Don't go "hollywood" on us now, **~Imhotep~** 
Hiya all,
Sry to bust into this great thread; but this time i actually have a good reason to!
The second article in the series "Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2)" published today on "Op-Ed News", it has sections on Moray, Rotoverter...
And a very well -answered interview featuring our very own...
**~Imhotep~** !!
Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2)
The "Digg" function is properly working this time so please take a moment to "Digg" it at the top of the page, it will help the movement's exposure and so be seen by more people... And thats the point anyway
Oh and feel free to comment below it with links or what you think "newbies" to the subject might like to know; or whatever else
Thanks again for the interview, m8 !

Hiya all,
Sry to bust into this great thread; but this time i actually have a good reason to!
The second article in the series "Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2)" published today on "Op-Ed News", it has sections on Moray, Rotoverter...
And a very well -answered interview featuring our very own...
**~Imhotep~** !!
Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2)
The "Digg" function is properly working this time so please take a moment to "Digg" it at the top of the page, it will help the movement's exposure and so be seen by more people... And thats the point anyway

Oh and feel free to comment below it with links or what you think "newbies" to the subject might like to know; or whatever else

Thanks again for the interview, m8 !