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  • #16
    RE: how will it behave.

    Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
    I wonder how the battery would behave if charged with a Bedini SSG
    That is exactly what I want to know..

    I am thinking of trying all sorts of electrolite.

    Some of my batteries respond MUCH better than others with the SSG. I have a hunch it is the mixture of the electrolite that allows for a better reaction with the SSG. I am thinking, we could formulate a battery designed chemically for the SSG then we would have something!
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #17
      Hi guys,

      Yesterday, I overcharged the alum electrolyte battery for about 3 hours. Today morning I measured the standing voltage of this battery and it shows 12.78V. I think the battery is reconditioned back to behave like new.


      • #18
        Re : results

        Originally posted by kumaran View Post
        Hi guys,

        Yesterday, I overcharged the alum electrolyte battery for about 3 hours. Today morning I measured the standing voltage of this battery and it shows 12.78V. I think the battery is reconditioned back to behave like new.
        Very nice,

        Do you still have the package for the alum, would like to find the same stuff and have it for reference.

        My alum just got to the store and was shipped yesterday. Will let you know my results.
        See my experiments here...

        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


        • #19

          I got my Alum in yesterday, and I did some measurements...

          I found it VERY strange that after I had dumped the cleaning water, that I hooked up a meter to the terminals and i saw 8 V

          Anyway, I added the alum mixture, and the voltage read right at 10 V. I put it on the SSG charger, it shot up to 11 straight away.

          I let this run all night and was up to 11.85 in the morning. I have then switched over to 24V with the SSG, and it is now at 11.90.

          But as I think about it.... when getting a dead battery it normally takes about 3 -4 days of charging on the SSG to get max charge.

          I wonder if Kumaran used a convential charger? Oh well will give it a few days on the charger and see what happens will post results.
          See my experiments here...

          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


          • #20
            Found the chemical stuff going inside the battery.

            Here is the link.

            Aluminium battery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #21
              Ok, update

              Well today I could see the voltage was not going past 11.90 sooo... I dumped the electrolite and tested the PH. it was right at zero..... ( which means the concentration was still acid

              Soo.... I went and got some baking soda and mixed it in with some more alum. This time the starting voltage was right at 11 V instead of 10 V the first run. Right now it is up to 12.19 V after being on the charger for about 5 hours. Will do load tests, but looking better.

              Also I found Alum at Krogers Grocery but it was $3.00 for 2.75 ounces, I found it also at Walmart but it was 1.50 for 1 ounce. I have decided to try to find another source. I may even just try baking soda alone.
              See my experiments here...

              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


              • #22
                Update on results.

                Battery charged up to 12.65 on SSG ran a 30 Watt light bulb on inverter for 40 min. Not good as new but this is the first time around. Might take longer to charge my deep cell battery, it took 1 1/4 Gallon to fill it
                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #23
                  Bad news with the Alum batteries

                  Well... I had the alum battery in with the other batteries being charged with the SSG. I found that when I removed it from the rest the charge on the rest of the batteries shot right up. So... it seems to be a black hole for energy with the SSG. ( at least in my setup ) I think it would be ok for say like a dump off from a capacitor or for use in your car wich uses conventional charging.
                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • #24
                    dont give up to soon

                    Hi Mart,

                    I would'nt give up on that battery just yet because as you know these batteries atleast in regard to lead acid sometimes take a LOOOONG time to become revived.Do you happen to have JB's Renaissance charger by any chance?.I'm starting to notice that 4 cheap walmart tractor batteries that I bought a few months ago are beginning to well lets say become more Effficient .When I bought them the highest voltage was 12.71 and after a couple of weeks they got up to standing voltage of 12.84 not to bad but as of today after charging them up last night they happily sit at 12.95 .I also have a sealed lead acid 28AH battery that sits today at 13.25 that happens to be at least 15 years old and was sitting around and basically lost all voltage over the years but I'm happy to say it is hands down the best battery in my arsenal lol.See the funny thing about JB's charger is it will charge a battery in 3.5 to 4 hours wheather theres 1 battery or ? batteries .Dont just give up on it just yet.Keep up the good work.

                    Last edited by gmeat; 04-12-2008, 01:43 AM.


                    • #25
                      Giving up...

                      Sorry to disappoint...

                      But I have a deal with the guy who gets me batteries I can swap any battery back for others he gets ( he has pallets full ) I swapped this battery and got today 2 replacements for my golf cart batteries, and 2 Semi batteries ..

                      golf stand at 5.9 Semi batteries stand at 12.67...

                      I just could not see it being worth the fight when I can get these kind of replacements. And yes I do bribe, I gave them milk and cookies...

                      When you consider what these go for new, I have done quite well.

                      I can't wait to see what the semi batteries will look like AFTER they have been on the SSG for a few days.

                      They look to have the potential to be like my Star 15V battery...

                      I am abandoning ship on the alum batteries, I just love seeing 13V over 12.2 volts too much...
                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • #26
                        You got some nerve lol

                        lol, milk and cookies you funny,ok I didnt know you had it like that.Should I notify all the old folks with those electric scooters to look out for YOU! ?


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by gmeat View Post
                          lol, milk and cookies you funny,ok I didnt know you had it like that.Should I notify all the old folks with those electric scooters to look out for YOU! ?
                          Yes, I have been eyeing the batteries in those scooters, please don't tempt me, they could be great for my collection
                          See my experiments here...

                          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                          • #28
                            Words & ambiguous meanings: ALUM

                            I'm all for experimenting and learning by doing,
                            but some answers can be obtained by asking questions.

                            When the words were used, what did those words mean to
                            the people using the words? This is why lawyers make the
                            big bucks .. It all depends on what the meaning of "IS" is ...
                            Here me out, I think I'm being logical.

                            The word ALUM, as we wish to know it, is ambiguous by definition.
                            The word ALUM is a nice short word but lacks the details we need.
                            The word alkaline requires further explanation when used
                            with the word ALUM.
                            Part of an ALUM component is an alkali metal, which is not to be
                            confused as meaning an ALUM is an alkaline.
                            Most ALUMs, it seems, create an acid in water solution,
                            not an alkaline solution.
                            Some ALUMs are Insoluble in water.
                            Would this not mean unusable for a battery/water solution?

                            The term of ALUM refers to various
                            isomorphous double sulfates composed of trivalent metals and
                            univalent metals, especially aluminum potassium sulfate,
                            AlK(SO4)2·12H2O, a white, crystalline compound. Alums
                            have the general formula M2SO4·MIII2(SO4)3·24H2O,
                            where M is one of alkali metals (potassium, sodium,
                            rubidium, caesium, silver. thallium or ammonium), and MIII denotes
                            one of the trivalent cation (e.g., aluminum, chromium, iron,
                            manganese, cobalt, or titanium).
                            In aqueous solution, alums show all the chemical properties
                            that their components show separately.

                            That last sentence seems rather important since we are removing
                            Battery Acid (H2SO4 Sulfuric acid) which has sulfate for
                            ALUM which has sulfate ...

                            Nothing in the sulfate department has changed? SO4
                            What's the BIG improvement in using this "alkaline solution"?
                            1) The exclusion of the hydrogen
                            2) The addition of an alkali metal
                            3) The addition of a trivalent cation
                            4) The combination of 1 and/or 2 and/or 3
                            5) Lack of or addition of 1, 2 or 3 does not matter.

                            Just the combinations of ALUM alone could be 42.
                            Then we start adding in the possible combinations of above
                            1,2,3,4,5 TIMES 42 !!

                            What I think I know:
                            McCormick Alum creates an acid solution.
                            Adding baking soda to that solution erupts in bubbles
                            which means it is an acid solution, correct?

                            I was told by Durkee during a phone call that
                            the Durkee 3.75 Oz Granulated Alum is
                            potassium aluminum sulfate.
                            Spec sheets on this ALUM state it is an acid in solution.

                            Sodium aluminum silicate has a ph of 9 – 11
                            on a spec sheet, very alkaline, however is Insoluble in water.
                            Maybe this is wrong or maybe it can still be used,
                            but if Insoluble we will not gain the chemical properties
                            of each component in water?

                            To further the confusion.
                            These ALUMs go by multiple names all meaning the same thing.
                            These all mean the same thing:
                            Sodium aluminum silicate, Sodium Aluminosilicate, sodium silicoaluminate

                            From what I understand only two people can give
                            a deeper detailed meaning behind the words: ALUM and alkaline
                            as they were used. We don't need a lawyer

                            I'm happy knowing what I know.
                            I know that I do not know if the solution is a true
                            alkaline solution or is only spoken of as "alkaline" for
                            reasons not explained.
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • #29
                              RE: Alum

                              Yes, I must agree, the many types of Alums makes life confusing.

                              The first batch I tried was of photographers alum, that did not work well.

                              The next batch I will try comes from American Spice Company...

                              Many different forumlations of Alum just like many different types of soda.

                              See my experiments here...

                              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                              • #30
                                alum mix

                                I used durkee alum distilled water mix in 2 batteries and they both charged great. I'll post details later.

                                Alkaline or acid, I don't know but the mix worked.

                                The old sulfuric acid solution in both batteries were poured into a bucket of water and arm and hammer baking soda...there were no bubbles whatsoever.
                                Aaron Murakami

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