
Just an interesting idea which I ran across. Enjoy.