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  • 39mA

    I am grateful to all who have gone before in these endeavors. I have built the Bedini circuit by Imhotep; followed all rules and have a working circuit! I am charging small batteries ie. 9v However i am only getting 39mA out. I am wondering if I have, through my novice soldering techniques, damaged the transistor or other components (too much heat). What kind of output can I expect and how can I increase my output??

    Thank you to all


    • Originally posted by aleedap View Post
      I am grateful to all who have gone before in these endeavors. I have built the Bedini circuit by Imhotep; followed all rules and have a working circuit! I am charging small batteries ie. 9v However i am only getting 39mA out. I am wondering if I have, through my novice soldering techniques, damaged the transistor or other components (too much heat). What kind of output can I expect and how can I increase my output??

      Thank you to all

      the out put is not about amps its about pressure and the waveform.
      the waveform will make the battery (over a long period of time)change to a negative resistor,
      think about it more pressure bigger waveform more charging.
      good luck

      ps can anyone make a video of how to set up the fan with all the bits,
      we need this thread to go back to basic for people.



      • Hi and aleedap.

        When your fan runs, you did nothing damage, it wont work without working Transistor.
        About your mA, the Wires have certain Specifications, how much Amperes they can let through. thicker Wires more, but lower Frequency, thinner Wire lesser, but higher Frequency.
        This Fan is more to make an easy and simple device, to look into it,
        charge some AA or Block batteries and got high Spikes out,
        but they all have mostly thin Wires inside.
        You could look for a Fan with thicker Wire inside, when you want higher Amps.
        My calculation about charging is usual, with how much Amperes you charge,
        that is about the Time you need to charge.
        So, charge with 1 Ah would take for a 7 Ah Batt 7 Hours.
        charging it with 0,1Ah or 100 mA is about 70 Hours.

        But it varies anyway, depends at the Condition of the Batterie and sometimes it goes faster after a While.

        And there are Videos how to make it, just need to read back to the first 4 Pages, and there are some other good Things in the Thread. just a lot Stuff to read through.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • Thank you

          Thank you for the responses. I have clearly been working with a 12v Bedini system. I take it then if I go to a 24v system I will get more charging pressure? What is the profile of the wave form that will create max charging? Can you post an image?

          My fan is an 80mm size the coil pairs measure about 30 ohms each pair and the winding wire is small dia. I also have a 4" fan ( a lot larger dia. winding wire) these coil pairs measure about 6 ohms per pair. This fan then will allow more current to flow? and I will most likely need more pressure (volts) for that fan?

          Thank you


          • YouTube - Fan SG Bedini


            • Bodkins
              Thanks for the lead.


              • Originally posted by aleedap View Post
                Thanks for the lead.
                I have some video at that youtube of lights too, also ground kickback, once you start looking with fresh eye the world starts to change!!!
                Love and light


                • COP:Infinity

                  Nice show, EM properties never cease to amaze me.

                  After viewing your scope vid, I had to go into the attic and retrieve my old O scope from my RF days...hooked it up and, in short order, was able to replicate the same scope profile on your video...a way off the page pulse spike, the charger spike.

                  My next question; how can I feed back some of that spike pulse voltage to power the circuit (and be able to remove the power battery) thinking would be a sort of capacitor rig.


                  • Originally posted by aleedap View Post

                    My next question; how can I feed back some of that spike pulse voltage to power the circuit (and be able to remove the power battery) thinking would be a sort of capacitor rig.
                    Thats a big Question where a lot Peoples are looking for, feel free to share, when you get a answer .

                    When you directly feed the Spikes back, you get a Short.
                    You can feed them back after adding a certain ammount of Resistance, but then they loose Power.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • putting recovery to front side

                      Originally posted by aleedap View Post
                      how can I feed back some of that spike pulse voltage to power the circuit (and be able to remove the power battery) thinking would be a sort of capacitor rig.
                      It can be done with capacitors. After giving a small charge to the caps, the system self sustains from an Earth battery. Output to a cap is fed back to the input cap.

                      YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator

                      It works as long as the front cap doesn't directly see the back cap.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • I did and am still doing work on the idea of the ground as the link to the answer.
                        the way we may do it is in the potenail difference of the two sides of the setup.
                        I call it kick back as you can see in the videos
                        YouTube - Singlewire lightbulb Singlewire charging

                        also the first post by SIR Arron on the SG earth battery thread.
                        its all linked together

                        Take care


                        • help on Cooing Fan

                          I have already used 5 fans and followed step by step on Imhotep You Tubes instructions and cant seem to have it working,can you please help me what went wrong?

                          As my understanding on the cooling fan there are 4 coils and each coil has start and end wrap

                          i followed Imhotep instruction to find the POST that has 2 wires and remove 1 WIRE to make 4 post

                          so i tried to out multitester and my readings
                          1st wire and 2nd wire : 45 ohms
                          3rd wire and 4th wire : 45 ohms

                          1st wire and 3rd wire : no connection no ohms reading
                          1st wire and 4th wire : no connection no ohms reading

                          3rd wire and 1st wire : no connection no ohms reading
                          3rd wire and 2nd wire : no connection no ohms reading

                          thats means 1st and 2nd wire are connected and they are not connected in anyway to 3rd and 4th wire

                          which wires to connect to the circuit diagram? need help to make it working


                          • Ok, then you have 2 wires with a start and an end ! whatever which is the start or the end, if it then don't spin, just reverse one wire only.
                            Maybe it's wise to read the previous posts first ... But here's a direct link for you to understand :
                            Some posts from me around this one might be of interest for you, as for others very beginners.
                            Good luck.
                            M.E. Who else ?...


                            • wrong wires

                              you mean i will use 1st and 2nd wires with 45 ohms for one side of the circuit? and 3rd and 4th wires with 45 ohms on the other side of the circuit?


                              • mistake

                                that means:

                                group a : 1st coil (START) and 2nd coil (END) (both are connected and reads 45 ohms)
                                group b : 3rd coil (START) and 4th coil (END) (both are connected and reads 45 ohms)

                                so i will do this:
                                use 1st coil and 3rd coil for POSITIVE?
                                use 2nd coil and 4th coil for NEGATIVE?

                                if it does not spin i will just swap the position of 1st and 3rd? or swap the position of 2nd and 4th?

                                please help


