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Electric Motor Secrets

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  • plans


    There are a lot of powerful concepts with HV electromagnetics, but what these guys are doing is far from what Gray did.

    Also, over the years of them selling their plans, I have yet to see anyone get over 1.0 cop on anything they claim. Especially, their oil/drum heater.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • since you brought it up

      Hi Aaron,
      Is this gravity motor BS too? Thanks
      Attached Files


      • gravity motor

        I have no idea if that is legit or not. I looks interesting as many things do.

        However, seeing that I have never seen a successful build on youtube or anywhere else, all I can assume is there is 100% failure rate. Surely at least one person would like to show how easy a gravity motor is to make.

        One thing that is very interested and is legit is the concept in the patent that Mike posted. It is interesting the conceptually it works as people who have build Peter's version had experienced. What is more interesting is that there appears to be no patent yet. Not because it doesn't work probably but because the explanation of how it works isn't appreciated.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • You guys were just starting to get somewhere and now it's stalled......what gives?



          • Originally posted by hh1341 View Post
            You guys were just starting to get somewhere and now it's stalled......what gives?

            um some of us are most likely just quietly working away on our own models when we have time (not at a job). if you have been around discussion groups for any length of time you will find that its too easy to get distracted "reading stuff" instead of "doing stuff". that said.... if you think the thread has gone dry then by all means post some information on an attraction motor your building and if in building your motor you run into challenges and have questions then by all means post them! earlier i said i was going to post some videos but that going to take a bit longer as again i would have to stop working on my motors! in order to figure out which clips are good and which clips are garbage, then further cut and shrink the file sizes so i dont have to upload 4 gigs!! lol
            i have 2 running versions so far.. the third version will be my first bifilar winding on a larger, about 1/2hp to 1hp (pressure washer) motor. its almost done, and i have all the supplies to begin learning to accurately measure with a de prony brake. the 4th and more challenging motor i am working on is a modified ceiling fan motor, if that one works the way i think it will it should be very interesting. i will upload a summary video when i have finished these 4 motors.

            but right now i am hitting a road block so far i have been useing the existing rotors in a modified form while trying to find a place to buy the right kinds of materials to build new rotors with.... this has been quite vexing, i am looking for sheet material to make laminations from. i have googled various terms for motor/transformer laminations and it seems theres a much bigger variety metal than i thought. commonly called "electrical steel" but a whole slew grade terminalogy. a local metal fab shop in town with a laser cutter has sheets of astm a36 cold rolled steel which is not considered "electrical steel" and other companies i talked to on the net have told me they think a rotor made with that kind of metal would get really hot! i called a local metal supplier to talk to there metalurgist about it but he didnt know anything about the magnetic reactions of diferent grades of steel!! so he wasnt very helpful. the best information i found so far came from, national material company Home and (various other companies refered me to) tempel steel Tempel Steel. both companies dont generaly sell to the retail market so a minimum purchase is set at around $500... yikes! to peter... i noticed in the dvd you refered to something called solectron laminations?? but i came up dry when trying to google that. can anyone give me some advise on how to select a "good enough" material and where i can buy it without needing to buy gobs of it? or if i do need to buy a whole bunch all at once i dont mind.. i have a variety of "from scratch ideas" but... i would at least like to know i am buying a type of material that wont completely fail on me by holding on to its magnetic field too long!!

            any help would be much appreciated!!!


            • When I started to study free energy, my first device was the pancake motor, then searching on the web I knew this good people (energeticforum).

              So, the pancake motor works well but is inefficient because use brushes precisally Tesla is famous by his AC induction motor, no loose energy by brushes friction. If you want a better motor you can built a window motor with the same principle, here ren, built one, and run with good torque.

              I've downloaded all those books from p2p, all their projects are really poor practically speaking, for example the Permanent Magnet motor, instructions are not detailed is near to impossible built one. Other project poor is "Reuse Fluorescent Lamps" is far to be Free energy because use a neon bulb transformer then you can't catch Back-EMF to the battery.

              The 5000 VDC power supply, is a simply doubler, diodes+capacitors, you can build one by using a software simulation like LiveWire without problems
              Free energy from earth is a Earth SG is no necessary buy this plan.

              5000 watt inverter is some ingenius but a little utilizable because you can with knwoledge on electronics is possible built one by using transformer and catch free energy by his own Back EMF at the same time and use only two 12 volts battery you get 120 VAC and catch free energy on the second.

              Energy from the water, only describes the reactor, but nothing about the bubbler for example (EXTRMATELLY NECESSARY FOR SAFETY).

              Fueless gravity engine, hmmm I will prefer use one DC motor and alternator with one fly wheel and good switcing system.

              The high voltage capacitors, works and necessary.

              High Eff generator, is a G-Field from Bedini. but this people no shows schematics to control this with a DC motor

              Ok. sincerally for me I prefer to try a car alternator and high efficient DC motor attached with fly wheel, and test from this principle. Then you can replace the DC motor by Window motor, Alternator by G-Field etc....

              For Beginners is better build a simple Bedini SSG, you can learn about pulsed systems + power supply with two batteries and very important Back EMF and charging capacitors.
              Last edited by patmac; 08-21-2008, 02:36 AM.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


              • Pulse motor

                Hi everybody,
                I am a newb to the chat and just thought I might show u all my pulse motor.
                It's six 55lb neo-magnets in a plastic flywheel that weighs about 6 or so pounds total.(magnets all face north)
                The coil is made of bifilar wrap of 24ga. around a mild steel core(welding rounds, smallest ga. I could find) I didn't count the turns, I just wrapped till my smaller spool of wire was gone. But, the resistance measures around 30 ohms or so. I am running it just off a magnetic reed switch, and both coils are electrically isolated...(this is not the SSG) it's more like Bedini's early patent...but w/o a transistor.
                I have seen the same 1:1 charging as noted by John Bedini, and some other strange effects I will document with video soon.

                Well, here it is,
                YouTube - Monopole Pulse Motor


                • Nice Motor!

                  Originally posted by Radiant-1 View Post
                  Hi everybody,
                  I am a newb to the chat and just thought I might show u all my pulse motor.
                  It's six 55lb neo-magnets in a plastic flywheel that weighs about 6 or so pounds total.(magnets all face north)
                  The coil is made of bifilar wrap of 24ga. around a mild steel core(welding rounds, smallest ga. I could find) I didn't count the turns, I just wrapped till my smaller spool of wire was gone. But, the resistance measures around 30 ohms or so. I am running it just off a magnetic reed switch, and both coils are electrically isolated...(this is not the SSG) it's more like Bedini's early patent...but w/o a transistor.
                  I have seen the same 1:1 charging as noted by John Bedini, and some other strange effects I will document with video soon.

                  Well, here it is,
                  YouTube - Monopole Pulse Motor
                  Dear Radiant-1,

                  Thanks for showing us your motor. This information is better suited to one of the Bedini SG threads. This thread is about motors that don't have any magnets in the rotor, and produce mechanical energy by attracting a passive iron rotor to an electromagnet in the stator. If you are interested in this style of motor, please read the whole thread. It is an amazing archive of information on "attraction style motors" with electrical recovery.

                  If you wish to post more about your current motor (and I hope you do) please post it in one of the other SG threads, or start your own thread on pulse motors with mechanical switching.


                  Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                  Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                  Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                  Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                  • Alrighty

                    Sorry, I guess I should have read the whole thread before posting it. I will repost it in the appropriate thread.
                    I would like to say however, that your video "Electric Motor Secrets" is an outstanding fundamental video. It taught me much, and made it all click for me.
                    So thank you



                    • Hi Peter, i wonder why on the US2004212257A1 patent says: Presenting a free energy device that produces much greater power that it uses to run it.

                      That pattent is real?


                      • Issued Patent vs Patent Application

                        Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
                        Hi Peter, i wonder why on the US2004212257A1 patent says: Presenting a free energy device that produces much greater power that it uses to run it.

                        That pattent is real?

                        Dear Darkwizard,

                        The number you site is a PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER. This patent, as written, has NOT issued. Need I say more?

                        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                        • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                          Dear Darkwizard,

                          The number you site is a PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER. This patent, as written, has NOT issued. Need I say more?

                          Thanks Peter i can understand!


                          • Any ideas for a ultra high efficient motor?
                            Last edited by darkwizard; 08-31-2008, 02:54 AM.


                            • Excuse me?

                              Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
                              Any ideas for a ultra high efficient motor?
                              Dear Darkwizard,

                              Have you read this thread? Have you seen my DVD titled Electric Motor Secrets? What are you asking?

                              Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                              Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                              Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                              Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                              • whats's your opinion

                                Hi Peter,

                                Do you think it would be better to have 4 stators in series instead of 2 like Jetijs has or would it somehow hinder the performance of the motor or the recovery electric.Thx for any input .


