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Electric Motor Secrets

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  • solenoid cad drawing

    Nice drawing Carl...if I had your cad skills, that is exactly what I had in mind here:
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Thanks for your reply, Elias.

      That’s what I’m thinking, pull it into one and then pull it back.

      It would require 4 coils, 2 on each end.

      Be equivaliant to an 8 cylinder.

      Last edited by hh1341; 06-22-2008, 01:30 PM.


      • Thank you,

        Be happy to do any drawings you might require, Aaron.

        That goes for the rest of you guys, as well.



        • solenoid push pull

          Originally posted by hh1341 View Post
          Hi All,

          If one was to try and make a solenoid push and pull, could it be done with one coil, or would it require 2 coils in tandem?

          That is, pull it into one coil and then pull it back into the other.

          you can do it with one coil no problem what it requires is that the travel of the core can go past the center. so whatever distance of travel you have the core going you want the coil to be centered on that. that way the core can go equal amounts out both directions of the coil that way you can pulse the coil to pull from both directions. It requires that the rod connecting the core to whatever you are actuating be non magnetic. Just imagine a piston(core) with a stainless steel connecting rod. then its like having a two sided solenoid.


          • Two coils not necessary

            Originally posted by hh1341 View Post
            Thanks for your reply, Elias.

            That’s what I’m thinking, pull it into one and then pull it back.

            It would require 4 coils, 2 on each end.

            Be equivaliant to an 8 cylinder.

            Well when you think of an engine in this relation an enegin piston can only go to thte top of the cylinder. With a magenic coil we are not limited to o cylinder top so eth ecore can go through out the top side and then be in a position to be pullud bac in the same coil. you just have to have the coil positioned on the stroke so the piston moes equal distance out both sides of the coil thats all. two coils will still be advatnageous and if you co out past the second coil also then you can actuall get 4 pulses with one stroke, tow in and two out. now if you put two pistons and two coils on each end then you could have 6 power pulses in the same distance on each side of the engine. mucho power.
            I can draw this up if you want to see it in a diagram.


            • Jetjis motor

              Hello Jetjis:
              I am wondering about the hum, or noise your motor makes. I mean no disrepect, but it seems the vibration could be tuned, or used to capture the resonant frequency, and turn it into useful energy.


              • Push-push motor

                Hell-o all
                Excuse me if this has already been discussed,or posted: There is so much here, I apologise if this is redundant. Isn't there a motor already published, or patented that has a coil on each end? I am trying to remember,but cannot recall the name. If I remember correctly, the piston travels horizontally, with a coil at each end. The piston then drives a wheel, sort of like a jigsaw works. A wheel with a slot works like a camshaft.


                • push-push motor

                  Hell-o again
                  Had a thought; what about a hemi? A hemispherical piston with one attraction and one repulsion? Of course on both sides of the transverse piston, with one coil, just to use words,not pictures, on one side repelling for a quarter rotation, the other attracting for the next quarter, third coil repelling next quarter, fourth coil attracting last, then lather, rinse, repeat. Using one coil on each end would be an electronic, not to mention magnetic, nightmare. If you want to achieve a push-pull motor. Or should I say, the push-me pull-you motor. I think the key is the transverse piston, the torque should be greater.


                  • Pull Pull

                    This might work


                    Don’t know about the circuit to manage all this.



                    • just a question?

                      Hi guys!!
                      I have been watching the recent post and was wondering,how do you figure
                      having a greater torque??
                      I admit that the present configuration is one of the best i have seen lately..
                      But,for the torque,isn't it the MAGNETIC FORCE who do the job???
                      Just to clarifie myself,i just watch a vid on youtube who talk about magnetic
                      The guy is named (TRUTHBEEKNOWN) and is vid is (ELECTROMAGNET TESTING)....
                      I'm sure if you watch this,you can give me some light about my question...
                      I know that he used magnets for is testing,but,the principal idea remain
                      the same...
                      If anyone can reply with an ansewr.I'll be verry pleased!!!

                      Alain desrochers
                      Hope die last!!!


                      • Pull Pull

                        I suppose this would work better if the core was a stack of washer-like laminates made out of transformer steel.


                        Peter might have something to say about this, or maybe not, if I'm getting to far out in left feild.

                        Think I better take another look at his DVD.

                        Last edited by hh1341; 06-23-2008, 12:30 AM.


                        • Maybe!!!

                          Are you sure that could amplified the magnetic force..
                          As you can see in the vid,as the magnetic field doubled,he as twice the

                          Alain Desrochers
                          Hope die last!!!


                          • push pull

                            Originally posted by hh1341 View Post
                            This might work


                            Don’t know about the circuit to manage all this.

                            Yeah that is the basic idea. but make the piston core shorter and the coils shorter. then if you have two pistons you can fire the first coil when the first piston approaches it then as the secand piston approaches fire the first coil and the second coil as the first piston approaches it double power stroke then you can let it go one more incremet out and then fire both coils again to pull both pistons back in and then one more time for coil one to pull top piston in to bottom coil. I don't know if thats clear or not but I colud draw it up to make it more clear. for prototypes the cricuit is easy just have commutators either rotating or sliding ones on the connecting rod. Now if you added high voltage to the system stored in capacitors to fire the coils you got some power.


                            • Thanks, VZON17,

                              If you could draw that up it would be great.



                              • analysis

                                Originally posted by hh1341 View Post

                                Perhaps we should revisit some of these ideas and investigate further.

                                Would be good homework for you to assign to the members.

                                Hi Carl,

                                What I would do is analyze all diagrams/schematics/coils/etc... of Teal, Peter, etc... in a way that there is a very clear chronological breakdown of each and every step of each complete cycle. What are the PRINCIPLES involved. Has each specific principle/application/step been applied in other devices or technologies unrelated to the attraction motor concepts, etc... what is the purposes of those principles in other applications.

                                Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees...or maybe the trees for the forest...
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

