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Multifilar Generator Coil - Lenz delay Experiments

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  • Hi bromikey, thanks for the reply.
    Wow, that is a nice setup there and were you able to increase the output.

    I made another experiment.
    I removed the 26 strand secondary coil, temporarily from the core and slid a single strand coil onto the core.
    This to see if the single strand secondary coil will function the same when loaded or shorted.
    It does behave differently, when the single strand coil is shorted, the input current does increase.
    Though with the previous test with the multistrand secondary coil, when shorted, the input current decreased the most.
    The voltage with the single strand is not enough to light the led bulb, even though the turns are somewhat similar.

    The next experiment will be with another secondary coil, on the other side of the input drive coil.
    This test is to determine if the output will increase further and then observe the input current.
    peace love light


    • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
      Hi...................... were you able to
      increase the output?

      The next experiment will be with another secondary coil, on the other
      side of the input drive coil.
      This test is to determine if the output will increase further and then
      observe the input current.
      peace love light
      There is definitely something special about the multifilar coils which
      John Bedini started showing 45 yrs ago I think sometime in the 70's.

      Early radio work (1930's to 1960's) used alot of multi-strands
      transformers and experimenters were catching on to many phenomena
      including tubes with various gases in them.

      My version can be increased on the output using sine wave to class
      AB audio amplification common to everyone. Running the freq's up to
      3000hz or more seems to be a target for power models.

      Your new test could use a bucking connection for the 2 secondaries
      that are multifilar.


      • Hi bromikey, thanks for the reply.
        Yes, will try that bucking method also, when I get the other coil setup.
        In the meantime, I rewired the 26 strand coil, so it is now two, 13 strand coils wired in series.
        Then placed them in parallel, to lower the voltage and also get more current, to charge a 12 volt sla battery.
        The parallel coils are going into a full wave bridge and into the battery.
        It is working well and the input current decreases while under the battery load.
        Previously, with the mechanical version, using the bridge rectifier into certain loads, like a battery, caused the input current to increase.
        That is assuming of course, that the multifilar coil is exhibiting a delayed lenz effect, which may be the cause of the decrease in input current under load.
        peace love light


        • Hi all, been running experiments and thinking about different things to try.
          I ditched the self oscillator, bifilar drive coil, as the trigger coil can be influenced by the magnetic flux from secondary multifilar coil, when loaded.
          So, set up an astable 555 timer, with a regular transistor to drive the separate coil/core primary, though both the primary and secondary are on the same core, inline, facing each other.
          It seems that if the duty cycle and frequency of the square wave pulse is set properly, the secondary coil can be loaded and even short circuited without affecting the input current, that the drive coil uses.
          And while this is happening, a regular 6 watt led bulb is connected to a flyback diode, across the primary coil, bedini style.
          And interestingly enough, that led bulb gets noticeably brighter when a load is placed across the secondary coils, bridge rectified output.
          And when the secondary coils rectified output is short circuited, the led bulb across the drive coils flyback diode, gets even brighter, probably double the brightness.
          Interesting results so far, It seems to me.
          Anyone have any thoughts on this.
          peace love light
          Last edited by SkyWatcher; 11-16-2019, 05:04 AM.


          • Hi Skywatcher,
            Thanks for posting. I think that there is interesting things to be discovered with your current line of inquiry. In some ways it reminds me of Don Smith and his step up transformers and the mismatched time constants involved. When you first announced your intentions to explore the motionless version of the concept, my first thought was, how would the primary be engineered? When you said you were controlling the frequency and the duty cycle, then I think I was starting to get it.

            If it turns out that the duty cycle was under 50%, then that is probably not a bad thing, I/m pretty sure that hard working iron needs some time to relax as well. I have held the view that the parasitic capacitance and the inductance of a coil are more intertwined, than what some people might think, due to feed back at a field level.

            Anyhow, as far off the beaten track as my thoughts might be on the subject, I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who is interested in reading about what ever you want to share about that.

            Thanks Sky, Turion and Bi.



            • Hi lotec, thanks for the reply.
              It seems like the duty cycle is not as important as a proper frequency, probably enough to cause a delay.
              With the 26 strand coil, it definitely has some capacitance, just sitting there with a meter connected, a voltage is gathered and when touching the wire ends, more than 12 volts is held.

              I'm building a different version at the moment, to try and improve the inductive coupling to the multistrand secondary coil.

              This version uses a 14 strand-24awg. magnet wire coil, wound first on the core.
              Then a low turn primary will be wound on top of that.
              This core is somewhat longer, to spread out the winding's and keep the primary winding closer to the core.
              Had limited output on the secondary, with the previous versions inline coil geometry.
              peace love light


              • Lenz Free

                It looks like testing of the multi strand series connected coil to offset or delay Lenz has been discontinued. I found that the simplest method. It is NOT the only one though. Here is another:

                If you guys are SERIOUS about this stuff, you will find a way. He doesn’t have everything exactly right, but he is close enough that if you replicate you will figure out the rest.
                Last edited by Turion; 11-23-2019, 06:37 PM.
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Hi turion, thanks for the reply.
                  No, it has not been discontinued.
                  Solid state test results, using the series connected, multistrand coil, have been positive so far.
                  What exactly is occurring and is it similar to the mechanical version, maybe.
                  Working on a simple version to improve inductive coupling with the multifilar secondary.

                  Also plan to make tests with a generator Alex Manzanero showed in one of his videos. Though have built something similar in the past.
                  Plan to use a 10 pound, iron weight lifting plate and some short ferromagnetic extension pieces off that rotor, to alter the magnetic flux from a neo magnet backed coil/core.
                  The idea is, that with such a mass of iron, the maximum amount of flux can be shifted away from the coil/core, that has a neo magnet attached to the back side and it might generate some good power that way, we shall see.
                  peace love light


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    It looks like testing of the multi strand series connected coil to offset or delay Lenz has been discontinued.
                    I found that the simplest method. It is NOT the only one though.
                    Here is another:

                    If you guys are SERIOUS about this stuff, you will find a way.
                    He doesn’t have everything exactly right, but he is close enough
                    that if you replicate you will figure out the rest.
                    I went thru Alex video's some in Spanish and some in English. One video
                    shows the diode arrangement with double coil producing power to
                    the light using 200 turns on each coil without drawing more current
                    on the drive motor. Without the diode arrangement, just using half
                    like a normal or conventional coil the increase goes as follows.

                    850ma= free wheeling rotor then upon powering the light goes up
                    to 950ma with a single standard coil. This is normal generating as
                    used today. This is a 100ma increase.

                    The diode style does not drag down the rotor more than 10ma yet
                    still generates the same power (guessing) lighting the light.

                    This is a definite improvement. However with my coils the amp draw
                    of the drive motors goes way down while producing more power. I
                    like mine better. Thanks to you.


                    • Hi bromikey, thanks for the reply and sharing again your confirmation.

                      Yes, the solid state version does the same thing it seems.

                      Have time today to finish the new solid state version.
                      We shall call it, SSLS 1.0 (Solid State Lenz Shift 1.0).
                      peace love light


                      • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi bromikey, thanks for the reply and sharing again your confirmation.

                        Yes, the solid state version does the same thing it seems.

                        Have time today to finish the new solid state version.
                        We shall call it, SSLS 1.0 (Solid State Lenz Shift 1.0).
                        peace love light
                        Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        I was using a 300 watt AC bulb as my load and thought it would be interesting to use a small AC motor I have. To my surprise, the lower voltage was able to speed up the run motor when the AC motor was used as load. In fact, I was able to LOWER the voltage quite a bit.
                        Yes let's call it SSLS so folks know it is a solid state test. Have you tried
                        other loads like Dave is talking about here?


                        • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                          Hi bromikey, thanks for the reply and sharing again your confirmation.
                          One other point to make here. Remember the thread "ANOTHER BASIC
                          FREE ENERGY DEVICE" huh? Do ya? Well I got to thinkin that how
                          it resembles the diode arrangement Alex is showing. We need to be
                          led to find the reason why Dave said that.

                          Hum.... So let's not throw out the idea. K?


                          • Hi bromikey, thanks for that.
                            Point taken, I will not throw out ideas shared and you are probably correct, dave is trying to help guide in a good direction.
                            peace love light

                            Oh, tested the improved inductive coupling version SSLS 1.0 and so far, am not seeing the same effect.
                            The multifilar secondary cranks out the power, though the amps increase with it.

                            Also made a quick test with the flux shifting mechanical generator, similar to this video.

                            I secured 4 iron or steel slugs to the iron weight lifting plate and spinning slowly by hand, can get 1.2 vac.
                            The coil/core gap to iron slug is not very tight, plan to make an axial version, to get tighter air gap and then add many more iron slugs around the rotor.
                            What's interesting is, is that one could use a large diameter wheel, rotor probably doesn't need to be iron and we could place 100 or more flux extending slugs and really make some power.
                            Last edited by SkyWatcher; 11-26-2019, 05:03 AM.


                            • Hi all, just wanted to specify, the updated solid state version was using the lower strand secondary, 14 strands instead of the 26 strand previously used.

                              So, will use the 26 strand this time and see the results, for the solid state experiments.
                              Though also plan to continue working on and testing the mechanical, flux shifting generator design.
                              peace love light


                              • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                                Hi all, just wanted to specify, the updated solid state version was using the lower strand secondary, 14 strands instead of the 26 strand previously used.

                                So, will use the 26 strand this time and see the results, for the solid state experiments.
                                Though also plan to continue working on and testing the mechanical, flux shifting generator design.
                                peace love light
                                So it looks like the 26 strand being a little longer gives you some phase
                                shift. Good coupling,bad coupling still requires data on input-outputs same
                                as the mechanical design where magnets whip by your coil instead

