Originally posted by Pot head
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Transients are a Potentially Useful Source of Freely Available and Reusable Energy
Originally posted by Allen Burgess View PostGet help or else.
I suppose you voted for Hitlery Clintone?
Is your social justice warrior spidey sense tingling?
What are you going to do?
Right, right...you can’t.
Your post changed from its last writing.
Are you wishy one day and washy the next?
My last post proves it.
That’s why I caught this one also.
Buddy you can’t even show your work!!
It is you who has to keep up with me!!
I know more about building power machines
than you know your mama’s cooking!!
Blindness can be compensated with an increased sensitivity in other areas.
Originally posted by Pot head View PostBuddy you can’t even show your work!!
It is you who has to keep up with me!!
I know more about building power machines
than you know your mama’s cooking!!
I don't answer to you, nor to anyone else.
But I do have a conscience which I must obey.
I have no problem with lacking a build to exhibit since that's a whole lot safer than being crucified for having one.
These criticisms are nothing by comparison.
So, have it your way and criticize to your heart's content. My soul is satisfied at birth, so what need have I to build anything if I already know this stuff.
I'm in no position to prove anything to anyone including yourself, nor do I need to since I am proof sufficient to myself and that is worth more to me than gold or accolade.
But, and this is a big butt...
I am entitled to share my perspective regardless of its outcome or lack of tangibility.
Finally standing up.
Well, if you are that good then come here and help
build this live in Tesla house that I have proposed.
If you know your stuff and want to live on 5.7 acres of virgin woods
then you need to prove you can do the actual work.
A Theoretical Explanation of How Free Energy Operates in our Universe
I decided to keep theory out of the English and Spanish texts since who wants to mull over guesses when they'd rather want to build?
But then I attempted to write out the development of my thoughts over at Instructables. They published it, but I can't add more material. Yet, I may diminish it.
So, I went ahead and published a separate small piece on Amazon. It's so small, that I can't publish a paperback version without having to double its size somehow when I don't have much to say as it is.
What do I know?
I know that none of my efforts will change anything. Nor should they lest I get distracted from what I came here to focus on has nothing to do with notoriety.
Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
I decided to keep theory out of the English and Spanish texts since who wants to mull over guesses when they'd rather want to build?
But then I attempted to write out the development of my thoughts over at Instructables. They published it, but I can't add more material. Yet, I may diminish it.
So, I went ahead and published a separate small piece on Amazon. It's so small, that I can't publish a paperback version without having to double its size somehow when I don't have much to say as it is.
What do I know?
I know that none of my efforts will change anything. Nor should they lest I get distracted from what I came here to focus on has nothing to do with notoriety.
You are nuts like Allen Burbling.
I do believe you suffer from delusions of grandeur.
All you do is post things that highlight YOU.
Your strange posts and behavior needs attention from professionals in your area.
If the moderator is reading you need to address the situation.
You are a milk soaked bowl of fruit loops.
Beauty vs Power
Twenty years ago, I studied planetary anthropology via an in-depth study of the infinite range of golden ratios.
I learned about the two unique populations of souls living onboard this planet Earth.
One group, who dominate the population, have a history within their soul of nothing but the Golden Ratio since that's all they've ever known. Some are natives of planet Earth. Others are from the Pleiades star system from where this planet originated from prior to its removal and placement here, in this solar system, to replace the planet destroyed by its inhabitants between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
This whole solar system is centered around the Silver Ratio whose theme is the sacred use of power, namely: power is explicitly used for the benefit of others....never for one's self.
Yet, that is not the intent of the Golden Ratio whose theme is beauty. And one of the qualities of beauty is the motivation to have fun since fun is the natural state of beauty.
The dolphins, and other cetaceans onboard, came with this planet when it was transposed to this location.
They are humans of a different sort. They know what God is (unlike the animals who think that we're all Gods whether or not we act like it). But the dolphins' theme of life is strictly that of devotion. That's why they're so playful due to the purpose of devotion is to enjoy!
This is what I get out of Iasos's piece linked to, above: the playful antics of dance involving none of the power games and tripping out -- which souls who have lots of memory of lifespans spent on the blown-up planet are all too familiar with.
I think the reason why we were provided with a planet -- to continue our evolution -- has an aesthetic theme distinctly different than what we're accustomed to -- and different from the rest of this solar system -- is to prevent us from continuing down the dark path of destruction which led to our permanent self-exile from our native world.
It's time to learn a new aesthetic: the theme of balanced proportion which the Golden Ratio exhibits so well.
Yet, it's hard denying our memory if we come from another world of a different theme. Hence, our dollar bill's proportions reflect that of the Silver Ratio while our credit cards reflect the Golden Ratio.
And the Renaissance masters interchangeably switched back and forth between using either ratio in their art.
Bela Bartok was an exception to that rule of thumb. He stylized all of his music centered around the Golden Ratio, but told no one. It took a devotee of his music to discover this.
It's not merely music and art which is heavily influenced by a planet's aesthetic theme: Sanskrit, astrology, phonemes, etc., are all structured by a planet's proportional ratio. And especially its dominant salt system.
The atomic weight of the cation divided by the atomic weight of a salt's anion will give a loose approximation of that planet's aesthetic theme.
Earth's sodium chloride has a proportional atomic weight of around 1.54. That's a good enough approximation of 1.618 for aesthetics's sake since aesthetics is not an exact science. It's more likely intended to be highly suggestive of an archetype rather than some sort of exact blueprint. A proportional relationship need merely suggest an archetype to the body and mind of a creature to register with that creature's sense for what is harmoniously synchronized with its blood salt and the logarithmic scale of the rate of expansion of its cochlea (located in its middle ear if it has already developed one). This is why humpback whales don't need to be taught the diatonic scale familiar to Western music since they sing their songs in this scale without any prompting from us. And if a recording of their song is sped up at just the right rate, then its pitch, speed and melodic pattern is exactly that of bird song.
Mars' dominant mineral on its surface is gypsum whose proportional ratio is 2.4: very close to the Silver Ratio's one plus the square root of two.
Venus' dominant surface mineral is dipotassium hydrogen phosphate. The atomic weight of the phosphate ion versus the atomic combined weights of two potassium ions plus one hydrogen ion yields another approximation of 2.414...
The sun's surface has been described as that of calcium ferrite which also fulfills the Silver Ratio.
And I suspect that the dominant mineral on the asteroid belt's remnants of what used to be a planet was sodium ammonium sulfate which also satisfies the Silver Ratio's proportion.
BTW, the Silver Ratio is an approximation of the Pell series of numbers: 0, 1, 2, 5, 12, 29, 70, etc. Notice the subtle difference between how each number replaces its prior pair of numbers by comparison to how the Fibonacci sequence evolves: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. Different, yet similar!Last edited by Vinyasi; 05-20-2019, 04:49 AM.