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  • Where are you?

    To ll;
    Maybe this is not the place to do this, but I see alot of people that could use some help. They may be good at metal-working, electronics, And also good at something else. I live in Houston, Texas, am a good carpenter, and like to re-cycle(as in junk), to get my parts. So, my idea would be a love connection for free energy junkies like me. OK, a like connection. Jeez,some of you are perverted! If someone wouldn't want to be linked, they wouldn't put in their information.

  • #2
    energy network

    This place is fine to network in the open with others especially if it relates to networking with others for the energy stuff.

    I'm in Spokane Washington and and have a strong network here.

    Had an idea that in the General Discussion forum:

    Might be good to start a thread on the location you're at...title:
    Houston Texas

    That might be the most effective way to have people from Houston easily see that thread...or at least people that are around Houston.

    Also, on this page:
    your profile page (everyone has the same just replace the username at the end) can mention location, interests, etc... a very powerful but one of the most underused functions of this forum....just fyi...
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Jacksonville, Florida

      I am a Electronics Mechanic and my son-in-law is an ex electroplating technician and auto repair mechanic for a auto body shop.


      • #4
        Hi Aaron.
        This is off topic but I think important enough to alert you in hopes you will do a general posting to warn the members.
        I was on another forum I visit (water for fuel) & a member posted a warning about a new & very dangerous virus . You can check it out at It comes in as a Hallmark card or e-card & burns your hard drive up if opened. McAfee & Norton have no defense yet & are preparing alert. The moderator on Water for Fuel checked & it is real, not a hoax.
        You might want to check them out.
        They are working on a system to fire straight water using a plasma ignition system & they are close.


        • #5
          water stuff

          Hi, the virus thing would be good to post in the general section if it is real.

          Meyer's final goal with is plugs was plasma ignition at the point where the gas comes into the chamber.

          His first canadian patent was plasma electrolysis between points...or rods.

          Everything in between...he steers way clear of mentioning it.

          I hope that groups masters it and gets it out
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Hi, the virus thing would be good to post in the general section if it is real.

            Meyer's final goal with is plugs was plasma ignition at the point where the gas comes into the chamber.

            His first canadian patent was plasma electrolysis between points...or rods.

            Everything in between...he steers way clear of mentioning it.

            I hope that groups masters it and gets it out
            Right, and he was talking about using mini-lasers to do it inserted or screwed into the plug sockets. I have a friend who is high up in NASA who told me he knows an enginer who is working on the mini-laser idea on his own time & should up-date me shortly.
            Did you see all 4 parts of Meyer's video's? Parts 3 & 4 seem to have disappeared from you-tube where he explained taking his process all the way to Cold Fusion.
            Do you want me to post the virus alert in general discussion or are you going to check it out & then do it?


            • #7
              Meyer Vids

              If you found what you believe to be valid info about the virus, please feel free to post in the general discussion.

              On parts 3 and 4, are you talking about the NZ video specifically?

              Also, a friend who used to be on the lecture circuit with Meyer gave me very bad copies of videos of Meyer about 7 years ago...some I don't think I've ever seen online. I can see if I can post a couple short minutes of it and if anyone hasn't seen it, I'll see what I can do.

              I have yet to see copyright ownership proof from a certain person/website that claims ownership everytime something is seen on youtube or elsewhere.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                Where are you?

                Could we get back on topic? Not some weird post about a disease.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                  Could we get back on topic? Not some weird post about a disease.
                  They were referring to an internet virus....

                  Im Garrett and live in Phoenix, Arizona, US. I was a Telephone tech/Sys Admin while in the Coast Guard, but now own a pool company. Wouldnt mind helping or learning from anyone in the local area.


