this was sent to me from konehead, but its not yet a response to the prony brake. i h ope you will find it responseworthy. i have now relayed your message bout pronybrake to him, and will function as a conduit.
to save you time, i also linked to a non-yahoo-group link tot he gif he is talking about. hope this helps.
Hi Esa
can you send this to PL in that energy forum?
Hi Peter
Actually there are 4 points to trigger at in sinewave - the peaks,
neg and pos, likeyou said, and also the two "zero-line passovers"
too! (where they got the term "zero point energy" as John D Shnurner
told me many years ago on telephone....(Shnurner had a secret self-
runner for many years but sadly I heard he has passed away from heart
attack a few years ago)
There is other method to do this right here in files section in
EVGRAY yahoo board - "SNAG-219 by ccbern" - this circuit also clips
at sinewave peaks and is different but does same thing.
You should join this board again!
You left a long time ago arguing with Bruce Perrault but I kicked him
out a long time ago too so you dont have to worry about headaches
from arguing in EVGRAY - I am moderator...
Those high percentage of SCR failures were not installed in a sine
wave peak circuit - a guy (Dan Combine I beleive it was but not sure)
set up a test rig to test some SCRs he bought, and he got that big
failure rate in SCRs...so the circuit itself did not cause all the
burn outs. Seems hard to beleive the SCR manufactures are so rotten
but that is what he got...
I wouldnt call this a "recovery" circuit - a
backemf/recoil "recovery" circuti is what you want to put INSIDE an
INVERTOR powering an RV - recover backemf/recoil and put that into
caps - just like DC stuff but now you do it "both ways" since it is
I would call this a "non-reflective" pulsed power output
circuit ...mainly it doesnt LUG the motor down when you get power
output happening is its claim to fame...
Ash put up a video about two weeks ago - running massive light bulbs
with an RV setup - he installs the peak sensing circuit, and the
battery running the invertor in the system returns to its "idle"
voltage when the neo peak trigger circuit swoithes in....
I wouldnt call the RV messing with the reactive power either - or
power factor correcting....its AC caps you use not DC to get your
amps way down once you get the thing going - adjust the run cap UF
value to the load you have going is what you do (easy!!)
To be messing with the "reactive" power as you call it - what then
you want to do is start to make use of the "3rd phase" (AKA rotary
transformer phase or the run cap phase, or also called the virtual
phase or blank phase)
Technically I dont think this should be called reactive power, since
it is more exact to call it a rotary transformer phase is my humble
Anyways this is alot of power that also can be tapped via sine wave
circuit and it doesnt affect draw to "prime mover" (motor)
Then after all this is the power of shaft too - whatever sort of
generator you want on that go for it...
Overall very very cool - too bad so many are so certain H is full of
baloney when actually people thinking that need to adjust their
IT is SO EASY - takes an afternoon once you get the parts to get it
going - tuning it and everything else takes awhile but is way simpler
than any DYI project to do free energy wise, plus motor is factory
balanced, with factory air gap tolerances strong as steel unit that
runs forever too and wont ever break down - cant ask for much more
except a permanent magnet rotor in a custom one....
once you get frequency adjustment, pulse width adjustment, and
voltage adjustment to your RV system then its REALLY something - not
just running on 60 or 50hx all the time...
ciao Konehead
(from Yahoo! Groups )
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