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Tesla's radiant energy system (for Peter Lindemann)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ashanin View Post
    And where did you see radiant streams in ordinary tesla coil? Tesla designed his magnifying transfirmer as electrostatic and radiant energy device, but not as electromagnetic resonance circuit. Streamers from tesla coil are side effects of this device. The main Tesla's aim was transmitting radiant energy. Streamers cancels all radiant effects.
    For one thing I never implied that what I posted was a Magnifying transmitter, it was some interesting work of tesla that i found when i was doing my spark gaps. I have no knowledge of telsa's magnifying transmitter and prob should not have posted. I apologize.

    You had only mentioned spark gaps, and when i was searching i found that site that has a very simple project to do to learn more of tesla's work, NOT his magnifying transmitter. Which I have no intention of studying. Very difficult system that no goverment on this earth will let you utilize on a large scale. Sad but True. If the great Peter Lindemann Recommended Lighty to advise, you could do no better than to listen to EVERYTHING he has to say about it. If peter feels he has a has a grasp of the subject he more than likely does. Good luck to you and my motto is never give up
    Last edited by **~Imhotep~**; 06-26-2008, 04:55 AM.
    “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

    Nikola Tesla


    • #17
      Originally posted by **~Imhotep~** View Post
      If the great Peter Lindemann Recommended Lighty to advise, you could do no better than to listen to EVERYTHING he has to say about it. If peter feels he has a has a grasp of the subject he more than likely does.

      While I do have a certain level of understanding and with my colleague I've done quite a number of experiments on the subject I'm also lagging a number of years behind Peter, Dollard and Bedini. The problem is that everybody thinks it's easy to engineer an efficient radiant energy system and while it's principles are quite simple getting everything to work as intended requires at least some level of professional EE knowledge and a lot of hands on experience, not to say access to at least some appropriate measurements equipment and machine shop. I produced some number of large exhibit pieces for museums such as large Tesla coils (and yeah I know it's not really a Tesla coil as he intended it), big rotational magnetic field demonstrators (large Tesla's Egg of Columbus), exact replica of his induction motor, demonstrator of Tesla turbine etc. The fact is that I struggled a lot to produce them up to specs until I got the grip of the engineering aspects of each of those devices and a number of times I had to consult professionals in their respective fields to make appropriate engineering decision. In case of radiant energy there are no engineering professionals out there. Peter, Dollard and Bedini struggle with radiant energy, even Tesla himself struggled for great number of years and with large budget and number of engineers at his disposal.

      What I'm trying to say is that it's all nice and well playing with rather small coils and small sparks but when it comes to larger, more complex and more expensive stuff (and more dangerous!) I really doubt ordinary hobbyists stand much chance of producing such a system. I doubt it even more when I see that most of people don't even have some very basic engineering skills. Tesla was very adamant about that fact- one has to scientifically understand what one's doing. That was his definition of an engineer as opposed to tinkerer.

      That being said I will help as much as possible to people who have at least some basic engineering knowledge. For basics one should really read some books and get some courses. I just wanted to express my point of view on the subject.


      • #18
        lighty, have you produced radiant streams?


        • #19
          Radiant energy- yes. Radiant streams- no. Producing radiant energy is conceptually not so hard but how to manipulate it and utilize it is something we're struggling with.
          Last edited by lighty; 06-26-2008, 04:22 PM.


          • #20
            If it is possible share schematics you've designed for radiant energy.


            • #21
              I will help anybody with at least some level of knowledge with advices regarding stuff that I'm knowledgeable about. With stuff I'm not certain about I will rather carefully listen to more knowledgeable people or speculate and experiment to reach my own conclusions. However I'm not going to engineer stuff for people to replicate without understanding some basic underlying principles. Most people like to quote Tesla or Peter or Bedini or whomever but rarely anybody sincerely strive for deeper understanding of the physics and scientific principles they're talking about. Even less people are willing to challenge those same authorities if necessary (with appropriate arguments and without egoistical intentions of course).

              Peter was kind enough to engage in some rational scientific arguments regarding radiant energy in other threads and I cannot speak in his name but based on what I've read I suspect he is not willing to be a free for all engineer for people to simply replicate. I know I'm not willing. But I'm willing to help. That's why I helped Jetijs both with advice and parts but he already had at least some knowledge and I spent some time explaining to him step by step how to calculate values of the parts in particular circuits, what those parts do, how they interact and finally how to utilize most of his oscilloscope capabilities in order to make exact measurements. However I didn't simply handed him over everything without trying to make him understand how everything works in order for him to be able to do at least some basic electronics engineering next time around. That doesn't mean I myself am not employing more advanced circuits and parts but I also do engineering for living and I have to buy bread and milk.

              That being said I hope I don't sound rude or unsympathetic but forums and groups are overwhelmed with people who simply don't have enough basic knowledge or who are too lazy to do any thinking and experimenting of their own. All those people are very eager to just replicate some very simple and cheap circuit that will save the world. I'm afraid it won't work that way and one has to consider that engineers also have to earn some money for living.

              I hope this clarifies my point of view.


              • #22
                I've asked concrete questions in my first post. So, you can help us with experiments. Otherwise it's just a simple phrase-mongering.

                First we want to measure different resonance frequencies and to transmit energy.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ashanin View Post
                  So i and group of engineers decided to replicate Tesla's radiant energy system. There are three types of electricity by Tesla: DC, AC and radiant current. Radiant current is produced by tiny particles of aether.

                  There is no radiant current. By it's nature radiant energy is more of an potential gradient impulse (or rather longitudinal "wave") traveling in form (form is not a proper term I would use but I don't know adequate English word) of an electrical field. Some people would call it electrostatic impulse although for a number of reasons I'm not content with such definition.

                  But also we can assume that spark gap have some unique characteristics, that can't be obtained with semiconductors.
                  You're correct in your assertion. Spark gaps have some unique properties that simply cannot be reproduced adequately with anything else. There also a number of different spark phenomena relating to the voltage applied, geometry of electrodes, surrounding gases etc. Several good books and articles regarding those phenomena were written by Leonard Loeb. In fact I read several books on the subject and still find his experimental works and findings invaluable.

                  1. Is it possible to use mosfets instead of spark gaps?
                  It depends in what role do you plan to use semiconductors. If you just need circuit interrupter or some kind of oscillator then the answer is- yes if you know what you're doing. However when dealing with high frequencies and high voltages semiconductors tend to easily die no matter what their nominal ratings are because of the heavy distortions and sudden strains introduced.

                  However if you plan on using semiconductors in place of sparkgaps the answer is negative and don't even bother trying to emulate spectral characteristics of a spark. Also, when already dealing with the parts of circuit that employ radiant energy (especially when you get any measurable levels) I found that invariably semiconductors behave unpredictably- from sudden deaths, latching up, destruction of crystals, overheating because of parasitic capacitances etc. I will be honest and admit that I gave up on semiconductors after realizing that some things just aren't produced to deal with radiant energy. Trying to make them work on higher levels (and even lower) of power just gave me headache and lead to great many deal of burnt high performance semiconductors. Peter might have more to add to this since he and Bedini did use semiconductors although I suspect in the parts of circuit not employing radiant energy.

                  2. Why did Eric Dollard caught radiant flow only from the bulb, but not directly from the transmitter's secondary?
                  This question should really be answered by Peter since he was there doing the experiments. However I suspect that it was mainly for the reason of the simple demonstration of the effects as well as the fact that in certain conditions lightbulb acts as a kind of "converter" of radiant energy making it's effects more external and more obvious. Again, Peter is the one who was there and he should answer your question if he's willing.

                  Finaly if you're dealing with a group of engineers why doesn't anybody take some books on resonance effects in Tesla coils and try understanding at least some basics of series and parallel resonance circuits? Also, trying to simulate these circuit will fail because of the very nature of the simulation algorithms and the physics they're based upon.


                  • #24
                    Radiant energy

                    Hey Lighty!
                    Sounds like this guy wants to force you to respond. Maybe this is the MAN. Trying to disprove any theories set down here, without showing some of his own proofs. I'd like to show my own, but they are not... Shouldn't this be on the stickey?


                    • #25
                      Tesla radiance

                      Whether or not Tesla,etal, thought one conduit, ie: the earth, would be enough to transfer energy over any distance would be assinine. There must be either a return or a second "wire" to return the electricity. Usually, the second "wire" was an emitting, or collecting area around the sending coil. Most electrical engineers of the time didn't explain this phenomenon, because it was accepted that ground would be a given. This may seem like an extreme example, but the correlation works:
                      Put a copper penny into salt water, then another metal ,usually lead, piece of metal in the same solution. No electrical, batteries, or other current, Watch what happens.
                      See Dick. See Dick run. See Dick understand current. See Dick get shocked. Don't be a Dick.
                      I could always be wrong, but the old knowledge is usually the best.


                      • #26

                        Don't worry, I'm not being coerced to do anything. I will participate in discussion as much as I deem necessary and productive and I don't really care what anyone thinks about it.

                        As for Tesla's energy transfer system- you're not correct. Some exact requirements must be met but you really don't need any return wire whatsoever. Look at Tesla's mechanical analogy in his article "The True Wireless". The analogy he presented is more than adequate if one realize how to make it into the electrical circuit. He also presented his system in various forms in several of his lectures so more than enough information is out for anyone with adequate engineering skills to replicate this phenomena. Producing a big scale apparatus is still a challenge but on a smaller scale it's been done multiple times by several people.


                        • #27
                          But there is one moment in Tesla's wireless system. It's longitudinal wave. You can design wireless transmitter with em wave and then system will be shielded with faraday cage.


                          • #28
                            While one can produce a kind of scalar EM wave that will register through Faraday's cage it will still be dissipated over distance. Longitudinal wave sent through Earth won't have losses higher than 5% (according to Tesla).


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                              Whether or not Tesla,etal, thought one conduit, ie: the earth, would be enough to transfer energy over any distance would be assinine.
                              Not at all! (I'd suggest taking care in the name-calling department... )

                              Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                              There must be either a return or a second "wire" to return the electricity. Usually, the second "wire" was an emitting, or collecting area around the sending coil.
                              Tesla's energy transfer system design didn't have or require a "return". It is documented very well in his writings and lectures. I, personally, don't have the money to replicate this system, especially not on the scale that Tesla was working, but the information is out there to do so. Others have replicated the system on smaller scales.

                              Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                              Most electrical engineers of the time didn't explain this phenomenon, because it was accepted that ground would be a given.
                              This may seem like an extreme example, but the correlation works:
                              Put a copper penny into salt water, then another metal ,usually lead, piece of metal in the same solution. No electrical, batteries, or other current, Watch what happens.
                              See Dick. See Dick run. See Dick understand current. See Dick get shocked. Don't be a Dick.
                              I could always be wrong, but the old knowledge is usually the best.
                              Counter-example: You don't need "return" to get electrocuted!

                              Oops... Apologies to "lighty"... Didn't see your post...

                              While I'm on the subject... I fried too many very expensive components looking for a solid-state setup to replace the older circuits. I firmly believe that the "old fashioned" Tesla discrete component method and spark-gap setups are needed for these experiments.


                              • #30
                                I just want to talk about experiment where radiant effect appeared first.

                                The explosive effects reminded him of similar occurrences observed with high voltage DC generators. A familiar experience among workers and engineers, the simple closing of a switch on a high voltage dynamo often brought a stinging shock, the assumed result of residual static charging.

                                This hazardous condition only occurred with the sudden application of high voltage DC. This crown of deadly static charge stood straight out of highly electrified conductors, often seeking ground paths which included workmen and switchboard operators. In long cables, this instantaneous charge effect produced a hedge of bluish needles, pointing straight away from the line into the surrounding space. The hazardous condition appeared briefly, at the very instant of switch closure.
                                The key word here is long cable. I think that radiant wave propagates with the speed more than speed of light. So we should pump the wire with impulses with period << wire length/speed of light.

