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Electric Motor Secrets

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  • electric motor secrets dvd

    Hi Grace

    You can find info on Peter's dvd here:
    Free Energy - Electric Motor Secrets, Bob Teal | Magnipulsion, Edwin Gray, Nikola Tesla, and other books & videos by Dr Peter Lindemann

    Talk to you soon and tell Pamela hi! Hope you all are having fun together!
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Recommended Air-Gap

      Originally posted by nali2001 View Post
      Hello Peter. I was wondering, what airgap size would be a good value in your opinion. I’m asking this because you (as I remember correctly) said the airgap in your demo motor was too large, well here we use cm and mm so when you said it had a 0.021 inch gap I never took the ‘trouble’ to convert it to mm to get a better sense of size. Well I just did a conversion and I was kind of surprised that you call a 0.021 inch or 0.53mm gap too large. I mean in my opinion it is pretty small already. I remember from my fluxgate “Ecklin” generators (sorry for that) that getting super tiny air gaps is a real pain and so I was kind surprised that 0.021 inch would ‘not’ cut it. I understand it depends on the actual rotor size but what would you thing to be a good size? It can’t be to tiny since we need to consider bearing wear and metal expansion due to Eddy Current heating and such.

      Dear Steven,

      Yes, getting the air-gap small is a "pain", but that is what is required for high mechanical power production. The Flux-Motor I built in 1983 had air-gaps of .002" per gap, for a total air-gap of .004". This is one-fifth the air-gap of the demo unit shown in the YouTube clip. If that unit was up-graded with an air-gap of .004" (instead of .021") the mechanical power produced would be more that 4 times greater for the same electrical energy input.

      I measured the mechanical power output of the demo motor at about 23%, so increasing that by 4 times brings it into the 90% mechanical energy range that I have said would be there. Look at the air-gaps practiced in the Switched Reluctance Motors. You'll see they are very small when the motor is rated at 94% efficiency.

      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


      • Reflections on Criticism

        Originally posted by Grace View Post
        Hi SYKAVY,

        I feel a bit sheepish now because I do believe that Aaron has already told me to get this information created by Bob Teal! I will most certainly ask Aaron ASAP how I can get my hands on it! Thank you very much for the recommendation.

        Also, I would like to add that I am almost certain that Peter is way above feeling any concern over criticism! In my opinion Peter is more concerned about getting this powerful information "out there" than what feedback, good or bad, HE is receiving.

        As long as this information continues to "evolve" into better and better works for this world then this is all Peter, you, me and others are concerned about.

        All these posts help me to understand more and more! Thank you!

        I am ready to learn more!
        Dear Grace,

        Thank you for your support. You understand me pretty well. But I do have feelings and people's critical comments do bother me. There has not been ANY scientific criticism of the information. That is, no one with an educational background in electric motors has refuted any of the information I present.

        Periodically, I do receive supportive comments. The following is a clip taken from the kind of emails I get privately:

        "The quality of the material in the book was high enough that I ordered two of your DVDs, which arrived yesterday. I am rather ashamed to admit that I was not expecting much from the secrets of electric motors. Electric motors are everywhere. We know a lot about them, after all.

        I finished learning about the secrets of electric motors on the stroke of midnight last night. I understood every word you said. At the end, I was STUNNED. STUPEFIED! I literally felt faint. I just sat in my chair in the living room and stared at the black television screen, thinking, "How could we ALL have missed that, all these years? Are we really that blind and stupid?" I know that I certainly felt that way. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night.

        I have a PhD in mechanical engineering - specializing in control theory - from the University of Missouri in Columbia. I got my bachelor's degree in 1979, worked awhile in a power plant, went back to school, and got the PhD in 2002. You and I are maybe the same age. I attended the electric motor labs in college where we learned about back EMF. I was around large generators for years. Certainly, the existence of back EMF bugged me, and I remember wondering why we couldn't get rid of it. Then, in graduate school, I encountered back EMF again when developing control strategies involving induction motors. I never tried to figure out how to get rid of back EMF because there were so many engineers who are smarter than me, designing motors. If it could be done, they would have done it."

        (I continue to correspond with this person but I have not received his permission to post his comments here, so I am withholding his name.)

        The real project is to "light up" one mind at a time.

        Thank you for your understanding and your support.

        Best wishes,

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • Bring in the LIGHT!

          "The real project is to "light up" one mind at a time."

          This is why I love reading this thread!! THANK YOU PETER!


          • To Peter

            I want to make a public apoligy. For being snippy. I read some things on the free energy news websight and thought they were un-fair. Teal was for sure recycling his energy. It can be seen on his interview. But one person said Teal never thought of this. And another seems to think You wanted to steal Bedini's idea about recovering electricity. But you make it so clear in the video that Bedini was the one to perfect this type of recovery and his idea can help to advance the electric engine.
            Any way sorry again!


            • Thank You

              Originally posted by sykavy View Post
              I want to make a public apoligy. For being snippy. I read some things on the free energy news websight and thought they were un-fair. Teal was for sure recycling his energy. It can be seen on his interview. But one person said Teal never thought of this. And another seems to think You wanted to steal Bedini's idea about recovering electricity. But you make it so clear in the video that Bedini was the one to perfect this type of recovery and his idea can help to advance the electric engine.
              Any way sorry again!

              Thank you. It means a lot to me that you care enough to apologize publicly. This shows a high degree of "civility" operating within you, and I would like to acknowledge this. You are on the right track.

              Free Energy will power some future civilization where people voluntarily restrain themselves from inappropriate actions that may hurt others. War will have been outlawed and dishonesty will be out of fashion. That machines will power themselves will seem secondary to the more important truth that people will want to live together in peace and cooperation.

              Caring for others, speaking your truth, and living in integrity is the beginning of this future. When God's generosity pours spontaneously through your open heart, you will know the secret of Free Energy. Its not about the machines.

              Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

              Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
              Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
              Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


              • Dear Peter,
                Thanks for the reply.
                I must say I respect you and your machinist for achieving that kind of accuracy.

                I mean I have an industrial Lathe and Mill. But making a system from scratch even with these tools is not so easy. I mean even machining the center shaft will be hard since once you have done one side you need to take it out of the chuck and machine the other side. And you never get it within absolute accuracy again. And then to note that I am talking about a solid steel rotor…. Making the rotor out of laminations is even a difficulty step further.

                In my opinion for the sake of this project it should be a good choice to find somewhere a second hand variable/switched reluctance motor, and if necessary re-wind the thing and apply back emf recovery.
                You will get everything in one package that way. A good stator and an accurate rotor made out of laminates. Ok you might need to replace the bearings but other than that, buying a second hand reluctance motor will be the best, and possible cheapest solution.

                Maybe there is a second hand system floating around on Ebay?
                Or maybe some members here know an area in the industry where this type of motor are often used so we know where to look for them? I think they were used in some exotic car alternators as well, but I’m not sure.

                Kind regards,


                • Excellent place to start..

                  Originally posted by nali2001 View Post
                  Dear Peter,
                  Thanks for the reply.
                  I must say I respect you and your machinist for achieving that kind of accuracy.

                  I mean I have an industrial Lathe and Mill. But making a system from scratch even with these tools is not so easy. I mean even machining the center shaft will be hard since once you have done one side you need to take it out of the chuck and machine the other side. And you never get it within absolute accuracy again. And then to note that I am talking about a solid steel rotor…. Making the rotor out of laminations is even a difficulty step further.

                  In my opinion for the sake of this project it should be a good choice to find somewhere a second hand variable/switched reluctance motor, and if necessary re-wind the thing and apply back emf recovery.
                  You will get everything in one package that way. A good stator and an accurate rotor made out of laminates. Ok you might need to replace the bearings but other than that, buying a second hand reluctance motor will be the best, and possible cheapest solution.

                  Maybe there is a second hand system floating around on Ebay?
                  Or maybe some members here know an area in the industry where this type of motor are often used so we know where to look for them? I think they were used in some exotic car alternators as well, but I’m not sure.

                  Kind regards,
                  Dear Steven,

                  Yes, I think your idea of starting with a switched reluctance motor frame is an excellent choice. In conversations with another researcher, this idea came up as well. He believed that by modifying the power supply pulse timing, the motor could be brought into the proper operating window. I think ALL of these things need to be tried.

                  This is why I published the material I had. I am very happy that other researchers, such as yourself, are now adding important ideas to this project. Together, we can make this happen.

                  Keep up the great work!

                  Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                  Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                  Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                  Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                  • Peter wrote :

                    dishonesty will be out of fashion. . . people will want to live together in peace and cooperation.

                    Caring for others, speaking your truth, and living in integrity is the beginning of this future.

                    If you have any interest in this philosophy and using it with politics to improve our planet, please see:


                    XO Jessica
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • heres an idea

                      Originally posted by nali2001 View Post
                      Dear Peter,
                      Thanks for the reply.
                      I must say I respect you and your machinist for achieving that kind of accuracy.

                      I mean I have an industrial Lathe and Mill. But making a system from scratch even with these tools is not so easy. I mean even machining the center shaft will be hard since once you have done one side you need to take it out of the chuck and machine the other side. And you never get it within absolute accuracy again. And then to note that I am talking about a solid steel rotor…. Making the rotor out of laminations is even a difficulty step further.

                      In my opinion for the sake of this project it should be a good choice to find somewhere a second hand variable/switched reluctance motor, and if necessary re-wind the thing and apply back emf recovery.
                      You will get everything in one package that way. A good stator and an accurate rotor made out of laminates. Ok you might need to replace the bearings but other than that, buying a second hand reluctance motor will be the best, and possible cheapest solution.

                      Maybe there is a second hand system floating around on Ebay?
                      Or maybe some members here know an area in the industry where this type of motor are often used so we know where to look for them? I think they were used in some exotic car alternators as well, but I’m not sure.

                      Kind regards,
                      Hi there I rarely have time to post anymore but i do keep an eye on this group
                      while I work on my projects. This post follows close to my chosen direction of work with these motors as well. i am currently setting up 2 lathes and a mill and I have been brainstorming storming ideas for this clearance problem also. the approach I have decided to try is to first create the new stator,rotor,shaft first so the rotor diameter is exactly the same(or a few thousands bigger) as the stator diameter. Then!!! use a "hone?" (I think is the term?) Used for grinding out cylinder walls when rebuilding a car engine, to grind out the stator sections. I am hoping this will give me the level of precision needed for the right tolerances needed with "relative" ease. Any thoughts on this idea would be appreciated.



                      • 10,000 views...WOW


                        I think 10,000 views in a relatively short time of this thread goes to show that the time is definitely right for these kind of wonderful practical technologies to get out to the world.
                        Thank you for your ongoing contributions to this forum!!!
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Aaron, thank you!

                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                          I think 10,000 views in a relatively short time of this thread goes to show that the time is definitely right for these kind of wonderful practical technologies to get out to the world.
                          Thank you for your ongoing contributions to this forum!!!

                          Thank you for hosting this forum and giving me an opportunity to explain this amazing technology to people in more detail. I am honored that people continue to view this thread and contribute their insights.

                          The next thing to do is to report on some models that have really small air-gaps and high torque. Who's still thinking out there?

                          Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                          Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                          Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                          Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                          • Not interested in Politics

                            Originally posted by future pather View Post
                            Peter wrote :

                            dishonesty will be out of fashion. . . people will want to live together in peace and cooperation.

                            Caring for others, speaking your truth, and living in integrity is the beginning of this future.

                            If you have any interest in this philosophy and using it with politics to improve our planet, please see:


                            XO Jessica
                            Dear Jessica,

                            I am very interested in taking action to improve our planet. Years ago, I studied how the money system works, and discovered a very interesting axiom that the Ruling Class follows. This axiom states that "Finance dictates to Economics, and Economics dictates to Politics." My understanding from this, and I believe it is true, is that Politics is a completely secondary "power center" and unable to lead "the people" out from under the influence of the Financial interests and their agenda.

                            On the other hand, Energy inventions, and the creation of new energy, functions at the Finance level, being a form of "Natural Capital." So, educating people about energy systems has much more potential for turning world events around than political activism.

                            We each are called to do what is "ours to do." If you feel called to political activism, I wish you well. I have been called to do research on new energy technologies, and educate people about new possibilities.

                            Thank you for your dedication to building a better world.

                            Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                            Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                            Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                            Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                            • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                              Dear Steven,

                              Yes, getting the air-gap small is a "pain", but that is what is required for high mechanical power production. The Flux-Motor I built in 1983 had air-gaps of .002" per gap, for a total air-gap of .004". This is one-fifth the air-gap of the demo unit shown in the YouTube clip. If that unit was up-graded with an air-gap of .004" (instead of .021") the mechanical power produced would be more that 4 times greater for the same electrical energy input.

                              I measured the mechanical power output of the demo motor at about 23%, so increasing that by 4 times brings it into the 90% mechanical energy range that I have said would be there. Look at the air-gaps practiced in the Switched Reluctance Motors. You'll see they are very small when the motor is rated at 94% efficiency.

                              Could the gap be wider if we made a stronger electro-magnetic pulse?


                              • Relationship of Air-gap to Power

                                Dear Sykavy,

                                You asked "Could the gap be wider if we made a stronger electro-magnetic pulse?"

                                Yes, in the motors I have now, the gap is wider. The motor still runs but is weaker. Making the magnetic field stronger makes the motor run faster and stronger, but also draws more electricity to accomplish this.

                                The purpose of making the air-gap smaller is to make the motor run faster and stronger WITHOUT drawing more electricity to do it. This makes the production of mechanical energy MORE EFFICIENT.

                                I hope this helps you understand the relationship between the power of the motor, the air-gap, and the efficiency of mechanical energy production better.

                                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets

