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Copper wire alternative

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  • Copper wire alternative

    Is there different material available instead of copper for coil wiring and fast dc pulsing, which can have better properties,resistance,etc ?
    I read silver and gold wires might be better...

  • #2

    We should let energetic forum set up a fund for a large batch of Tom Bearden suggested 98% aluminum 2% iron wires in different sizes for gaining access to otherwise hidden vector potentials. The wires could be rationed according to funding from each person. I am completely down with donating money towards a project of that magnitude.


    • #3
      I will donate toward this project. Who will conduct the experiments and report the results?


      • #4
        Silver has a slight edge on copper for conductivity and thermal heating. At about $15 dollars an ounce its expensive. Gold is number 3 as far as conductivity. If your trying to build a device to mass produce, gold is out of the question. There are different forms of superconducting wire but they are very expensive.


        • #5
          Aromaz once mentioned iron wire. It has less conductivity but has the best electric to magnetic conversion.

          There is a post somewhere here that mention carbonated wire (copper converted to carbon using plasma process), unfortunately I forgot the link.


          • #6

            My thinking on this is that a coil is more than inductance.
            It is really an LRC circuit unto itself.
            If the goal is to have it resonate and ring with a SLOW dampened oscillations,
            then according to Moray's math:

            R < sqrt(4L/C)

            were R is as small as possible. The smaller the better for dampened

            So if a coil can be wound to have minimal inter-winding capacitance (which
            adds each winding), and if L can be made very large without requiring
            HUGE wires and HUGE geometry, then you have something.
            Tesla's pancake bifilar coil approach reduces inter-winding capacitance.
            Use a large gauge wire (or even large copper STRIPS) for wires,
            and you have low resistance. This is done for LARGE tesla coils.
            You can buy "thick" copper SHEETS and cut them into strips.
            Aluminum is not good since it is highly resistive.
            Silver and gold are too expensive.

            Frequency needs to be considered here.
            If you want low frequency, you can have a soft-iron core.
            If the frequency is to be high, you can actually put
            a core in that is paramagnetic or diamagnetic to
            change the permeability in the opposite direction.
            This reduces L so you would need more turns, but
            may offer a different sort of response than air coils.

            Coils are fascinating because there are quite a lot of
            variables to explore here: geometry, permeability, material
            science, magnetism, quantum mechanics, etc. etc.


            • #7
              variable inductance wire

              Here is a wire that is copper but has an outer layer of magnetic material,
              put there via deposition.

              This yields higher inductance, but impedance increases with current.

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