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Veljko Milkovic' - 2 Stage Oscillator Violates 3rd Law of Motion

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  • #31

    we live in a spherical condenser(earth-ionosphere) with a combined E and B-field that gives a lot of effects to our lives. Ie the fields give us weight, gravitation effects etc.

    IF you realize this and that gravity just is an effect of the fields then a whole lot of options come to mind. Resonance is the first. If you have resonance you can input just a little energy at the peak of every oscillation and keep most of the "old" energy from the last oscillation and still output alot of energy. There will be side-effects(transmutation?) from resonance I believe, there is no "free energy" just an exchange of energies between different aether units.

    Anyone has built the Milkovic oscillator in here? Progress?


    • #32
      GMC, Group,

      Please make the straight wire spring unit, is really is as simple as he has shown.

      The version using the bicycle hub ratchet, made me in-vision a bicycle where all you did to "go" was keep the *thingy swinging* and shift gears..

      I/We just figured out my gout problem of the last year and a half and I'm near ready to do things again.

      Some of the angle iron I bought for the beam has been used for other purpose (I live on a very small farm...)...

      I'm still looking for a long rack gear to use with a large Servo Motor wired as a Generator, and the fake "OU devise toy" circuit that keeps the iron piece swinging/moving creating the toys illusion. I want to use to keep the 1st oscillator in motion.

      The nrg from the servo can easly power the swinger and there is no spook, "you cant connect the out to the in, or it kills the effect" excuse !



      • #33
        Originally posted by Gauss View Post

        we live in a spherical condenser(earth-ionosphere) with a combined E and B-field that gives a lot of effects to our lives. Ie the fields give us weight, gravitation effects etc.

        IF you realize this and that gravity just is an effect of the fields...
        Well, bear in mind that on Mars, for example, is absolutely no magnetic field and yet, gravitation works as it is supposed to work - objects is falling down. I'm not saying that gravitation isn't connected to electromagnetics, but I'm saying that we don't know how! But I'm sure that is not because of ionosphere's electric field.
        Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


        • #34
          Can anyone think of an electrical analog to the mechanical oscillator? A circuit?


          • #35
            Originally posted by dave_cahoon View Post
            Can anyone think of an electrical analog to the mechanical oscillator? A circuit?
            An LC circuit perhaps? Simply a coil with high self inductance and a capacitor.

            It will give you the electrical equivellant of a pendulum where voltage is equivellant to gravity, inductance is equivellant to mass (the weight of the "pendulum"), charge (coulombs) is equivellant to the length of the pendulum's swing, and resistance (ohms) is equivellant to wind resistance.
            "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

            “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
            Nikola Tesla


            • #36
              FOOD for Thought.

              SHOWS effect on a pendulum !!!

              Visualization of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces

              Makes you go Hmmmmm .. there's some other forces going on here
              that I wasn't thinking about existing.

              Rotate something attached to something else that is rotating and hmmm.

              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #37
                @Technoman, try and read the book of Konstantin Meyl, maybe you will change your mind. The solar wind clearly indicates a B-field at Mars but mainstream science can not explain how it works. Maybe Mars has reached a new stage in its development cycle, ie all water is consumed and the crust and ionosphere may have the same charge or the crust may be a bad neutrinolyser or whatever which gives completely new results.

                I strongly believe there is always duality between the E/B-field, one can not exist without the other, ie in a charged condenser people believe no B-field is present, that is wrong. The B-field of Mars may be horisontal, hence a new measuring technique is needed. Not important anyway for now.


                • #38
                  At the moment I don't have enough time to read K. Meyl books, yet I believe I will do that one day, but first thing will be scalar waves.

                  About the duality - in some sort you are right. These two fields are connected. Yet there isn't absolute symmetry (proven in quantum physics, year 1957 if I am correct, Bearden talks about that in his book) in Electromagnetics, i.e., Magnetic field couldn't exist without Electric field, and yet - Electric field without Magnetic field would do just fine. As far as I am taught in university, magnetic effects comes solely from relativistic effects of moving charges.

                  So in case of static, charged capacitor (imagine that it is ideal case and there is no leakage currents) is only Electric field. BUT if we start to move or cap is being moved, then we can observe Magnetic field, caused by changing Electric field, relative to us.

                  In case of Mars - haven't been there, but it could be, that the magnetic field is caused by Mars and it's ionosphere's rotation, that would be - moving capacitor.

                  But still - can't see, how we can relate gravity effects with Electromagnetism.
                  Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


                  • #39
                    Lindemann's guide to building veljko oscillator

                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #40
                      My proposal

                      Pictures speak louder than words..

                      Gravity+mill.jpg (image)
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #41
                        2stage oscillator replication

                        at all

                        Here is a very easy to replicate Milkovic 2stage oscillator

                        the pendulum is activated with a RC plane servo (Hitec HS 725 BB)
                        the servo is activated with a servo tester . You can activate manually or automatically This works with a 4,5 volts battery but you can go up to 6 volts to get higher speed swinging

                        the servo is hot glued on the lever the arm of the pendulum must be articulated to get a good swing

                        the fulcrum is a MOT hv coil weighing about 450 gr

                        the 2 clamps on the lever are for the equilibrium

                        this is a very interesting set up to get the feeling of the brillant idea of Veljko Milkovic

                        an now looking for what we can do with this

                        and how to measure the force in and out any ideas??

                        et vive the swing

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by woopy; 08-13-2010, 10:04 PM.


                        • #42

                          How to measure force in and out? Well, is gravity involved? Yes. Is gravity free? yes. Is there more force involved than the force required to keep the pendulum swinging? Yes. Do we pay for it? No. Is ''over unity re cost'' possible. Yeah, seems so.

                          Thanks for posting woopy. Here is a draft schematic for the pendulum trigger / push coil; it activates only when the pendulum is falling - because of the diodes on the trigger coil to the trigger transistor.

                          Did I mention the Commutator on the flywheel that causes a capacitor to fill up from the bedini wheel, then disconnect from bedini charge wheel and connect to the pendulum drive coil just before the drive coil fires?

                          No? That's sneaky of me.

                          Pendulum+drive+coil.jpg (image)

                          // closing the loop will prove output is more than input

                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #43
                            BABY this guy is on track!

                            YouTube - Double Solenoid Pendulum

                            Check this out, very nice setup!!!! just look at the mass on this baby!
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • #44
                              Instead of timer, would utilizing mechanical switch viable for driving the pendulum? maybe using four strand of wire? two for each direction?

                              In the example, the left part are heavier and has shorter range. Is it possible to have the left part lighter so it can be much longer than the pendulum part at right angle, it should produce more electricity isn't ?
                              Last edited by sucahyo; 02-24-2009, 05:11 AM.


                              • #45
                                Arm length

                                It's a tradeoff between speed and torque, more of one = less of the other.
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

