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Multifilar Generator Coil - Lenz delay Experiments

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  • Originally posted by Turion
    For those who still want to argue that magnetic neutralization is worth nothing:


    Scroll down to the info on the "Magnetic Battery" (3rd entry down, but the FIRST entry is also worth reading) and read to your heart's content. These are the principles I applied to the generator I built. Specifically figure 9.

    This is the original patent on the use of magnetic neutralization that I read BEFORE the idea was brought to this forum. Which is why, when it WAS brought here by MadMac, I supported it. Still do. Always will.

    Here is a Quote not sure I get this yet

    The recent discovery of the Y-Li-Sr/Ba-Cu Oxides, Thallium, and other superconducting compounds (Ln2.?Ce?Cu04.y (Ln=Pr,Nd,Sm) ) has significantly raised the operating temperatures required for superconductivity to levels above 90*K (-183*C) , where easily obtainable and inexpensive liquid nitrogen can be employed to cool and maintain the material in a superconductive state. The present goal of superconductor researchers is to attain a room temperature (or higher) superconductor. Ideally, the superconductive temperature should be high enough to permit the extraction of heat or light from the superconductive circuit (e.g., the operating temperature of filaments in incandescent light bulbs) , thereby accommodating common needs in everyday society.


    • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
      Stopped at the local surplus store and found these 3 terminal, euro style connector strips. 25cents a piece, good deal, just glued enough together on stick, they are much nicer.
      Here is my thinking for me. I need 50 terminals, Each one of these
      10 pole terminal strips are 1" long. The first set is soldered onto a
      small fiber board that is mounted across the spool wheels keeping it
      more compact and lessening the connection failure probability. The
      out going set of 50 wire goes to the screws.

      Just sharing my thoughts with you. So coil spool and connector block
      all one piece.

      These are low power terminal strips, we don't need 50amp posts.
      Look for 2.54mm spacing between pins and wire holes.

      Last edited by BroMikey; 07-11-2019, 12:40 AM.


      • Originally posted by Turion
        Loser is right. I know who the biggest loser is. That has been obvious for some time now.
        BTW, I still think MadMack had some connection to
        A bunch of losers.



        How is men showing their ideas losing? We all win by sharing as for
        the naysayer he is like the narcissist who has been convicted, sentenced,
        thrown in jail still saying he won the case behind his own self made bars.

        Sir innocence's
        Last edited by BroMikey; 07-11-2019, 03:06 AM.


        • Confirmed

          Originally posted by Turion
          For those who still want to argue that magnetic neutralization is worth nothing:

          Hi Turion,

          From the link you provided, Mr. Werjefelt appears to agree with my assessment, that magnetic neutralization does no work at speed.

          A curious observation is that when the SR is considered as an isolated system, it appears to have no reasonable macroscopic or sub-atomic function, except as a "phase-coupling device"; any energy received at the SR is output in the same form, less the frictional losses (i.e., no energy conversion - just losses) . The conventional measurement of electrical degrees cannot be applied in this system (SR) , nor can the conventional dipole moment.
          Originally posted by bistander View Post
          Originally posted by Turion
          ... there is a moment in time when the two are perfectly aligned, when the magnet is neither approaching nor leaving, ...
          ... it hits that moment of "lock" ...
          Hi Turion,

          Let's call that position the sticky point. And think of it as a position. Or a location. A point in space rather than a point in time. (Please leave space time discussion for another day, thank you)

          At this sticky point, there is a force, correct? That force resists efforts to move from the sticky point either the core or the magnet. Work and therefore energy is defined as force applied for a distance, or simplified, force times distance. Since this force at the sticky point is only at a point, there is zero distance associated with it. So the force at the sticky point is there but only there and represents zero energy and therefore no power to move past.

          Likely not many will buy this explanation, but there it is. I would like to see more of these types of tests. That is, measurements taken at various steps in the construction process.

          Thanks to dragon for chiming in.




          • Losers


            The investors certainly are losers


            • Originally posted by bistander View Post

              The investors certainly are losers
              The Earth Engine has been running for years offering 40kw. You are
              not innocent when it comes to degrading invention in general.


              • Earth engine

                There are no such devices running now nor have there ever been running to their claims.


                • You say

                  Originally posted by Turion
                  If magnetic neutralization is useless, than explain the fact that with it in place the amp draw of the motor is 12 amps and without it in place the amp draw of the motor is over 30 amps. Those are facts. You base your conclusions on the data provided by Sky running one rotor with a coil one time. I base my conclusions on several years of running my generator turned by different motors. It is so interesting that you are such an expert on this subject probably having NEVER built anything with more than a few coils.

                  You simply CANNOT explain those facts away. All you can do is whine about not getting the data you need and try to intimidate people into doing the work for you. I have just PROVIDED you with data, but you will still ignore it because it does not agree with your conclusions so it must be incorrect.

                  You saying it doesn't make it fact. All these years and you haven't bothered to properly document or record a test. Doesn't Mr. Werjefelt convince you?

                  And this isn't about me. It's about the topic, science, experimentation and facts.




                  • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                    There are no such devices running now nor have there ever been running to their claims.
                    Once again just Mr innocence blathering non nonsensical fiction.

                    Go MadMack you are the man
                    It would take years to thoroughly grasp all his data@Mr. Werjefelt

                    It's only invalid to a shameful skeptic such as yourself.

                    ORDER NOW!!!


                    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-11-2019, 05:02 AM.


                    • Facts

                      Originally posted by Turion
                      ..., therefore you HAVE no facts. ...
                      Like 200 years of scientific study by the best human minds and then like a billion copper and iron electrical machines operating daily.

                      You have 2 points from memory,

                      Originally posted by Turion
                      than explain the fact that with it in place the amp draw of the motor is 12 amps and without it in place the amp draw of the motor is over 30 amps. ...


                      • Do something with it

                        Originally posted by Turion
                        I, on the other hand, have built over a dozen of these machines, have recorded them running, have measured the inputs and the outputs the amps and the voltage required by the drive motor when different rotor and coil combinations are used. I have all kinds of data and all kinds of facts.
                        Kool. Why don't you put together a white paper and get peer review?


                        • Messing with lens.

                          The way I see it:imagine your rotor with magnets as a toothed gear wheel driven by some prime mover.
                          Engaged is a similar wheel with a brake,this is the stator coils.
                          When you hit the brake the first thing to happen is the stator wheel stops and the tooth on the rotor wheel hits the stationary stator wheel tooth.
                          There's nothing you can do to alter this.
                          If you don't get this reaction nothing is going to happen.
                          It took me a while but I eventually came across relativistic electromagnetism. It's an absolutely beautiful part of physics.
                          Study it,learn and enjoy!!


                          • Really all Skywatcher needs to do is complete an output coil that will provide the same energy out as he is putting into it. For example his test showed 1.54 amps at 120 volts input so an output of 1.54 amps at 120 volts would be unity.( or any combination of voltage and amps that make up the 185 watt ) If all is done to Turion's specs this should be a reasonably simple task.. right?
                            Last edited by dragon; 07-11-2019, 03:38 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Turion
                              Sky’s rotor isn’t the same size as mine. He isn’t using the same magnets I used. I don’t recall if he has 12 magnets on the rotor or not, so the number of magnets probably isn’t the same. His coil isn’t the same as mine... different size wire, different length, different number of strands 25% less mass of copper. Therefore, it is highly unlikely he will get the same output from his coil as I do. But he will get SOMETHING. And that will tell him how many coils he has to have to go COP>1. Then he just has to build it. I know how many coils I needed on my machine to break even with input and Sky will find that out for his machine. Every machine, if not an exact replication, is different.
                              Why would you need more than one coil to prove unity? If you can't achieve an activity equal or greater than the input with one then you couldn't do it with 2 or 10 or 100. Each coil would need to produce more than the input so the end result would be far greater than that of a single coil. Lets pretend we have a machine with a coil that produces 100 watts with a 100 watt input ( unity ). Each coil we add will increase the input by 100 watts as well as increase the output by 100 watts. (maintaining unity) So with 10 coils we would have 1000 watts input to achieve an output of 1000 watts ( unity ). However, if we have a single coil that requires a 100 watt input that could produce 110 watts out adding 10 coils our input would be 1000 watts and the output would be 1100 watts.

                              In order to increase the output exponentially as we add coils the input cannot change. Isn't this highly unlikely?


                              • Test suggestion

                                Originally posted by dragon View Post
                                Really all Skywatcher needs to do is complete an output coil that will provide the same energy out as he is putting into it. For example his test showed 1.54 amps at 120 volts input so an output of 1.54 amps at 120 volts would be unity.( or any combination of voltage and amps that make up the 185 watt ) If all is done to Turion's specs this should be a reasonably simple task.. right?
                                Pretty close, dragon. But for AC out of the wall and for AC out of the coil (across the load) you need to use real power (watts) not apparent power (VA or volt Amperes). This involves PF or do as Sky did and use a killawatt meter.

                                Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                                Hi all, well there was a difference.
                                Killiwatt meter says:
                                With just the rotor = 1.54 amps, 138 watts
                                With core added = 1.59 amps, 144 watts
                                With core and magnet neutralizing = 1.59 amps, 144 watts.

