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Davey's Water Heater

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  • #61
    bell frequencies

    Hi Dingus,

    Try looking at some New Age supply companies. I'm not too sure about bells, but there are tuning forks for sure and they have the Hz marked on them corresponding to the musical note they are tuned for. You may find some bells with the same indications or at least you could contact someone at those companies and ask if they know about the bells. You could start searching for "tuning forks" for healing, etc...
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #62
      Some added food for thought......

      Hello Dingus, and everyone else interested in this thread. Hope you don't mind me jumping in, but I think that if you read through this you will probably take something useful from it. Dingus, you can probably find some excellent "bells" right in one of your kitchen cabinets! Like most of us, you probably have some metal cooking pots of various sizes which have lids with non-metallic knobs at their centers. Try placing a few of the lids on a countertop, and picking up one at a time by holding only the knob to suspend it. Hold the lid so the rim is a couple of inches from your ear, then strike the rim with the back of a wooden or metal spoon. A small lid will give off a "bell" sound, while a large one will sound more like a gong because of the fact that it is ringing at a lower frequency. Any metal lid will work for this experiment, but stainless steel has a nice ring to it. If you listen closely, you will notice that not only is there a primary frequency which you hear, but you can also hear other frequencies which add a richness, or "fatness" to the tone. Also, tapping the lid closer to the knob will produce a higher pitched tone than tapping it near or at the rim. When you tap the rim, the sound you hear is caused by the metal vibrating and disturbing the air around it in waves, some of which are audible to us. The lower frequency vibrations at the rim cause other areas of the lid to begin vibrating at their own frequencies - sympathetic vibrations. There are a great many actual frequencies being produced, and the additive effect is what causes the richness of tone. Some of these higher frequencies are resonant harmonics of the rim frequency, and these will amplify the tonal strength of the basic frequency. There will also be some frequencies know as dissonant frequencies. Dissonant frequencies cause distortion, and are generally unpleasant to listen to. When you strike the rim, a dissonant frequency very close in pitch to the rim frequency will begin to ring, and you will notice that this causes a wavering pulsation that seems almost slow enough to count, especially in the larger lids. Being a piano, reed organ, and pipe organ tuner, I refer to these pulsations as "beats," and use these beats to advantage during the tuning process. For example, most keys on a piano keyboard activate a felt hammer that strikes a grouping of three wire strings simultaneously. To tune a group, first the center string is tuned alone by muting the outer two strings with rubber wedges. Then one rubber mute is removed so that the hammer strikes two strings. The string now being tuned will at first be higher or lower in pitch than the center string, and this causes the dissonant beats. As it is tuned closer and closer in pitch to the center string, the beats slow down until finally disappearing. If you tune past the point of perfection, the beats start pulsing again. As with the lids, the pulsations you hear are actually caused when the peak amplitude of one frequency's sound wave reaches a point where it aligns with the peak amplitude of the other frequency's wave. To picture this, draw a straight line about eight inches long on a sheet of paper, then draw an alternating sine wave through the line from left to right. Draw a second sine wave pattern with alternations spaced a little closer together. Mark each of the locations where the peaks align, and that is where the beats would be heard. I can tell you from experience that dissonance can be very powerful - far more powerful than resonance. When tuning 16 or 32 foot high pipes in a pipe organ, the dissonant effect is powerful enough to vibrate the entire building in which the organ resides, and you can also feel the pulsations throughout your body. Low to mid frequency dissonances can also give you a wicked headache in just a few seconds. You can probably imagine that one might not feel all that well after ten hours of tuning a pipe organ having well over 1,000 pipes. If you have read this post, and follow what I am saying, try tuning your bells and circuits for the strongest dissonant effect possible (which will be near but off resonance), as those vibrations will have the most powerful effectiveness at disturbing and heating the water.

      Best regards, Rickoff
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • #63
        Haha, I was thinking about using the bowls in my kitchen, but I figured if they stained brown like Jetijs' my mom would freak-out at me. I might still check them, then go see if I can find an identical one.


        • #64
          Yes, Dingus, mom certainly wouldn't be amused! Try checking out your local Goodwill or Salvation Army store for some stainless steel cooking pot lids, or bowls, to experiment with on the cheap. One thing to keep in mind, and which you probably noticed if you did the pot lid experiments I suggested above, is that two identical looking lids can produce very different tonal characteristics and frequencies. Try to match them up as closely as possible before experimenting. Then, to achieve the precise dissonant ring that you want between the two pieces requires only a slight removal of surface metal, by light sanding, on one of the pieces. The tuning forks that Aaron mentioned would work great, but are not inexpensive. If you get your hands on a couple of tuning forks marked with the same frequency, try experimenting with dissonances. This can be done easily without altering one of the forks. Simply place one in your refrigerator for a while, and when you take it out and strike it the frequency will be higher than it normally would be at room temperature. Strike both forks, and listen to the difference in frequencies. Do that every 5 to 10 seconds or so as the cold fork gradually warms up. You will clearly be able to distinguish the dissonant beats as the frequencies get closer to unison and the beats slow down. And at some point during the dissonant pulsations, you will feel it in your fingers when the most powerful effect occurs. So experiment in whatever way you can, and have fun!
          Last edited by rickoff; 05-30-2008, 10:35 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • #65
            Hi all,

            I don't have the skills to do machines' parts at all.
            Anyway I think a lot about several inventions I would like to have.

            I was thinking yesterday that besides using semi-spheres, the heater could be made with sort-of speakers. What I mean is that if you apply a frequency to a speaker it will hum that sound. No need to tune it as with the spheres.

            Is there anything resembling a speaker that could be used under water?
            There could be 2 of them face to face or 4 of them forming a square.

            What do you think of this idea?
            1. Crazy & stupid
            2. It might work
            3. Don't know, probably stupid.


            • #66
              Reply to Bugler

              Hi Bugler,

              No question is dumb except the one that is not asked. Yes, you can do many things with speakers, and there are speakers made for underwater use as in swimming pools. Keep in mind that in order to utilize sound waves from a speaker to accomplish a task, such as heating water, you do not have to submerge the speaker. Here's an experiment you might find interesting:

              Set up two speakers of the same size and shape that are facing each other, and place them about a few inches apart. You can do this with your stereo speakers if you want. Now take a tall glass jar which has an airtight lid, and drop a thermometer inside it. A common wall hanging or outdoor thermometer would be fine. Fill the jar about 3/4 full with tap water adjusted to be the same as your room temperature would record when the thermometer is placed in the air space between the speakers. Now place the jar between, but not touching either of the speakers. Immediately begin producing sound waves with a matching frequency at both speakers. Now vary the frequency of one speaker just slightly to produce a dissonance that gives you a slowly wavering tone. Time the test, and watch the thermometer. See how long it takes to raise the temperature 5 degrees (if it rises at all). Hint: If you start generating tones at a low frequency, they will have a more powerful dissonance than tones of a higher frequency, but test both high and low tones in separate tests to see what effect each gives you. To perform this test, you will need to input two separate audio signals to your audio amplifier, using variable frequency oscillators. You can build simple ones with low cost parts available at Radio Shack, or if you are a keyboard musician then try using synthesizers for the inputs. Try the experiment using sine, square, and sawtooth waveforms, and see which type produces best results for you. Chart your results obtained by starting at different frequencies. Then report your results in this thread. Have fun.

              Last edited by rickoff; 09-20-2008, 04:03 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • #67
                ME feels this Myth is busted

                After 4 months and $3000 I believe that I can conclude that the Davey heater myth is busted.
                Will post for results and report for all to view and comment


                • #68

                  Hi guys I think where there is resonance there is power.So when one taps the resonant energy one opens a new enegy dimension which is free energy.


                  • #69
                    Hi Doc

                    We are still waiting for your results and report.....


                    • #70

                      Originally posted by albator10 View Post
                      Hi Doc

                      We are still waiting for your results and report.....
                      Hope to upload tonight


                      • #71
                        Hi, I am sorry for entering this discussion. I hope anyone busting this myth has scanned all possible resonance frequencies of their (hemi)spheres by a frequency generator. It took the old man 25 years to find the exact distance and shape of the spheres to accomplish resonance at 50Hz.

                        Have you got the electronic equipment you should be able to do it very quickly. If it does not work with a variable generator the myth is busted... But again, the shape of the spheres and the mounting of them should be crucial for the result. Maybe not so simple as it first looks. And the patent does not disclose his recent progresses. If you look at the movie the shape is now very far from the patent. I believe he is onto something including a vortex geometry.


                        • #72
                          Gauss has he got a modern patent, i only have his from the 40's cant find it, did you find it?


                          • #73
                            Hi, sorry, I believe he said he kept the recent secrets to himself so the recent unit probably has little do to with the 40s patent. But anyway, get yourself a frequency generator, build 2 concentric SS spheres with some central inlet/outlet and put it inside water and see what happens...

                            However, if you want to look at a neighbouring discussion please look here:

                            YouTube - Overunity free energy water heater from WITS

                            They have taken it a step further it seems with capacitor banks etc and 6000times overunity..

                            However, that should also be a later cousin of Davey´s heater from Keely´s ideas.


                            • #74
                              Davey test results

                              I hope that this info will help others to find a different result to what I realized.
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                Hey guys' Old newbie here, My curiosity was piqued by this heater and it reminded me of my little ultra sonic cleaner, so I dug it out and did a very basic finger test with some desani water and I believe the heat I remember was from the unit itself. The bottom had 55w, 60hz and 120 V
                                I'm new to all this electronics stuff (still on chapter 2 of 'electronics for inventors') one thing I DID find in my little investigation is that you seriously do not want to dip an open bottle of soda pop in the ultra sonic solution-TOTAL MENTOS MOMENT!

