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Tuning the SSG getting the most out of it.

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  • Tuning the SSG getting the most out of it.

    I have been looking at various methods of tuning the SSG.

    1. 1 ohm test ( from yahoo monopole groups )

    2. Am radio ( listen to the pulses ) found on youtube, and older group.

    3. Led test, tune for the number of pulses.

    4. Voltage tune, tune by the "sweet spot" when seen on the amp meter ( the valleys )

    5. One that I have found from a guy in India, simply put the voltage meter over the diode going to the charging battery and measure the voltage ( it will be higher than the charging batter normally ) and simply go for the highest voltage.

    6. Amp tuning measure the amps going to the target charging battery and the amps from source and adjust based on this info.


    Now things even get more interesting as you ad more coils. It is like directing and orchestra even one instrument out of tune can stop the music and just make noise.

    I am thinking of putting on off switches on each of my transistors and then turning them on one by one. The question in my mind is, which of the above methods is best to tune a multi coil, or is there even another method?

    Any other thoughts on this?
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

  • #2
    Hi Mart,

    You have posted a really good question. Tuning a multi-coil SG has to be the most painstakingly time consuming task of the project. Of course you are talking about final tuning, but I think that briefly mentioning all the major tuning factors would be beneficial to anyone viewing this thread and thinking about beginning or upgrading a Bedini multi-coil machine project. Even assuming that all the coils are precisely duplicated, there will still be variations between each coil's performance, as well as variations in rotor magnet attraction/repulsion forces. We can pair up our magnets (strongest with weakest, next stongest with next weakest, etc.), to achieve the best magnetic balance, and this will give the smoothest rotation effect, but we are still left with five other critical adjustments:
    1. Precise alignments and spacings of the rotor magnets.
    2. Precise alignment of the coil positions in relation to the magnets.
    3. Elimination of any rotor or shaft runout, imbalance, and rotational resistance (drag).
    4. Adjustment of magnet/coil core air gaps.
    5. Coil charge/discharge timing adjustment.

    A good place to start in multi-coil circuit design is to review John Bedini's schematic for his 12 coil machine. See it here: John's design uses one master coil, with as many slave coils added as desired. In John's 12 coil machine, each coil had 4 windings, which yielded 48 charging circuits, and the master coil incorporated a fifth winding for the trigger coil. Since only one trigger coil controls all the charging circuits, this greatly simplifies the timing adjustment. John chose 470 ohm base resistors, and his final adjustment was then accomplished with the 22 ohm resistor shown below the trigger coil. That value would have been determined by using a variable resistance (potentiometer) to find the precise "sweet spot," and then the variable resistance replaced by the fixed resistor of same value. The criteria for attaining the best possible final adjustment is to achieve the goal that one should keep in mind from the very beginning of the project, and that is to attain the best battery charging performance with the least possible amperage demand upon the drive battery bank. All the factors mentioned above are important in achieving that goal. For example, a single factor - selection of coil wire gauge - can make a big difference. In general, 23 gauge is recommended for Bedini machine coil windings, with 800 turns. A smaller gauge, with more turns, will yield higher charging voltages with less amperage draw on the drive battery bank, which is preferable. The main drawback to using smaller gauge wire, though, is that it becomes more delicate and thus is broken more easily when winding the coils. You can't join a break. Every winding must be one continuous strand. You can wind 23 gauge wire on a coil using an electric drill jig, but you wouldn't want to try that with gauges smaller than 28. All said, your final adjustment will probably have the best outcome if you find your best trigger resistance value and core to magnet gap for the master coil alone, then tune one slave coil at a time by adjusting its core to magnet gap to the point where it best enhances the master coil performance. After all slave coils are individually adjusted, connect all slaves and fine tune the trigger resistor for best overall performance. Mart, all of the final tuning methods that you listed will probably achieve some degree of success. If I had to choose only one method, I would probably want to use a dual trace oscilloscope to monitor and match the waveforms of the master and slave coils as closely as possible while doing the individual slave tunings. Look for the waveform that John Bedini speaks of. In the end, though, there is probably no suitable substitution to gathering of actual data proved through multiple charge/discharge cycles under varying fine tune adjustments. It would be nice if we had a circuit that would constantly monitor the charging circuits and automatically adjust for best performance, and I know you already have a head start on that, Mart, with your computer controlled battery switching device. You have done a lot to advance your system's performance, and to help others to do the same. Keep up the great work!

    Best regards, Rickoff
    Last edited by rickoff; 06-14-2008, 03:55 AM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #3
      This may or may not be of interest Mart but I recently built a solid state air core charger and it is showing me some interesting results. It has amp draw from 100ma to 700ma and the CD pulser on the back end is adjustable in frequency too.

      What I have noted is that my battery seems to charge better up to 12.9-13.0 volts when the cap dumps slower. This also gives it more time to build up in voltage. This effect peaks out a little at this range and I find it is faster to charge if the amp draw is slightly increased and the CD pulsers frequency is increased. What is also interesting to note is that the run battery doesnt seem to drain at C20 rates. I was pulling 200ma out of a 1.3amp hour battery and it was draining like it was a 100ma load, I know because I have load tested them before.

      Anyway, being able to switch the coils on and off is helpful, its an easy way to make sure all transistors are firing too. It will come in handy if you want to isolate a coil for specific test purposes. If you use a capacitive discharge on the back end you have something else to tune as well.
      "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


      • #4
        Tuning muti coils...

        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Hi Mart,

        You have posted a really good question. Tuning a multi-coil SG has to be the most painstakingly time consuming task of the project. Of course you are talking about final tuning, but I think that briefly mentioning all the major tuning factors would be beneficial to anyone viewing this thread and thinking about beginning or upgrading a Bedini multi-coil machine project. Even assuming that all the coils are precisely duplicated, there will still be variations between each coil's performance, as well as variations in rotor magnet attraction/repulsion forces. We can pair up our magnets (strongest with weakest, next stongest with next weakest, etc.), to achieve the best magnetic balance, and this will give the smoothest rotation effect, but we are still left with five other critical adjustments:
        1. Precise alignments and spacings of the rotor magnets.
        2. Precise alignment of the coil positions in relation to the magnets.
        3. Elimination of any rotor or shaft runout, imbalance, and rotational resistance (drag).
        4. Adjustment of magnet/coil core air gaps.
        5. Coil charge/discharge timing adjustment.

        A good place to start in multi-coil circuit design is to review John Bedini's schematic for his 12 coil machine. See it here: John's design uses one master coil, with as many slave coils added as desired. In John's 12 coil machine, each coil had 4 windings, which yielded 48 charging circuits, and the master coil incorporated a fifth winding for the trigger coil. Since only one trigger coil controls all the charging circuits, this greatly simplifies the timing adjustment. John chose 470 ohm base resistors, and his final adjustment was then accomplished with the 22 ohm resistor shown below the trigger coil. That value would have been determined by using a variable resistance (potentiometer) to find the precise "sweet spot," and then the variable resistance replaced by the fixed resistor of same value. The criteria for attaining the best possible final adjustment is to achieve the goal that one should keep in mind from the very beginning of the project, and that is to attain the best battery charging performance with the least possible amperage demand upon the drive battery bank. All the factors mentioned above are important in achieving that goal. For example, a single factor - selection of coil wire gauge - can make a big difference. In general, 23 gauge is recommended for Bedini machine coil windings, with 800 turns. A smaller gauge, with more turns, will yield higher charging voltages with less amperage draw on the drive battery bank, which is preferable. The main drawback to using smaller gauge wire, though, is that it becomes more delicate and thus is broken more easily when winding the coils. You can't join a break. Every winding must be one continuous strand. You can wind 23 gauge wire on a coil using an electric drill jig, but you wouldn't want to try that with gauges smaller than 28. All said, your final adjustment will probably have the best outcome if you find your best trigger resistance value and core to magnet gap for the master coil alone, then tune one slave coil at a time by adjusting its core to magnet gap to the point where it best enhances the master coil performance. After all slave coils are individually adjusted, connect all slaves and fine tune the trigger resistor for best overall performance. Mart, all of the final tuning methods that you listed will probably achieve some degree of success. If I had to choose only one method, I would probably want to use a dual trace oscilloscope to monitor and match the waveforms of the master and slave coils as closely as possible while doing the individual slave tunings. Look for the waveform that John Bedini speaks of. In the end, though, there is probably no suitable substitution to gathering of actual data proved through multiple charge/discharge cycles under varying fine tune adjustments. It would be nice if we had a circuit that would constantly monitor the charging circuits and automatically adjust for best performance, and I know you already have a head start on that, Mart, with your computer controlled battery switching device. You have done a lot to advance your system's performance, and to help others to do the same. Keep up the great work!

        Best regards, Rickoff

        Thanks Rick,

        I am using that schematic with Jetijs variation of it, using a pot as the main resistor, and having a 100 ohm instead of a 400 ohm resistor in line with the trigger coils. This has work great for me after I balanced all of the coils ( same amount of ohms on each. This allows me to use different voltages as you mention above the 22 ohm resistor seems to do this job but only for one voltage setup the pot allows one to tune.

        I have not yet set the position correctly for each of the coils or tuned it with my scope. I am focusing on with my computer battery testing getting a good idea of how good my batteries are. After seeing the chart on the Rejuvenator last night, I am now motivated to do a charge discharge of all of my batteries about 32 times. It seems with the SSG use does not break the battery, it makes the battery.

        I have found buy a user on the Yahoo group is to note that when the primary battery drops in supply voltage this changes the sweet spot of the SSG. I am finding that with an inverter this sweet spot stays constant or at lest more constant, even a capacitor helps to kept the sweet spot at the primary side constant.

        As Red Green would say "I am pulling for ya, we are all in this together"
        Attached Files
        See my experiments here...

        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


        • #5
          RE: solid state...

          Originally posted by ren View Post
          This may or may not be of interest Mart but I recently built a solid state air core charger and it is showing me some interesting results. It has amp draw from 100ma to 700ma and the CD pulser on the back end is adjustable in frequency too.

          What I have noted is that my battery seems to charge better up to 12.9-13.0 volts when the cap dumps slower. This also gives it more time to build up in voltage. This effect peaks out a little at this range and I find it is faster to charge if the amp draw is slightly increased and the CD pulsers frequency is increased. What is also interesting to note is that the run battery doesnt seem to drain at C20 rates. I was pulling 200ma out of a 1.3amp hour battery and it was draining like it was a 100ma load, I know because I have load tested them before.

          Anyway, being able to switch the coils on and off is helpful, its an easy way to make sure all transistors are firing too. It will come in handy if you want to isolate a coil for specific test purposes. If you use a capacitive discharge on the back end you have something else to tune as well.
          Which solid state schematic are you using? I am thinking of going this way now, as I tire of starting the solar cell charger up every time a cloud goes over, And I wish to automate my charge / discharge of my batteries.
          See my experiments here...

          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

