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Greetings & Fuel Cell = Tax Evasion?

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  • Greetings & Fuel Cell = Tax Evasion?

    First off, I would like to thank everyone who takes the time to contribute to these forums. I found a wealth of information here that has really set me going in what I hope is the right direction. This is my first post even though I used these forums as a reference for a week or two (ever since I first did my Google search for "Magnet Motor" and saw the Perendev video).

    Second, I want to be up front and honest here so there is no confusion as to my intentions or goals. As much as I want to see renewable energy sources in use and flourishing across the globe, please understand that I am approaching this from a business standpoint. Yes, it's something along the lines of

    1. Research
    2. Eureka!
    3. Reproduce renewable energy widgets
    4. Sell them
    5. Profit
    6. Lather, rinse, repeat (or for you old school programmers out there, GOTO 1)

    My goal is to learn enough to replicate and/or successfully create (and then mass produce) renewable energy sources for the masses. Not kits, not instructions, not schematics or diagrams... actual devices that work, are proven to work, have been independently tested and verified to work, and are easy to install by the end-user or a trained installer.

    I've come to the realization that in order to do so there will be considerable time and monetary costs involved. I'm probably not alone in this line of thinking, but I do intend to better the environment and make a substantial profit while doing so. For anyone offended by that, I apologize in advance. I know there are many individuals contributing to such endeavors solely out of their desire to better all of humanity globally; but given my elementary knowledge of the laws of physics as applied to business (yes, there are actually correlations between the two), it will take a lot more than just a few grassroots efforts to stop the freight train of big oil/coal companies from continuing to barrel ahead (puns colorized for effect ). In fact, I would venture to say that it will take an equal corporate force headed in the exact opposite direction to even make a dent in the forward progression of fossil fuel consumption (momentum... gotta love it). I hope to enlist the aid of like-minded individuals along the way. After all, if the oil companies can dump billions into lobbying every year, why can't corporate profits from alternative energy sources be dumped into the same actions?

    I intend to do just that and have accepted the fact that there are inherent risks involved. I am unwilling to subject my family and friends to these risks without the potential of significant reward, so again... apologies to anyone offended by me wanting to take the bull by the horns and use their own tricks against them.

    Moving on....

    My first question stems from a search I did this morning. I went to to see if there is any government money being dumped into the research community for fuel cell development. Imagine my surprise when the first result came up as a government grant for "Fuel Tax Evasion Intergovernmental Enforcement Efforts". From my understanding, this is the U.S. federal government giving states money to protect the revenue said states realize from the taxation of fossil fuels.

    So the question is.... if I decide to use SOLELY my fuel cell to propel my car on state-supported roads, does this mean I am guilty of tax evasion? I already pay a hefty property tax on my vehicles, but filling up my tank at the garden hose would circumvent the taxes I pay were I to fill up my tank with gasoline at the gas station.

    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Tax Evasion.

    Does an Amish buggy = tax evasion, because it uses no gas?

    Does an Electric car = tax evasion because it can be powered by solar cells at home?

    Ehh I think we all are trying not to pay taxes.... But we still do, your car may not be paying the taxes, but you are paying the bill for the farmer that has to pay his taxes to get your food from the store.. ( incorporated in the food cost )

    I like your style you are upfront and say you are in this for profit. most say I am doing this for the good of humanity

    Each of us has our own motives... But I don't believe that making your own energy is a crime....
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #3
      I agree, you are not evading taxes by merely not purchasing gas. People w/o cars aren't considered to be evading taxes.

      You or your landlord are probably paying some taxes on that water anyway.

      If you are working on a possible business of seeing if you can develop a product to sell, you can probably take tax deductions on the expenses you have towards that product development, even if it never comes to anything. Most business have an overall loss in the first years, it's pretty much the expectation.

      However, you may need someone to do your taxes in that case. I'd recommend keeping track of your expenses. Come tax time look at the overall $ you spent and maybe call someone who does taxes, tell them that # and ask if they think it would be worth it to have your taxes done by them and claim a business loss.

      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        With my luck, my state will start charging a similar fuel tax on tap water


        • #5
          Making a difference and a living

          I personally have no problem with making a profit, we all have to live.

          My intentions have been to develop the water fuel in a end user friendly device for transportation and/or electrical generation. Also to make the plans and methods open source for those who wish to build their own, for those millions out there who can't or don't want to build their own I'm happy to assist but my time isn't cheap.

          The idea being to wrest control away from those who use it as their strangle hold on society (including our so called government)

          Slavery in the guise of freedom is still slavery

          As for competition, it's a good thing, the more of us doing it the less chance those vested in the energy mongering can stop us.

          Good Luck and


          • #6
            There is it appears forces as you say the oil companies that want to continue to generate huge revenues from their products and in the past there has been possible suppression of great ideas.

            Steven Greer said it doesnt matter how much tactical defense you have your best defense is millions of people having your knowledge so that way your no longer a target. Going on that promise ;

            Freely distributing your knowledge is what I have done.
            Profit is in the knowlege.
            You save huge amounts of money by not having to contribute, whether its hho or radiant. So trying to make a product that you can sell and market is a great idea, but if you term it as free energy product or perpetual motion it will not be marketed because of the forces that be.

            That is why I have used my tactics of freely givng my knowledge of free energy as I go on, there will be many other pieces of the puzzle released. After testing and verification.

            I wish you much success and good luck.

            Remember the pursuit of profit is why the gas companies have such a stranglehold on us right now. They dont want to loose their profits and could care less of the expansion of societys knowledge base and growth as humans.

            one wrong plus one wrong dont make it right.

            But your tactic is sound if you do get as powerful as the oil companies your on equal footing. Good Luck
            “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

            Nikola Tesla



            • #7
              Originally posted by **~Imhotep~** View Post
              But your tactic is sound if you do get as powerful as the oil companies your on equal footing. Good Luck
              I like to think I can use the forces of good to overcome evil given the opportunity and the aforementioned equal footing. Only time will tell. Regardless of failure or success, at the very least my children will be able to look at what I accomplished or attempted to accomplish and be proud of the effort.

              I started off simple tonight, showing my fresh-out-of-kindergarten daughter how batteries work, what happens if we connect wires to each end, what happens if we wrap the wire around a nail and get it near some computer case screws, etc.

              The time is definitely a factor for me. Having been immersed in computers for the past 23 years, I have to go back and re-learn old-school electronics. It's a "back to the basics" refresher course for me to even get started in this field because it's all been abstracted from me for so long. Having to back and learn about circuits, transistors, diodes, capacitors, etc. has actually taken me longer than I expected.

              So far so good. The next step is for me to start putting together some prototypes of the devices outlined here and on other relative sites (Patrick Kelly has been a God-send of information overload). I do have a few ideas, and I do intend to share them openly. I have to figure the best way to express them (even my terminology needs a refresher), and then I'll put them up for all to see. Something to do with resonance and increasing voltage pulses.

              Thank you for your encouragement!


              • #8
                never give up is the best attitude you will succeed, go to my thread and get a refresher on coil collapse/back emf energy it is a good starting place and expand to your adaptation if you would like. it is there to share ,i made movies of step by step procedures
                for all to use and you will see them on you tube and meta cafe if you search for imhotep . hho is running wild on this forum also with alot of info as well as bedini threads and Dr Lindemann's dvd Electric Motor Secrets (he has great ideas to start you off and reveals many overlooked secrets) if you can get it.Free Energy - Electric Motor Secrets, Bob Teal | Magnipulsion, Edwin Gray, Nikola Tesla, and other books & videos by Dr Peter Lindemann .
                after i charged my first zinc carbon (supposable non rechargeable battery that i'm suppose to pollute our environment by disposing of it i was hooked) and have not slept much since with so many possibilities abound.i am also trying to show my son these wonders and make him proud of me but competing with video games and school friends is hard but as i say i never give up . welcome and good luck
                Last edited by **~Imhotep~**; 06-26-2008, 04:44 AM.
                “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

                Nikola Tesla



                • #9
                  Originally posted by gunfighter View Post
                  First off, I would like to thank everyone who takes the time to contribute to these forums. I found a wealth of information here that has really set me going in what I hope is the right direction. This is my first post even though I used these forums as a reference for a week or two (ever since I first did my Google search for "Magnet Motor" and saw the Perendev video).

                  Second, I want to be up front and honest here so there is no confusion as to my intentions or goals. As much as I want to see renewable energy sources in use and flourishing across the globe, please understand that I am approaching this from a business standpoint. Yes, it's something along the lines of

                  1. Research
                  2. Eureka!
                  3. Reproduce renewable energy widgets
                  4. Sell them
                  5. Profit
                  6. Lather, rinse, repeat (or for you old school programmers out there, GOTO 1)

                  My goal is to learn enough to replicate and/or successfully create (and then mass produce) renewable energy sources for the masses. Not kits, not instructions, not schematics or diagrams... actual devices that work, are proven to work, have been independently tested and verified to work, and are easy to install by the end-user or a trained installer.

                  I've come to the realization that in order to do so there will be considerable time and monetary costs involved. I'm probably not alone in this line of thinking, but I do intend to better the environment and make a substantial profit while doing so. For anyone offended by that, I apologize in advance. I know there are many individuals contributing to such endeavors solely out of their desire to better all of humanity globally; but given my elementary knowledge of the laws of physics as applied to business (yes, there are actually correlations between the two), it will take a lot more than just a few grassroots efforts to stop the freight train of big oil/coal companies from continuing to barrel ahead (puns colorized for effect ). In fact, I would venture to say that it will take an equal corporate force headed in the exact opposite direction to even make a dent in the forward progression of fossil fuel consumption (momentum... gotta love it). I hope to enlist the aid of like-minded individuals along the way. After all, if the oil companies can dump billions into lobbying every year, why can't corporate profits from alternative energy sources be dumped into the same actions?

                  I intend to do just that and have accepted the fact that there are inherent risks involved. I am unwilling to subject my family and friends to these risks without the potential of significant reward, so again... apologies to anyone offended by me wanting to take the bull by the horns and use their own tricks against them.

                  Moving on....

                  My first question stems from a search I did this morning. I went to to see if there is any government money being dumped into the research community for fuel cell development. Imagine my surprise when the first result came up as a government grant for "Fuel Tax Evasion Intergovernmental Enforcement Efforts". From my understanding, this is the U.S. federal government giving states money to protect the revenue said states realize from the taxation of fossil fuels.

                  So the question is.... if I decide to use SOLELY my fuel cell to propel my car on state-supported roads, does this mean I am guilty of tax evasion? I already pay a hefty property tax on my vehicles, but filling up my tank at the garden hose would circumvent the taxes I pay were I to fill up my tank with gasoline at the gas station.

                  Any thoughts?
                  H! Gunfighter( you may need to be that more than you know if you take on big oil)LOL!
                  To be serious I agree with your ideas/philosophy.It's a big challenge but the only way to make a serious impact is to mass produce units that are reasonable in price, reliable, safe, & simple enough for the average person or mechanic to install. Mostly what I am hearing in the market place is people want to buy it & have someone install it.Maintainence needs to be simple & not to frequent. We are basically a "turn it on & go society", so the "KISS" philosophy is pretty essential to impress the average consumer.
                  As to the gov't grant you mentioned that was primarily aimed at enforcement of laws on a big business level(i.e. large farms claiming exemptions from road taxes on all their vehicles like tractors but using much of the fuel in on-the-road vehicles.) The federal gov't. will actually give you a tax write-off for installing an HHO booster or any other fuel saving device. Don't worry about lack of road taxes, the politicians will always figure out a tax on something to make up for any loss caused by reduction in fuel consumption.
                  You are not alone in your ideas, so you had better get moving. There are already good units coming on the market. The major problem I see is they are too pricey for the average consumer. Alexis cell (for example) seems to fit this category. Seemingly a good unit with high output but too pricey. Maybe mass production can reduce the cost.
                  You already have good postings from other forum members,so good luck with your endeavors.


                  • #10
                    home brew biodiesel tax

                    There are cases of different states sending paperwork to different people who are known to be home-biodiesel brewers because of not paying fuel tax on the biodiesel they put in their own car.

                    Some biodiesel making kit companies have shared customer data with the states for this purpose.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      I'm not a tax expert, but is that for people who sell the biodiesel or just use it themselves?

                      I'm thinking people who garden don't pay sales tax on veggies they harvest and eat.

                      It seems crazy that someone would be taxed for using something he/she produced! (But it would make sense if they were selling it.)

                      (Like I said I'm not up on all the current fuel tax details.)

                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #12
                        gas tax

                        There are different taxes that are built into the fuel at the pump. Some of that is for roads, etc... and whatever else the state wants to help siphon out of our pockets in addition to what the federal govt goes.

                        Conceptually it makes sense that if someone make their own biodiesel, they would pay a % of tax on it for their contribution to road use. I would guess not necessarily sales tax or anything but the portion that is supposedly going to the other stuff.

                        One of my friends that used to be in the gas station business 10-15 years ago said his profit on 1 gallon of gas was about 3 cents (3 whopping copperheads) you can see the price is padded quite fat for other things.

                        There is one inherent flaw in the whole gas tax biz anyway and that is in the United States, a drivers license is only needed if you are using the road for commercial use for profit. Period. Any citizen or more accurately "resident" of the state people live in are really not technically required to have a driver's license because for personal use of a road is guaranteed by "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

                        "The right of the citizen to travel upon the highway and to transport his property thereon, in the ordinary course of life and business, differs radically and obviously from that of one who makes the highway his place of business for private gain in the running of a stagecoach or omnibus." State vs. City of Spokane, 186 P. 864.


                        (I only found the above site link because it has a reference I was looking for...State vs. City of Spokane...I cannot verify all the info on it because I didn't read it all but it seems it touches on the concept I'm describing.)

                        When people get a state driver's license, people are voluntarily giving jurisdiction over their driving to the state..."Here, I want you to have jurisdiction over my driving, I want my rights taken away, I choose to pay extortion payments, etc...." This is very literal of what is happening here.

                        Without a driver's license, there are ways to maintain constitutional rights with various concepts of UCC (uniform commercial code) "enforcements", etc... I feel there are more than one expert in this area on this forum by a few wording they have used in some of the things they have written. I am NOT an expert in this area but have casually researched sovereign citizenship for about 10 years or more off and on.

                        If someone is DRIVING on a road and admits to the police they are DRIVING...that implies that they admit they are using it for commercial use. But if you are TRAVELING on the road...that is for personal use. It is all a big language game.

                        I personally do have a driver's license but like to stay informed...I have to pick my battles and had my license before I knew better...and will remain a licensed driver for now. I choose to allow this extortion of my rights in this sense because it is convenient for my lifestyle at the moment.

                        The bottom line is this...the taxation on gasoline for personal use is inherently illegal and only commercial drivers are really required to be taxed/regulated since they are using the streets for profit and travelers are not. Taxing our ability to drive is a regulation of constitutional rights and is illegal and has been backed by many cases.

                        This is the same concept that compensation for labor is non-taxable but corporate profits, it seems corporate profits are taxed the least while compensation for labor is taxed the most. This is all verifiable by multiple court cases...however, it is one of the most complex mazes anyone could dare to enter...but I think it is my duty as an American to at least learn these things as my ability allows.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO

