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Roto Verter

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  • Hi Rev, great work my friend , Rev, also if you want too you can reduce the idle consumption further by removing the external fan, the RV runs COLD as there is no heat losses so you don't need to worry about heat or need the fan .

    Next step is to get you a frequency driven inverter for more HP.we are making one down here ill have some snaps of our water pump and it prob in 2 days. Keep going man!. You could also use such low power to create a solar water pump! Just need a 120watt solar panel and good deep cycle battery, this is what we are working on ATM.



    • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
      Hi Rev, great work my friend , Rev, also if you want too you can reduce the idle consumption further by removing the external fan, the RV runs COLD as there is no heat losses so you don't need to worry about heat or need the fan .

      Next step is to get you a frequency driven inverter for more HP.we are making one down here ill have some snaps of our water pump and it prob in 2 days. Keep going man!. You could also use such low power to create a solar water pump! Just need a 120watt solar panel and good deep cycle battery, this is what we are working on ATM.

      I've no idea how to change/adjust the frequency of an inverter.



      • Hi Rev, okay, there are a few ways to tweak them here is a file showing one way from this particular inverter. (Attached)

        Now the guy who did that inverter hack conversion also looped the RV, except he encountered interference.
        Energy Suppression

        We just got a 1000USD donation in for him to help him, guys i suggest if you loop the RV RELEASE IT SIMULTANEOUSLY (2 reps) AND GO PUBLIC, don't try to make money.

        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          Hi Rev, great work my friend , Rev, also if you want too you can reduce the idle consumption further by removing the external fan, the RV runs COLD as there is no heat losses so you don't need to worry about heat or need the fan .

          Next step is to get you a frequency driven inverter for more HP.we are making one down here ill have some snaps of our water pump and it prob in 2 days. Keep going man!. You could also use such low power to create a solar water pump! Just need a 120watt solar panel and good deep cycle battery, this is what we are working on ATM.

          Thanks a lots Ash for the file and suggestion.

          You absolutely right. I've tried in different frequency (50 and 60 Hz). What you're watching in my last video is running the water pump motor on 60 Hz (my home plug). When I try to run it on UPS (600 watt 50 Hz), the resonance changed. It need more caps to get resonance that mean I just could reduce to 400 mA current. Just what you say, we could get more HP with proper working frequency.



          • Hi Rev, when you adjust the frequency (higher), you need LESS RUN caps,. Peter will be able to explain why better then me, the higher the frequency (say 80Hertz etc) the less RUN cap you will need to reduce the draw.

            Remember you are power factor correcting your load and it is determined by frequency applied as well as load/draw requirements. You are doing real well


            • " Chad reported the following to one of our helping engineers:

              I have no resources and am in danger of losing everything. I believe that “they" got to my money people and I now need a job so I can eat. I don’t know exactly what happened but some rich people got their bank accounts fooled with so I'm S.O.L. they won't even return or answer my calls.-End "

              "Above is a photo Brian’s RV looped set up. After reporting this on the internet, Brain was threatened. Both Chad and Brian remain bankrupt. The organization is now undergoing a replication attempt of their research locally. Upon completion Panacea WILL create security by a public disclosure/demonstration of this technology, and further help Chad and Brian. If you can help Chad/Brian in ANY way PLEASE consider a small donation"

              Wow, how more bad can it be.
              So far to Obamas Politic of Free Energy?
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • Joit, its the method of DISCLOSURE that needs focus here, people must open source FREE ENERGY. We do not need politics, we need a change in perception of how the world is governed, we can stand on our own two feet free energy engineers need to rise above the conditioning and create public access to technology through open source disclosure,.

                Every other way is the LONG way around. we are working on the replication of Chad's work, but will be PUBLICLY releasing it.



                • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  Hi Rev, okay, there are a few ways to tweak them here is a file showing one way from this particular inverter. (Attached)

                  Now the guy who did that inverter hack conversion also looped the RV, except he encountered interference.
                  Energy Suppression

                  We just got a 1000USD donation in for him to help him, guys i suggest if you loop the RV RELEASE IT SIMULTANEOUSLY (2 reps) AND GO PUBLIC, don't try to make money.


                  Yo Ash,

                  This mod looks very simple, is this the inverter ?

         redit_Card_Terminals?hash=item190275076445&_trksid =p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|3 9%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

                  Has this been working well for Joe?

                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • Mart is back
                    Thats the one my brother

                    "WEGAN tech Peak Surge Power 2500 W continuous use 1000 watt. Input
                    12VDC Output 115V AC."



                    • RE: Wagan inverter..

                      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                      Mart is back
                      Thats the one my brother

                      "WEGAN tech Peak Surge Power 2500 W continuous use 1000 watt. Input
                      12VDC Output 115V AC."


                      Can Joe fill us in on what loads this setup can handle or how many hours he has been able to run using this setup? I may be enticed to do this as it is so simple, but since I already have a 2500 W inverter, I want to know what I would gain by doing this, and how stable this setup has been.

                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • Hi Mart, if your referring to Joe low watt AKA "Chad"?
                        He looped his RV, so i say it can run for a bit of time
                        We are still trying to get full details from him at this time.

                        Mart, the hacked inverter will be useful for both energy saving applications, and for the looped set up.
                        There is A LOT involved in the RV loop , so prob might be a bit much for you?

                        Last edited by ashtweth; 01-07-2009, 12:06 AM.


                        • RE: Joe..

                          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                          Hi Mart, if your referring to Joe low watt AKA "Chad"?
                          He looped his RV, so i say it can run for a bit of time
                          We are still trying to get full details from him at this time.

                          Mart, the hacked inverter will be useful for both energy saving applications, and for the looped set up.
                          There is A LOT involved in the RV loop , so prob might be a bit much for you?

                          I am not shooting for looped, I am asking about the inverter mod that should give more horsepower to the motor. The document you gave to hack the inverter was from Joe. I wanted to know how this modified inverter has performed for Joe or how many people have done this mod?

                          See my experiments here...

                          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                          • Mart thats Chad's inverter, he and others have done it and yes it will give you more shaft power. This is stated in the compilations.



                            • Head to head 1 phase AC motor


                              I have a plan to build resonance motor (worked as an alternator) on RV mode, but in 1 phase AC motor. Do you think it will work ?
                              From the RV documentation, I saw (from panacea replication) the motor which worked as alternator wired in 1 phase setup. So, I thought if I have 2 (identical) motor, I will get the same way as if I work in 3 PH motor.

                              What do you think ?



                              • RE: Inverter mod

                                Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                                Mart thats Chad's inverter, he and others have done it and yes it will give you more shaft power. This is stated in the compilations.


                                Ok, I have ordered the inverter, what is the wattage on the 100K pot needed?

                                See my experiments here...

                                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

