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Veljko Milkovic' - 2 Stage Oscillator Violates 3rd Law of Motion

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  • #91
    @ Suhcayo

    nice work, wats the name of that simulation software??
    "If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." - Albert Einstein


    • #92

      @ Sucahyo - can you post a link to that software? Looks awesome and may help ppl work out dimensions better, and how to get oscillations in resonance.

      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #93
        The name is working model, it has gravity, wind and electrostatic, no magnetic though.
        Working Model 2D - Home

        We can do much even with the demo version, I capture using irfanview . We need to purchase if we want to save our work though.

        other software I found during searching:
        Infolytica » Overview of MagNet: Design & Analysis Software for Low Frequency Electromagnetic Devices
        Visualize magnetic fields: free electromagnetic finite element modelling, analysis, simulation software. Animations.


        • #94
          Torrent - Working Model 2D + Keygen + Crack - [HUSSEY]:: BitTorrentMonster


          • #95
            To complement working model for creating the object in precision, some say qcad is the best:
   QCad binary for Windows: Files
            Last edited by sucahyo; 03-18-2009, 08:39 AM.


            • #96
              Not a "standard" model, but it's an Oscillator, the Video. of the Working Model 2D design.

              I couldn't figure out how to add energy to the pendulum swing so I
              used springs. An up down movement of the entire pendulum at the CORRECT
              time would add energy to the pendulum swing.
              It's another option for energy input.
              Rectangle 32 is the Hammer rectangle, not the pendulum.
              There is friction added to the pendulum pivot point, but not the pivot point on the Arm of the Hammer.
              The recorder does not seem to record live graphs, the graphs are from the
              previous running of the device.

              The design was trying to increase swing distance on the Hammer.
              Moving the pivot point on the arm closer to the hammer,
              greatly increase the up/down swing.
              In this design the balance between hammer, pivot point and pendulum does not seem to be as touchy as a standard 2 Stage Oscillator.
              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #97
                Push the Pendulum

                Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                I see no problems using a piston assembly from a 12v car tire compressor. We would need a few swings to build up pressure in the pressure tank and then just use that stored pressure to operate a pneumatic linear actuator at the correct timing to push the pendulum. If you did not understand the idea, I can make a drawing
                When I saw the mention of compressing air, I thought "this is what I keep coming back to..."
                But, has anyone mentioned putting a reaction engine on the pendulum to give it the little push it needs? A sensor that senses when the pendulum is at it's "peak" looses a jet of air or maybe better, water. From what I've read from the fellow (on Milkovik's site) that is trying to build a mechanical link from the output end back to the pendulum, so far has said TIMING is the most difficult trick. Regardless of where the pendulum is at, a sensor (mercury switch or a weighted spring with a microswitch in a tube?) would know when it's at it's upper limit, open an electric valve, just a tiny burst like a push of a pinky. It might even be able to start the whole thing. Also would react to anything (a really excessive load) slowing the pendulum. the pendulum itself would be the commutator.


                • #98
                  I've just opened up a hard-disc-drive to use the rotor in one of my motor-setups when it struck me that maybe the pickup-arm, with coil and magnets and all, could be used in a setup of this kind in some way?
                  It's just a thought I wanted to share, although I'm not going to pursue it myself as I'm focusing on motors and coils right now.
                  Hob Nilre


                  • #99

                    @ don3332 - re delay circuit to push pendulum after it's stopped going up..

                    I solved that problem, two 555 timers and two relays. Could be used to turn anything on, not just a coil.

                    It's all here;


                    Love and light
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Stealing

                      Ash, and EVERYBODY,

                      Working Model 2D is a $2,500 program. Downloading it for free from the TORRENT sites is STEALING!!! There is NO WAY to further the benefits of CIVILIZATION when these supposed benefits derive from the theft of Intellectual Property, or the theft of any other type of Property.

                      I also encourage EVERYBODY to BOYCOTT all torrent sites, for the same reason. If FREE ENERGY is to help make a better future, it CANNOT be developed from a foundation of THEFT. This is not the future I am interested in promoting. If we cannot build a better future based on HONESTY and INTEGRITY, then when we get there, it won't actually be BETTER then the mess we have now!

                      Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 04-19-2009, 05:17 PM.
                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                        @ don3332 - re delay circuit to push pendulum after it's stopped going up..

                        I solved that problem, two 555 timers and two relays. Could be used to turn anything on, not just a coil.

                        It's all here;


                        Love and light
                        Thanks so much for this info! Lots of links to look up there. I even just received my order for a bunch of 555 timers, just to have on hand.
                        Thanks also for taking the time to post a schematic based on a video. For me, with dial-up, one picture can be worth a thousand minutes of loading...


                        • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                          Ash, and EVERYBODY,

                          Working Model 2D is a $2,500 program. Downloading it for free from the TORRENT sites is STEALING!!! There is NO WAY to further the benefits of CIVILIZATION when these supposed benefits derive from the theft of Intellectual Property, or the theft of any other type of Property.

                          I also encourage EVERYBODY to BOYCOTT all torrent sites, for the same reason. If FREE ENERGY is to help make a better future, it CANNOT be developed from a foundation of THEFT. This is not the future I am interested in promoting. If we cannot build a better future based on HONESTY and INTEGRITY, then when we get there, it won't actually be BETTER then the mess we have now!

                          Dr. Lindeman,
                          I agree very much with you on this assessment. (based on MY experiences )
                          "A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight." (What goes around, comes around.)

                          I first read your work in Borderland Sciences Research way back in '89 and now thanks to your posting(s) on the Gravity wheel and references to Veljko Milkovic, I find myself dragging out and dusting off my boxes of magnets, springs, plexiglass, etc.
                          I've even purchased Rex Research's CD's of their site which I've avoided since I could download for free. WHAT A BARGAIN (only $12) that was! He's even got a really nice set of videos of Milkovic's work on there.


                          • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                            Ash, and EVERYBODY,

                            Working Model 2D is a $2,500 program. Downloading it for free from the TORRENT sites is STEALING!!! There is NO WAY to further the benefits of CIVILIZATION when these supposed benefits derive from the theft of Intellectual Property, or the theft of any other type of Property.

                            I also encourage EVERYBODY to BOYCOTT all torrent sites, for the same reason. If FREE ENERGY is to help make a better future, it CANNOT be developed from a foundation of THEFT. This is not the future I am interested in promoting. If we cannot build a better future based on HONESTY and INTEGRITY, then when we get there, it won't actually be BETTER then the mess we have now!

                            I'm in total agreement with Dr. Lindemann on this one, copyright infridegment is a serious offence and should never be tolerated, any game or software program that requires a keygen or crack to install it is illegal and the laws are in the authors favor when it comes to theft.

                            Torrents does have its place, but not for any illegal usage.

                            Pirate Bay defendants get hammered! The Official Verdict - Guilty

                            U.S. Copyright Office - Copyright Law of the United States

                            Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 04-20-2009, 10:18 PM. Reason: spelling
                            Open Source Experimentalist
                            Open Source Research and Development


                            • I guess its a shame that researches like us don't have 2,500 to throw around, if ever there could be some sort of amnesty for the usage of this, i think the Fee Energy engineers using it to HELP humanity then deleting it would be the only one, But like Peter says we should avoid it.



                              • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                                Ash, and EVERYBODY,

                                Working Model 2D is a $2,500 program. Downloading it for free from the TORRENT sites is STEALING!!!
                                I wonder if our colleagues in the Linux community have done something
                                along these lines:
                       Find and Build Open Source Software
                                We might have to throw our Windows into the "Toilet of Despair"
                                but that might well be a good idea anyway. (or use dual booting)

