The Quantum Key
It is more of a simplified unified field model based on the aether with
no math and common sense analogies. Was written more for the
metahpysical minded person that doesn't have a technical background.
A Course in Mind Power goes more into the spiritual side of things including
showing how the mind is a non-equilibrium thermodynamic system and how
it is another reflection of natural systems that operate just like the
real free energy systems.
Thanks for asking!
It is more of a simplified unified field model based on the aether with
no math and common sense analogies. Was written more for the
metahpysical minded person that doesn't have a technical background.
A Course in Mind Power goes more into the spiritual side of things including
showing how the mind is a non-equilibrium thermodynamic system and how
it is another reflection of natural systems that operate just like the
real free energy systems.
Thanks for asking!