The purpose of this thread is to discuss the modification of the O2 sensor by using spark plug non-foulers as spacers to bring the o2 sensor probe away from the exhaust gases. This causes less oxygen to be sensed by the sensor tricking the fuel computer into thinking the air:fuel mixture is richer than it is. This will make the fuel computer lean out the mixture so less fuel is consumed. It is recommended to use this modification only if other combustion enhancers are utilized so that a leaner mixture will effectively combust.
Redmeanie brought this concept here in the hydrogen booster thread and Racer246 posted the instructions how it can be done. Today, I bought the stuff to make my own and already installed it and will post results here over the next few tanks to see what happens. Here are some pics and a full PDF with everything can be downloaded (link provided below pictures)

You can see my o2 sensor is in good shape with hardly any carbon buildup...just barely enough to even be a layer thanks to RXP Generation II fuel additive. My purpose in this experiment is to receive full benefit from the fuel additive without the fuel computer sabotaging it.
A full document in PDF format can be downloaded here:
O2 Sensor Spark Plug Non-Fouler modification
Redmeanie brought this concept here in the hydrogen booster thread and Racer246 posted the instructions how it can be done. Today, I bought the stuff to make my own and already installed it and will post results here over the next few tanks to see what happens. Here are some pics and a full PDF with everything can be downloaded (link provided below pictures)

You can see my o2 sensor is in good shape with hardly any carbon buildup...just barely enough to even be a layer thanks to RXP Generation II fuel additive. My purpose in this experiment is to receive full benefit from the fuel additive without the fuel computer sabotaging it.
A full document in PDF format can be downloaded here:
O2 Sensor Spark Plug Non-Fouler modification