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" Frustrated "

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  • " Frustrated "

    Hi Forum,
    I'm just about reagy to throw in the towel.......But I can't.
    I have a nine plate cell -NNN+NNN- the same setup the hydrogen garage put together using the water filtration housing.
    I use 1/2 of a 1/4 teaspoon of sodium hydroxide wirh distilled water and NO production. I use a 1/4 teaspoon of sodium hydroxide and distilled water and Bingo good production but after 1 1/2 hours water in the cell is bubbling and Yes, way to hot.
    I use a 12V Battery and a battery charger when testing my cells.
    I have tried 100hz and 400hz PWM's and again NO production.
    Can anyone lead me in the right direction I would be very gratefull.


  • #2
    Im no help what so ever but i understand how frustated your feeling.
    what i would do is have a bath using the hot water you made
    the point is your trying,
    Take Care Good Luck


    • #3
      get your electrolyte out and run it with just water and check your amps. if they are still high you must have a short i have had this problem turned out to be a small pocket of rust bridging the electrodes from this bridge i got lots of bubbles which i thought was gas was in fact just boiling the water like a kettle. have you spripped it down and inspected it real closely? if you have areas that have gone black you most likely have a partial short there.


      • #4
        " Frustrated "

        Thanks for your reply Triumph Dave but this particular cell was almost new with no plates touching one another. If I use straight water there is NO gas production. There must be a way to eliminate the HEAT. I have lowered the electrolite to reduce the heat generated in the cell so much that again NO production.
        I was wondering if you could put say a motorcycle radiator ( small one) inline with the generator for cooling the water in the cell but then you have to figure out how to pump the water from the cell through the radiator.
        There has to be a way to keep the cell cool and have GOOD PRODUCTION.
        Thanks again for your reply



        • #5
          Well I'm not sure how much help this will be because again you would have to figure out a pump system, however I would think a small windsheild washer pump would do the trick.

          It's meant for racing applications, you put your supply line (fuel) in one port and the other to the carb or fuel rail. And fill the container with something cold, Ice water or like dry ice chunks. (only last for so long) Instead of cooling your fuel you could just put a supply line from the HHO cell to the cooler then a return line from the cooler back to the HHO cell and bingo a cooler. Their are many other ways to do it I'm sure but this would be a good test bed. One could easly be made with a small coffee can, silicone, and some flexible copper tube.

          Moroso 65125 - Moroso Super Cool Cans -

          Cheaper version of the same thing.

          Mr. Gasket 1350 - Mr. Gasket Aluminum Cool Cans -

          Other ideas.
          Flex-a-lite 4136 - Flex-a-lite Compact Fluid Coolers -

          Hope that helps a little bit.


          • #6
            Methods of electrolysis

            Hi mcrider

            I have been researching electrolysis for around a year now and I have identified 3 types of electrolysis.

            The first type of electrolosys is conventional electrolosys where a current is passes though water with an electrolyte and splits the H2O molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. An elctrolyte such as KOH (potassium hydroxide) will be the best for the job. Getting the biggest surface area for your plates is also essential. The water will naturally get hot and the only way to limit heat and production is to lower the power going to your cell. An important fact to note is that conventional electrolysis is not overunity. I personally think that using PWMs in conventional electrolysis will not help production at all.

            The second type of electrolysis involves using a specialized setup to "shatter" the H20 molecule into oxygen and hydrogen. This setup stays cold all the time and produces large amounts of oxygen and hydrogen at a low power. No electrolyte such as Sodium hydroxide is required because the cell acts as a "capacitor" rather than a resistor. Pioneers in this technology include the late Stanley Meyer, Dave Lawton etc.

            The third type of electrolysis is somewhere between the first and second made popular by "convert your car to run on water" companys. They might have only taken a small part of a real overunity device and incorporated it into their PWM for fast marketing which might look good at first but not necessarily work. I have tried one of these ebooks and results were minimal.

            hope this helps you get a better understanding with what youre dealing with


            • #7
              " Frustrated "

              Thank you dmparr for your input and I think you're onto something.
              I would like to build a fully saturated type setup where you have a reservoir and a cell with one line from the reservoir going down to the bottom of your cell for adding water and electrolite and another line going from the top of the cell back to the reservoir and so on. I think that on the line going from the reservoir to the bottom of the cell would be gravity fed therefore you may not need a pump......I think!!!
              Therefore this setup SHOULD keep the water somewhat cool and constantly circulating.
              I would appreciate some input on this.



              • #8
                " Frustrated "

                Thanks Paradox for your input and I would really like to know about the specialized setup to "shatter" the H20 molecules into oxygen and hydrogen keeping the unit cool.



                • #9
                  Solution to heat problem

                  I have found a pdf file compiled by Bob Boyce that will personally suit your needs well. He has basic tips on how to construct a more efficient cell that makes less heat and more gas with simple techniques and plate arrangements.

                  For the more advanced constructor he has a PWM schematic and a special transformer that "shatters the H20 molecule" with low heat and low input energy.

                  These plans are a must-see for any cell builder.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mcrider View Post
                    Hi Forum,
                    I'm just about reagy to throw in the towel.......But I can't.
                    I have a nine plate cell -NNN+NNN- the same setup the hydrogen garage put together using the water filtration housing.
                    I use 1/2 of a 1/4 teaspoon of sodium hydroxide wirh distilled water and NO production. I use a 1/4 teaspoon of sodium hydroxide and distilled water and Bingo good production but after 1 1/2 hours water in the cell is bubbling and Yes, way to hot.
                    I use a 12V Battery and a battery charger when testing my cells.
                    I have tried 100hz and 400hz PWM's and again NO production.
                    Can anyone lead me in the right direction I would be very gratefull.

                    Your Freq is too low on the PWM. A minimum of 600Hz should be used (750 is good and still within a 555's range). The PWM will help keep the Electrolyte cool, but the key is setting your electrolyte at the max amperage draw you want.

                    This can be done by Pre Heating your Distilled water to the Temp you think your cell should max out at and then add the KOH a little at a time until you get your "Max amperage draw target"

                    Also KOH is what you want to use because it is the most stable.

                    I think if you fix these issues it will help.

                    Last edited by Redmeanie; 07-06-2008, 08:44 PM.
                    (psst...Don't Tell Anyone, But I'm Really Not Mean!)

