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Tesla's radiant energy system (for Peter Lindemann)

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  • #31
    Guys i cant find Eric Dollard any where,
    I suggest reading Meyl on this matter.
    Tesla - Eric Dollard

    Also is it just me or does that spiral coil display play with your brain


    • #32

      Indeed Prof. Meyl does have some interesting theories. I had opportunity to speak with him on several occasions and see from up close his scalar E wave energy transfer as well as to study up close technical details of his demonstration equipment. However, he is also using scalar E wave which dissipates extremely close to the equipment not to mention the fact that E-field in the vicinity is so powerful that he admits it would be very detrimental for human health to be exposed to it for prolonged period of time. I know I felt dizzy after being in vicinity for about 15 minutes. The other thing is that he is using high frequency oscillator (in fact a rather powerful signal generator) of about 2.4MHz (if my memory serves me correctly- it was about 2 years ago that I discussed it with him) so he is also doing exactly the thing Tesla was so eager to avoid- he is dissipating energy into surrounding media. I'm afraid that it's totally opposed to everything Tesla said and demonstrated that it can hardly be called Tesla technology. It is scalar wave technology though.


      • #33

        Here is a reference link that may help with some info?

        Class Notes: Tesla Coils and the Failure of Lumped-Element Circuit Theory



        • #34
          Thank you for the link. Also Tesla said there were no reversal current in his primary. So we can calculate the length of the wire.


          • #35

            Meyl says the scalar waves would be detrimental to a biological receiver if a transmitter was simply transmitting with no receiver to absorb the energy. I agree that humans absorbing the energy is not a good thing which is why Tesla wanted the electrodes attached to a balloon high in the air. As far as feeling dizzy after exposure to the E-field with Meyl's kit, I have the experimentation kit and have evaluated it for much longer than 15 minutes with no affect. The signal generator he provides operates up to ~14mhz and is low power.


            Regarding his experimentation kit, I evalauted it at a local university. I had the transmitter and receiver each connected to their own oscilloscope monitoring voltage and a current probe attached to each the transmitter and receiver that was also monitered on the respective oscilloscope. The two were multiplied together to get real time power transfer. A function generator was used in place of the one provided with Meyl's kit. The function was a sine wave with 1 volt peak to peak.
            The load on the receiver side was a 100 ohm resistor.

            The frequency of the function generator was tuned in until the power received was a maximum. When the maximum power was received the power being received was all real power and the power being transmitted oscillated between real power and reactive power, with the mean power being transmitted being very close to zero. This occured due to the voltage on the transmitter leading the current on the tranmitter by 90 degrees.

            I have also performed all of the experiments that Meyl outlined with his demonstration kit. I have videos of most of these and will try to post them when I get a chance.




            • #36

              I don't know what kind of power experimentation kit exhibits but in his lectures he demonstrates a device which operates at several MHz and have a pretty big output. In fact in private conversation he confirmed that he had major problem with overheating of transmitter because of his rather powerful output. His assistants who are also engineers were trying to solve that at that time. I looked at his kits and it seems what you're using is several times less powerful than the equipment he is using.

              Another thing to consider (and I cannot stress this strongly enough) is that he is using a form of HF EM radiation to couple transmitter and receiver. To be more precise he uses E-field coupling between transmitter and receiver. You can look at the antenna of transmitter and antenna of receiver like two halves of one capacitor. That's why he cannot transmit energy to distances over a few meters at most. That's also why his system is detrimental to health. There are a few other factors that he mentioned in private conversation that I won't go into. However, that's not what Tesla did. Tesla himself told many, many times that in his system ground is a single wire conductor. He also states that his system never goes above 100-200kHz (IIRC it worked at about 10-20kHz) in order to minimize EM radiation losses. Basically he is explicitly telling that his coils were designed in a way to reduce EM radiation to the surrounding media to a minimum and to inject all of the energy in the form of a sort of "ground conducting current" into the ground. I have my theory about what is being injected into ground and the mechanism of transport based on hands on experience but for the moment I'm not ready to share it before refining it. In any case that's opposite to what Meyl does with E-field coupling or to what Soljacic does with H-field coupling. Tesla correctly said that one cannot use EM radiation to transport energy. It's as simple as that.


              • #37

                The experimentation kit I have is the same one Meyl demonstrated at the 2004 and 2007 Tesla Tech Conferences. You seem focused on the fact that the transmission takes place in the Mhz range. This is due to the low impedence of the grounding wire Meyl uses to connect the outside of the Pancake coils together (Where Tesla connected them to the ground). The frequency of the transmission drops as this impedence is increased. When I used a longer wire it dropply slightly when I used the lab bench as the ground the frequency where maximum power was transmitted dropped quite a bit. It makes sense to me that Tesla would have been tranmitting in the khz range with the earth as the ground.

                Also I was able to transmit and receive power with Meyl's kit up to 15 meters away at 2 volts. So I don't know why you think the experimentation kit works at only a few meters. When I used a separate function generator and increased the voltage this distance further increased. In regard to the transmitter overheating, the only thing that got hot were the heat sinks on Meyl's function generator circuit, not the transmitter coil or spherical electrode.

                Anyways as I see it the only difference between Meyl's replication and Tesla patent 649,621 is the impedence between the connections to the outside of the pancake coil.


                • #38

                  As you might have noticed yourself the heatsinks at Meyl's transmitter module get extremely hot and the losses introduced at various points in his system are considerable. Tesla's systems worked with 5-10% losses.

                  Another thing to consider is that Meyl uses E-field coupling between his spheres (did you read his book and articles?) and Tesla never did that. The spheres in Tesla's systems are counter-balance capacities calculated in such way to move current node of his transmitter down to the surface of ground or into the ground itself (ask yourself where in that case is voltage loop and what purpose would that placement serve).

                  While it is true one can transmit some ammount of power and signal up to several meters (IIRC Meyl succeeded with great difficulty to transmit signal and extremely low power to about hundred meters). Even Meyl himself admits that his system is not usable in real life to send power over any considerable distance. I'm not sure why do you think you understand the potential of his system better than himself? While I respect Meyl's work it was not exactly what Tesla did for several reasons that I won't go into ATM. I had an oportunity to spend (along with my coleague) several days in private conversations with Meyl. His system is capable of doing some amazing things that he is not discussing publicly but transmitting energy over any considerable distance is not one of those things. At least not the way he engineered stuff.
                  Last edited by lighty; 08-10-2008, 09:14 PM.


                  • #39
                    Circuit Simulation

                    There are some colaboration between people and Mr Eugene Jeong Phd (Michigan) Visit his page in youtube, there you will find his blog address.

                    See this video YouTube - Physics of Free Energy Device, Revised


                    • #40
                      IMHO radiant current or radiant wave is possible.Radiant energy are rays but can bend to some surface when there are free electrons inside.In fact radiant current is just a pure longitudinal electric current without electrons.
                      Radiant energy can be thrown around from electric HV oscillator when ANY EM wave generation is minuscule yet circuit is broken properly.
                      Electrostatic but not electrostatic as we know.
                      Who wants please try to understand.Electric current is nothing more then EM longitudinal wave converted from radiant current by electrons. Radiant current is still around wire flowing outside and it is magnetic flux change in time while dispersed charge inside is changing in the same rate inside wire.
                      First is voltage second is amperage. Yes,I think radiant current and voltage is the same and it is rate of flow/change of magnetic flux in time.

                      Crazy theory, right ?

