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Davey's Water Heater

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  • #76
    Hi, thanks for your great effort!

    My next suggestion would be to use a spherical geometry, that means one central sphere or other geometry hammering away at resonant frequency, then use 2 outer spheres to create a resonance between those two. Probably that is what the other guys did with success. Plus they added an inductor and oscillating DC(?) I suspect.

    But maybe we could use AC supply to tear the water molecules apart, the question is which frequency could be exact?? Maybe we need to go to 10 kHz just like in the other OU circuits.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Doc View Post
      I hope that this info will help others to find a different result to what I realized.
      Is your mains power 50Hz?


      • #78
        Mains Hz

        Originally posted by mikkyo View Post
        Is your mains power 50Hz?
        Yes it is. For those with 60Hz mains all you do is use harmonics of 60Hz


        • #79

          Using AC current will result in this kind of final condition (pic below).
          As well as producing electrolytic gases in any kind of volume would
          certainly end in a bang. My instinct suggests AC power is not part of this

          The WITS heater only utilized a 9v battery. And I don't remember seeing
          a bell as part of the active mechanism. But there was a spherical
          cavity formed by the vessel housing. Hmmm..

          Mr. Davey suggested that he would NOT divulge key factors causing this
          effect, and even hinted that he may employ counter measures so as to
          protect the true secret.

          I really have never understood this kind of mentality. The only way for new
          world changing technologies to have a chance of seeing the light of day,
          will be to introduce them on such a broad scale (i.e. www)... sheer
          momentum and public opinion will demand further exploration and

          We love watching you work...


          • #80
            Missing the point

            Unlike the WITS demo, the davey heater has and can be recreated easily. What he has not yet demonstrated is to heat a volume of water with an COP exceeding 1. All that has been seen is the surface area of water boil in a glass. Been there done that!!
            It definitely is not DC current which will only create hydrolysis or HHO.


            • #81
              New angle

              Hi don't have the equipment but if some can do the following test.
              Instead of tuning the bell to the AC Hz, rather tune the AC Hz to a harmonic of the bell. This will provide 2 answers if it works. A) it is either the harmonic of the AC Hz that generates a sympathetic vibration to heat in excess of 1 or B) the gap distance between the spheres is creating extra energy caused by a dipole effect.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Doc View Post
                Yes it is. For those with 60Hz mains all you do is use harmonics of 60Hz
                I think you'll find you need octaves of 60hz, not harmonics.

                i.e. if your mains runs at 50hz, both bells must be tuned to either
                50Hz, or 100hz or 200 or 400 or 800Hz etc

                If your mains is 60hz, you need
                60hz, 120 or 240 or 480 or 960hz

                It is important that the bells are in tune when they assembled.
                The act of assembly can put them out.

                Accuracy of tuning is everything.

                Last edited by wrtner; 05-28-2009, 06:33 PM.


                • #83

                  Does anybody have the plans for WITTS Ultrasonic water heater please...?


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by George.ka View Post
                    Does anybody have the plans for WITTS Ultrasonic water heater please...?
                    Ask in the WITTS thread:


                    • #86
                      It is difficult to obtain the numbers from the video.
                      quantity of water
                      increase in temperature

                      thank you.

                      Трудно получить цифры с видео.
                      Количество воды
                      повышение температуры

                      Last edited by wrtner; 05-07-2014, 04:22 PM.


                      • #87

                        Guess this is also interesting for you replicators:
                        effet duma
                        The French build instructions:

                        "in france a con man Jean-Christophe Dumas is using the peter davey's device
                        to give lecture on free energy

                        sorry it is in french"


                        Thank you Tagor at OU for posting.
                        Please take note of the safety notices at the end of the video. Don't ever touch water or device when current is applied!
                        'This device has no brain, use your own!'
                        Do not build it if you are not an expert!

                        Last edited by bbem; 05-07-2014, 05:55 PM.


                        • #88

                          Примерный расчет:

                          удельная теплоёмкость воды - 4.183 кДж/(кг*К)
                          энергия, потраченная для нагрева 50 л. воды от +15 до +100 будет равна -
                          50 кг * 4.183 кДж/(кг*К) * 85 К ~ 17778 кДж
                          электроэнергия, затраченная на нагрев воды будет -
                          7 (А) * 220 (В) * 1800 (сек) = 2772000(Дж) = 2772 (кДж)
                          тогда КПД нагревателя - ( 17778 кДж / 2772кДж ) * 100 % ~ 640 %
                          Нагреватель Питера Дэви (Peter Davey). (Новая Зеландия), Нагреватель Питера Дэви


                          • #89
                            ....which, Google translated, becomes:

                            Sample calculation:

                            specific heat of water - 4.183 kJ / (kg * K)
                            energy spent to heat 50 liters. water from 15 to 100 will be equal to -
                            50 kg * 4.183 kJ / (kg * K) * 85 K ~ 17778 kJ
                            electricity consumed for water heating will be -
                            7 (A) * 220 (V) 1800 * (s) = 2772000 (J) = 2772 (kJ)
                            then the efficiency of the heater - (17778 kJ / 2772kDzh) * 100% ~ 640%


                            • #90
                              Yes, for that run, COP = 6.4 !!!

                              Here is a spreadsheet:


