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Davey's Water Heater

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  • #46
    RE: Caviation.

    Originally posted by Resonator View Post
    Very interesting reading AhuraMazda! I'm even more convinced now. I did wonder if it wasn't cavitation occurring in his heater. Makes me wonder if the hydrosonic pumps patented by Hydro Dynamics

    Hydro Dynamics, Inc - The Solutions Company

    aren't also in some way tapping acoustic resonance to bring about cavitation bubbles.
    MAN! I really would like to hook up my RV to this caviation device. I called them today and they said they did not sell to individuals, I asked to talk with the engineer, I have sent them email.

    As I understand it I can make an item for myself that is under patent, I just can't sell that device to someone else.

    But would be even better if the water heater in a bell works, that is much less electricity to get the same results.
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #47
      Hi all.
      Today I made numerous experiments with this heater concept. I had a function generator driving a sine wave through a 300w car amplifier to the two heater hemispheres. I monitored the waveform, frequency and peak to peak voltage on the scope. The highest voltage I could get was about 40V peak to peak. I tried many frequencies close to 50Hz, each for some minutes. I also monitored the water temperature changes with a IR thermometer. The water did not get even warm, but the amplifier did This setup consumed about 4A at 12V from my power supply.
      Then connected a subwoofer to the output of the amplifier to get sound waves at desired frequencies. I tuned the input to 50Hz and held the small hemisphere near the sound source. The sphere was attached to a plastic handle, but I could not feel the sphere vibrate at any frequency. Maybe it did vibrate, but then these vibrations were so small, that I could not feel the difference. So do you have any tips how to find the resonant frequency of the hemisphere using sound waves?

      Anyway, Then I just plugged the two hemispheres to a variac so I could adjust the voltage as needed. At about 100VAC the spheres could get 120 ml of water to boil in about minute. As the water got hotter, the amp draw increased (I monitored this by touching the sphere wires - they were getting warmer. Its just that my power meter does not work at anything below 200V)

      Here are some pictures the the water heating process:

      You can clearly see the heat as a blurry area in the water. Its just like the effect on a road in hot days, like a mirage There is also not much gas production. Anyway, at 220V the amp draw was huge - about 8 amps, the wires got hot quite fast so I could not do this for long. Then I attached a 75W light bulb in series with the heater to limit the power. This way I could find out if it is the current that heats up the water or the vibration of the spheres. This time the water got warm very very slow. So it was obviously just current that heated the water.
      Anyway, without tuning the inner sphere to 50Hz it will not work very efficient. Also if I boil the water for some time using these hemispheres, the inner surface of the larger hemisphere and the outer surface of the smaller hemisphere becomes brown. Also the water becomes yellowish. What could be cause for this? Here is a pic:

      I though that these might be the impurities of the water, so I cleaned the spheres and tried this again using distilled water. Unfortunately distilled water did not conduct current very well, so I had to add just a tinny little bit of KOH to the water, but very little just one flake. This increased the current draw very much and the water started to become hot an the it boiled. I let it boil for several hours till most of the water was evaporated in steam. Then I disassembled the spheres and this time there was also this brown coating only much less than using tap water. Here is a pic:

      The spheres are made form 316 grade stainless steel. What could cause this effect?
      It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


      • #48
        So do you have any tips how to find the resonant frequency of the hemisphere using sound waves?
        Try hitting your hemisphere and recording it onto your PC, then use a spectrum analyzer to find the resonant frequency. I've attached a sceenshot of the software I use, you can clearly see the peak in the waveform showing the base frequency but also the harmonics I mentioned earlier
        Attached Files


        • #49
          Jetijs, if your hemisphere doesn't ring very well when you tap it then my guess is you'll find it harder to make it resonate, I was going to use the tops off bicycle bells but when I hit one I could tell the sound was a mix of frequencies that weren't complimentary and the ring decayed far to quickly. Thats why I've opted for a Tibetan singing bowl, they ring for ages and have a very pure tuned sound

          I would say by the shape of your hemispheres the resonant frequency is going to be way higher than 50Hz!


          • #50
            One note Jet,

            I have looked at how you are testing it, and you are putting the half in water? I have noted looking at the demonstrations that the people who do have this working have the vessel filled with water, but not in water. maybe the water is having a dampening effect on the process? just an idea.

            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #51
              today I made a new test. I placed one of the spheres near a microphone and hit the sphere with an iron stick. I recorded the sound and found the resonant frequency of the hemisphere by using free Audacity software. I found that the resonant frequency of my 5" moejoe hemisphere is about 216Hz. Then I tuned my function generator so that it makes the speaker to vibrate at 216Hz and the big hemisphere indeed started to vibrate when placed near the speaker, not much but I could feel that. Then I tried other spheres as well. The smaller the sphere the bigger the frequency. So I can't understand how they can get a hemisphere that small (around 2") to vibrate at 50Hz if my bigger sphere resonates only at 216Hz. This means that in order to get a hemisphere resonate to 50Hz, I must increase its diameter. Or are there any sub frequencies that can also make the sphere vibrate? And how to find them? I mean the harmonics are in theory bigger than the resonant frequency. That means that I could make my sphere vibrate at 216Hz, 432Hz, 648Hz and so on. But how about the frequencies below the resonant frequency?

              Anyway, I also found the frequency of my 4" hemisphere, its around 646Hz. I used the 4" hemisphere as the smaller one and the 5" as the bigger one. Then I put the frequency of 646Hz on them via an audio amplifier and submerged them under water - no sign of any heat

              Any ideas?
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • #52

                The frequency might be different in water than in air. Might need a sonar mic

                Maybee we should be looking a the frequency that water boils in a microwave. Perhaps that is the frequency that we want to hit and it is amplified like sound in a cave.

                I was listening to an audio of a guy on free energy, and he found frequency that hit are attuned to oil. He can make gasoline / diesel by hitting the crude right in the ground, and out comes the gas already refined.

                The object is to heat the water so I am thinking perhaps we are looking for the frequency of the water, and not to heat the container.

                Just a thought.
                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #53
                  The frequency might be different in water than in air. Might need a sonar mic
                  theremart , that is a very good point! Water is much denser than air (ie; higher impedance) and it causes frequency smearing or modulation. Recording the hemisphere whilst submerged in water is undoubtedly going to help arrive at the correct frequency. Trouble is how much does a 'Sonar Mic' cost

                  Research in Underwater Sound


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Resonator View Post
                    theremart , that is a very good point! Water is much denser than air (ie; higher impedance) and it causes frequency smearing or modulation. Recording the hemisphere whilst submerged in water is undoubtedly going to help arrive at the correct frequency. Trouble is how much does a 'Sonar Mic' cost

                    Research in Underwater Sound

                    Another thought, there were video demonstrations of this. Is that frequency recorded in the audio....

                    I always try to find a wheel that is working to duplicate it. The trouble with this world is there are so many imitations that make you doubt the reality of real one.

                    Elias as I recall had something working we may want to ask him!....
                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • #55
                      Current Draw Calibration


                      Why don't you measure the current while tuning the frequency generator to a specific frequency? The current draw should drop at the natural frequency of your bowls+water combination.

                      Your system is your bowls+water and the resonant frequency of it must be found to make it operate efficiently. I don't think that there is any special effect involved with 50Hz. BTW, experimentation is fun anyway!

                      I have not experimented with a frequency generator yet guys, but I'll do whenever I get the time!

                      Good Luck everyone,

                      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                      • #56
                        Another idea

                        How about stepping thru the frequencies say 20 min per range with a device to record the tempreture while it does.... Perhaps by brute force you could find it....

                        This would require a device that could record both the frequency and the temp.

                        Then you could look back at the data to see if you could find where it goes up.
                        See my experiments here...

                        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                        • #57
                          where's the grid hum?

                          Here's a clue from the Overunity forum Peter Davey Heater

                          The answer is seen in any stringed instrument, or tuning fork. For example, take 2 tuning forks of the same LENGTH and hit just one of them. Put that vibrating one near the other and the second one will start to vibrate also. You can also use a tuning fork of double the frequency and get the same effect. Take a guitar and strike the low E string (top string) without touching the others. Now stop the string you just stuck and listen to the high E (thinnest string) and it will be vibrating also even though it is at twice the frequency of the low E that you struck. Octaves (doubling or halving of the frequency demonstrates this the best. Take a wind chime and another wind chime exactly half the length of the first. Strike the bigger one and then put it near the one half it's length and then stop the big one from vibrating. The smaller one will be vibrating also even though it was never physically touched. All the same principle.

                          In this heater the electricity (mains) are oscillating at 50Hz. These bells Peter uses can't be 50Hz because they are too small. I guess them to be 800Hz or 1600Hz which are just octaves of 50Hz.

                          Someone here asked how to tune bells. Just like wind chimes, the smaller the bell the higher the frequency so start with something a little lower frequency than 1600Hz and then grind it down until you get to 1600Hz. If using 60Hz mains then the bells would need to be 1920Hz.

                          Then these bells will be vibrating in octave relation with the mains and you just need to adjust the distance between the two bells to find the sweet spot where the waves coming off each bell strike the other bell so as to not dampen IT'S vibration.

                          Same theory as to why you suspend a wind chime from a particular distance from the end so you hold it only on the node of the wave so you don't dampen the wave that is traveling up and down the wind chime.

                          Or think of it like two children swings but slow it down to visualize it. A swing (pendulum) will have a natural frequency determined by it's length. If you want to use the most minimal energy to continue the swing swinging then you need to push at the same frequency as this natural frequency of the swing.

                          With the 2 bells vibrating both at 1600Hz (in the case of 50Hz mains) and distanced from each other so the node of the waves strikes the opposite bell at exactly the right time and you make the water very hot very fast :-)
                          Last edited by Ludmil; 05-15-2008, 06:48 AM.


                          • #58
                            just a note from a newbie/fresh thoughts

                            Hi All,
                            It is this particular device that helped me find this forum so I think It only fair that my first post be on this subject.

                            It is my intension to build one of these heaters as of all the "free energy " devices this seems to be the easiest to build with very little materials used however it does seem quite tricky to tune .

                            Just some thoughts on what has already happened.
                            Jettis you seem to be the closest here, you have found the the frequency of your bowls the first hardest part is complete .Might i suggest that you start experimenting with the distances between the bowls. I think this is by far the most tricky part of the whole water heater and can only be achieved by experimentation (lots and lots of ) .

                            I think a lot of people are only looking at only half the problem with any great thought i.e the tuning of the bowls. I think the distance between the bowls is as equally important to this and much harder to achieve

                            I have approached this by thinking that the distance between the bowls must be the close to/multiple of,the wavelength of the tuned bowl , however the refractive index of water may have to be taken into account as well. this varies as the water temperature changes so the current will go up when the water temperature is not near this value . I think when I start to constuct mine I will chose a refractive index in the middle to the temperature range i.e intial water at 20C i would be trying to boil it hence 100C so my refractive index I'd be using for water would be 60C. It may be that the outside bowl's distance covers all these refractive indices (ie it is closer at certain points to the inner bowl than at others ) hence the water heater is working at its greatest efficency using different areas of the bowl as the temperature rises.Hence keeping the current low and constant

                            Wavelength - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            List of refractive indices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            I might be talking complete b@llsh!t here I'm not sure but there is some sort of realtionship between the distances of the bowl any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

                            I will be starting to build my heater very soon when i find the materials and funds allow .

                            very interesting thread on a very interesting forum .

                            thanks, will keep you posted on my progress


                            • #59
                              I found this very interesting....

                              YouTube - Charging water with Singing Bowl

                              bubles are made from this "singing" bowl...

                              We wonder what type of bubles...
                              See my experiments here...

                              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                              • #60
                                I tried asking this on the overunity forum, but I didn't get any response. Does anyone know where I could go to find bells? And how could I find the frequency without taking them home and testing them first?

