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Electric Motor Secrets

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  • Thanks Steven,
    I can't wait to see your results
    As for my DC, yes, I use a variac, bridge rectifier and some smoothing capacitors (about 1000uF). I will measure the RPM's with the variac set for 36V and then use three 12v batteries in series for powering to see if a perfect linear DC has any effect on the RPM's
    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


    • Balancing the Branches

      Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
      I uploaded a short video on youtube, you can watch it here:
      YouTube - Lindemann attraction motor

      Peter, I don't understand this balancing of the branches. Can you please explain what you mean?
      Thank you

      OK. You need each transistor to operate in it's own little voltage divider (between the two resistors). Also, we know that if we parallel resistors, the effective resistance goes down. And finally, the little reed switch has current limitations that should not be exceeded, or it won't run very long.

      So, step one is to take your motor that is running on one strand of wire and start increasing the value of the resistors until the motor starts drawing LESS current. Right now you are using 200 ohm resistors (approximately). See if the motor will run the same way if you put in two 680 ohm resistors in place of the ones you are using now. If it runs the same, try even higher values.

      You may also have noticed that running your motor at 30 volts, your little 200 ohm resistors are getting quite hot. (Maybe you didn't notice.) The current in the control circuit is controlled by Ohm's Law (E=IR) So, E/R=I. 30 volts divided by 400 ohms (total of both resistors) equals .075 Amps or 75ma. Since each resistor has half of the voltage drop on it (15 volts), then each resistor is dissipating 15 volts X 75ma = 1.125 WATTS. If you are using 1/4 watt resistors, they should be getting hot.

      Also, this energy is unrecoverable, so you want this control current to be minimized. So, you want these resistors to have the largest practical value that doesn't restrict the transistor from operating like a switch (transitioning from a fully ON position to a fully OFF position as quickly as possible).

      So, find the highest value for your resistors that does not restrict the operation of the transistor (turning it into a resistor because it can't turn ON fully). Then use three sets of that value of resistor (or slightly less) to make the three voltage dividers to run the three transistors. Each voltage divider will begin by being connected to the ground, which is the negative of the supply and the connection to the emitter of each transistor. The mid-point of each voltage divider will connect to one of the transistor base terminals, and the top of each voltage divider will connect to the bottom of the magnetic reed switch. The top of the magnetic reed switch will connect to the positive supply voltage. This produces three branch currents to operate the three transistors from the single reed switch.

      One more suggestion. Your little neon light is coming on because the radiant, longitudinal wave in the inductive collapse sees the long wires of your circuit arrangement as HIGH IMPEDANCE. Clean up your circuit and shorten the circuit paths to bare minimum, so one resistor is right on the transistor from the emitter to the base. The other resistor is right on the base going to the magnetic reed. The neon light is right across the emitter and the collector, and the diode and the bottom of the coil wire are connected directly to the collector. This will eliminate the neon triggering in the first two test set ups.

      Keep up the great work!!!

      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


      • Thanks Peter,
        I understand now

        Today I changed the bearings to new ones. I assembled the whole thing and turned the rotor with my hand and this time I could not feel or hear anything unusual in the bearings, the rotor moved smoothly and quietly. But when assembling the motor, I noticed that the bolts, that are holding together the startor plates became magnetized. I should probably change them to non magnetic steel bolts. Also the timing adjustment was now harder, because when assembling the motor, I had to remove the timing wheel. When I attached it once again, I could not get the exact timings for all 4 pulses, the timings were good for only three pulses and not for the fourth. That is because my timing wheel is a bit off center. Should I build a new one with weaker magnets so that I can move the reedswitch closed to the wheel? I think that would increase the precision of the timings. Also I could not get anywhere near the results I posted yesterday. With the bulb on the output I could get only about 600 rpm and the current draw was 0.5A instead of 0.4A as it was yesterday. The vibrating sound is still there and it appears in every pulse. It comes from the rotor side, as far as I can hear, and not form the bearings. I checked the gaps between rotor and startor and they are eaqual.
        I tried to move the reedswitch around the "sweetspot" when the motor was running, this way I could increase the RPM's but the current draw also went way up to about 1 Amp. Also we lost power for a half an hour just moments ago because of the storm. I had to remove the light bulb form the motor so I have at least some light. Of course I forgot to attach it back to the motor circuit when the power appeared again. This resulted in blown transistor.
        It is definatelly not my day

        Edit: I figured that in order to get the perfect timing for all the rotor legs, I should use four reedswitches in parallel and only one magnet on the comutator. This way I can adjust the perfect timing for every leg precisely, also the reedswitches would operate at lower frequency.
        Last edited by Jetijs; 11-06-2007, 09:26 PM.
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • @Jetijs

          As for the bolts- just ask for A4 steel bolts, washers and nuts and you will get completely non-magnetic stainless steel. Try to avoid Italian produced steel since sometimes it is magnetic regardless of the standard they should adhere to- I prefer German and British stainless steel products because I never found any batch that was magnetic (I guess they have much stricter production methods).

          If you cannot find A4 steel in ordinary stores find the nearest marine equipment store (yachting and sailing equipment and parts) and simply try for A4 parts- they usually have highest quality non-magnetic stainless steel products. Also, you could take a strong NdFeB magnet with you and try out the material for yourself before you buy it.

          As for the timing, parallel driving of transistors etc.- Peter gave you a good instruction but when you get to the next generation of electronics let me know. As I said reed switches are nothing but unnecessary hassle if you want versatility. Regarding that check your PM.


          • Thanks for the tips.
            We have a big store that sells all kind of bolts and screws, they have also non magnetic steel bolts. I will visit them tomorrow but to be sure I will take a neo magnet with me The magnetized bolts in the startor makes the rotor always to end the rotation in alignment to the startor, the attraction force is very weak, but it is still there
            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


            • Today I tried to run the motor form 24v (two 12v batteries in series). I must say, that the motor runs a lot smoother this way. Because when I run the motor form variac, the motor changes speed in a wave fashion, it slowly decreases and increases the RPM's, also the amp draw behaves in the same fashion. I think, that this is because there is some ripple in the DC current from variac, that my smoothing capacitors are not able to handle. That is why the motor runs smoother when powered form batteries with a perfect DC.
              Thanks Steven, you were right
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                Today I tried to run the motor form 24v (two 12v batteries in series). I must say, that the motor runs a lot smoother this way. Because when I run the motor form variac, the motor changes speed in a wave fashion, it slowly decreases and increases the RPM's, also the amp draw behaves in the same fashion. I think, that this is because there is some ripple in the DC current from variac, that my smoothing capacitors are not able to handle. That is why the motor runs smoother when powered form batteries with a perfect DC.
                Thanks Steven, you were right
                Jetijs congrads!! Great work!

                I think your multiplane structure could be a good way to make the "S" rotor in Peter DVD. I could give the strength needed because Peter said the arms could be drawn out if not designed well. Anyway keep up the good work!


                • Hello everyone.
                  I must say, that I had nothig but trouble with the motor last days. My bearings are junk and the reedswitches also behave weird. I tried a one magnet comutator with four reedswitches, I could time two reedswitches precisely, but the other two just wont switch, no matter how near I put them to the magnet. But when I disassemble the whole thing, the switches seem to work fine. I just tried my first setup with four magnets and one reedswitch, but now in order to get the switch to fire I have to move the reedswitch so near to the magnet that they are almost touching. I am confused. Could it be that the magnetic field from the strong neo magnets has magnetized the tinny steel parts of the reedswitch and thats why it behaves so?
                  It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                  • Jetijs,
                    that sucks! i share your pain. I know how frustrating it can be when a lot of hard work turns out to be for nothing.
                    Maybe you should get rid of the whole reed switch setup? would certainly make you feel better
                    how about plain simple contact points like in a car?


                    • Magnetized Reed Switches

                      Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                      Hello everyone.
                      I must say, that I had nothig but trouble with the motor last days. My bearings are junk and the reedswitches also behave weird. I tried a one magnet comutator with four reedswitches, I could time two reedswitches precisely, but the other two just wont switch, no matter how near I put them to the magnet. But when I disassemble the whole thing, the switches seem to work fine. I just tried my first setup with four magnets and one reedswitch, but now in order to get the switch to fire I have to move the reedswitch so near to the magnet that they are almost touching. I am confused. Could it be that the magnetic field from the strong neo magnets has magnetized the tinny steel parts of the reedswitch and thats why it behaves so?

                      Yes, that is what I believe is happening. I have seen it with some of my reed switches as well. If the little neo magnets are left in alignment with the switch for days when the motor isn't running, they tend to cause a residual magnetic clamping action in the switch. Take the reed switches and put them in the freezer for 5 hours and then thaw them out. See if that helps release them. Or try the opposite, by putting them under a heat lamp for a few hours.

                      This problem happened to the magnetic reed on my demo motor on the YouTube Videos, and freezing/thawing released it. The main thing is, they can be recovered, so don't throw them away.

                      I think using four different reeds with one magnet on the wheel is always going to cause more problems. I suggest that you find the reed that works the best and use that one. Then put your time into spacing the magnets on the wheel properly so that each one triggers the reed the same way, which is the way you used the first time.

                      The idea here is to solve ONE PROBLEM at a time.

                      Keep up the great work!

                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • @Jetijs

                        Been there, done that- that's why I said that the only real and reliable solution is the optical switch. Mechanical contacts would be even more of a nuisance than the reed switches.


                        With all due respect I don't really understand why are you still insisting on using the reed switches when it can be easily and elegantly solved using the optical switching? What's more, although I won't share those particular schematic publicly I will share them with Jetijs since it's obvious he will use it for some actual work. Same goes for you- if you want it I can send it to you as well (although I don't think for a minute you're not perfectly capable of engineering some of your own).

                        BTW- the whole system will cost less than 10-15 EU.
                        Last edited by lighty; 11-11-2007, 10:08 PM.


                        • To Lighty

                          Originally posted by lighty View Post

                          Been there, done that- that's why I said that the only real and reliable solution is the optical switch. Mechanical contacts would be even more of a nuisance than the reed switches.


                          With all due respect I don't really understand why are you still insisting on using the reed switches when it can be easily and elegantly solved using the optical switching? What's more, although I won't share those particular schematic publicly I will share them with Jetijs since it's obvious he will use it for some actual work. Same goes for you- if you want it I can send it to you as well (although I don't think for a minute you're not perfectly capable of engineering some of your own).

                          BTW- the whole system will cost less than 10-15 EU.
                          Dear Lighty,

                          I like you. I respect both your knowledge and experience. But right now, quite honestly, I find your ATTITUDE rather competitive and interruptive. This is neither your thread nor your model. I have always agreed with you that ULTIMATELY, Jetijs' motor will need an optical commutation system. But jumping right to the end without understanding why doesn't help anybody. I wanted Jetijs to LEARN from his experience. I was willing to guide him, step by step through the process of getting his motor running with WHAT HE CURRENTLY HAS all the way to full operation with a COP=2. This will require MANY changes beyond the commutation system. To optimize the motor, he will be able to salvage the stator core. But the motor will eventually need different coils, different commutation, different energy recovery circuits, and a new rotor to close the air-gaps. I wanted him to discover WHY each of these changes needed to be made so he could really understand the motor, inside and out.

                          You grossly underestimate my knowledge and my patience to let people learn from their own experience. Why do you NEED to jump in and be the one who KNOWS the answer for someone else? Why do you have to criticize me because I am trying to help Jetijs learn what his motor is doing STEP BY STEP? The most important lesson that anyone can learn is to learn how to see what is important, to focus on the essential!

                          I have NEVER insisted that Jetijs use the reed switches. I merely suggested he get the motor running with what he had on hand BEFORE spending any more money. There is plenty to learn with what he has, and that is what I am interested in.

                          I am involved in a number of projects that may start occupying ALL of my time within a month or two. At that point, I may stop participating in this forum (and all of the other forums as well). Who is going to help these people then? You?

                          I'm 56 years old and have been involved in this field of research since 1973. I don't know everything, but I have studied dozens of energy systems in the last 34 years and have a fairly broad view of the field. These electro-magnetic systems are interesting, but are NOT the most important energy systems I am working on.

                          Quite frankly, I find it boring and petty of you to be bothering to nit pick at me about optical commutators. If you want to give Jetijs a design for one, please do. But don't make such a big production out of it. If he builds what you suggest, he will learn what it does. But no matter how magically fantastic your optical commutator design is, it will still not save him from needing to make other changes later to correct other issues. So, what is the point? What is the big emotional push inside you that makes it OK to criticize me, and use the "optical commutator" as the excuse!

                          Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                          Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                          Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                          Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                          • Dear Peter,

                            You grossly misunderstand my intentions. I have nothing but a highest level of respect for you and everything you have done in your career so far. In fact it was one of your articles regarding MWO that you wrote for BSRF that got me interested in this field in the first place. For that, I am deeply grateful to you.

                            I am truly sorry if you got the feeling I'm being competitive and nitpicking. I never intended to antagonize anybody on this forum and least of all you. I am well aware that this is but a side project and to be honest I was much more interested in what you have to say about the radiant energy. I am also well aware that you simply cannot share most of your knowledge for various reasons I can think of. However, everything you wrote on this forum was carefully read by me and I did take some of the experiments of my own to verify some of your assertions. So far you've been right in almost everything you said- the rest I suspect is simply the lack of the full disclosure by you. Again, I have to emphasize that I do appreciate everything you do share and I wouldn't want you to feel I put any pressure on you on that regard. I'm also payed to do some engineering of the stuff that's protected under NDA. It has nothing to do with free energy but I do understand the need to share some knowledge and being prevented to do so.

                            It's the engineer in me who is getting restless on watching somebody having trouble with inadequate parts. I truly didn't mean to score any points by stating publicly that reed switches are inadequate. I mean- when you have to freeze and thaw parts in order to get them to work that's when something in me get itchy to solve the problem. In this case the best solution would be optical switching. That's all. I'm not doubting your engineering skills. I'm not doubting your engineering wisdom. I also don't doubt for a second this thread is yours. But something I won't do is listen without raising any questions or seeking some arguments from the person making some assertions. Reed switches are not adequate. It's that simple. I already said to Jetijs I will send him parts and schematics for optical switching system.

                            I'm truly sorry I currently simply don't have any spare time to try reproducing your design and see in practice what I could do with the energy recovery. I have some practical knowledge of manipulating radiant energy and I don't mean SG stuff but some rather bizarre stuff that my colleague Shad and I stumbled upon while looking for something completely different. However, I'm eager to see where this project of yours will go. You're so far ahead of me that I'm not ashamed to say that I'm but a beginner comparing to you. You also did some interesting stuff with Bedini and he is another one of the people that I highly appreciate because of his engineering skills and diversity of projects he was involved with.

                            That being said I also respect the fact that you're twenty years older than you and have immensely more experience than me engineering-wise and I suspect life-wise. However please do allow for people to question some of your decisions. I always provide valid engineering argument why I think something should be done differently and ultimately more easily and I never do it for the sake of feeding my ego.

                            Respectfully yours



                            • This is just an idea I had. It won't make your attraction motors any more powerful, but it will insure that you use a minimum of power. I have additional circuitry to add after I nail down what appears to be the best methods. The additional circuitry will be addressing the issue of applying the peak magnetic field to the optimum armature position. This will require an automated method of advancing the timing for the drive pulse. The attached schematic is crude and buggy, but should give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
                              Attached Files


                              • No Real Problems...

                                Originally posted by lighty View Post
                                Dear Peter,

                                You grossly misunderstand my intentions. I have nothing but a highest level of respect for you and everything you have done in your career so far. In fact it was one of your articles regarding MWO that you wrote for BSRF that got me interested in this field in the first place. For that, I am deeply grateful to you.

                                I am truly sorry if you got the feeling I'm being competitive and nitpicking. I never intended to antagonize anybody on this forum and least of all you. I am well aware that this is but a side project and to be honest I was much more interested in what you have to say about the radiant energy. I am also well aware that you simply cannot share most of your knowledge for various reasons I can think of. However, everything you wrote on this forum was carefully read by me and I did take some of the experiments of my own to verify some of your assertions. So far you've been right in almost everything you said- the rest I suspect is simply the lack of the full disclosure by you. Again, I have to emphasize that I do appreciate everything you do share and I wouldn't want you to feel I put any pressure on you on that regard. I'm also payed to do some engineering of the stuff that's protected under NDA. It has nothing to do with free energy but I do understand the need to share some knowledge and being prevented to do so.

                                It's the engineer in me who is getting restless on watching somebody having trouble with inadequate parts. I truly didn't mean to score any points by stating publicly that reed switches are inadequate. I mean- when you have to freeze and thaw parts in order to get them to work that's when something in me get itchy to solve the problem. In this case the best solution would be optical switching. That's all. I'm not doubting your engineering skills. I'm not doubting your engineering wisdom. I also don't doubt for a second this thread is yours. But something I won't do is listen without raising any questions or seeking some arguments from the person making some assertions. Reed switches are not adequate. It's that simple. I already said to Jetijs I will send him parts and schematics for optical switching system.

                                I'm truly sorry I currently simply don't have any spare time to try reproducing your design and see in practice what I could do with the energy recovery. I have some practical knowledge of manipulating radiant energy and I don't mean SG stuff but some rather bizarre stuff that my colleague Shad and I stumbled upon while looking for something completely different. However, I'm eager to see where this project of yours will go. You're so far ahead of me that I'm not ashamed to say that I'm but a beginner comparing to you. You also did some interesting stuff with Bedini and he is another one of the people that I highly appreciate because of his engineering skills and diversity of projects he was involved with.

                                That being said I also respect the fact that you're twenty years older than you and have immensely more experience than me engineering-wise and I suspect life-wise. However please do allow for people to question some of your decisions. I always provide valid engineering argument why I think something should be done differently and ultimately more easily and I never do it for the sake of feeding my ego.

                                Respectfully yours

                                Dear Lighty,

                                You and I don't have any real misunderstandings. Your comments are usually insightful and helpful. Please keep your comments in this forum on technical subjects and refrain from making any personal comments about whether you agree or disagree with what I am doing (or anyone else, for that matter). Just add your knowledge and experience and everyone will be grateful, including me.

                                As for optical commutator circuits, I agree that they are more precise in their ability to control timing. But for beginners, they also present subtle difficulties. I have never seen one optical commutation circuit that didn't need a second stage amplifier to bring the signal up to the level of being able to actually switch the primary device. So while precision in signal timing is attained, other control issues arise in the intermediate circuit that must be solved.

                                I never assume that people in these forums have sufficient electronic circuit design skills to just do the kinds of things that may be second nature to you. That is partly why I was trying to help Jetijs use his magnetic reeds. Also, I wanted to use the opportunity to help him solve his "unknown" problem and find a solution. This is good training, regardless of what the issue is.

                                As far as I am concerned, this little "misunderstanding" between us is over.

                                Best wishes,

                                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets

