Is the Moving Target - Multiple Targets?
Bodkins shows caps work, Aromaz shows caps don't work
(that was amazing to see in the video by the way Aromaz)
Maybe the quote below explains the different observations.
What is it when something becomes observable (spark, lighting, sounds, scope)?
Lack of Info to identify what it is makes comparing observations between experiments maybe like comparing apples and oranges?
Sparks, lighting, sounds are not used to identify / classify / group the "density" of the energy.
Would this mean any "density" energy could be any color, make any sound and light a CFL
and yet could/does behave differently.
Means of detection, a detector
"the *temperature* of the aether, akin to the amount of vibratory disturbance in it"
sounds promising but what does this statement really mean?
Bodkins shows caps work, Aromaz shows caps don't work
(that was amazing to see in the video by the way Aromaz)
Maybe the quote below explains the different observations.
Source link
Certain scientists such as Dr. A.M. Mishin, Dr. Harold Aspden, Dr. Nikola Tesla and John Keely have all independently discovered that the aether is sub-divided into different levels of density. From these findings, we know that the qualities of matter and energy will be different in each density, leading to changes in the basic “laws” of physics within each level. We shall touch briefly upon their discoveries to put our discussion in the proper context.
First of all, Dr. A.M. Mishin of St. Petersburg, Russia conducted extensive measurements over long periods of time in his laboratory, which showed that the aether simultaneously exists in different states, and the state that you will detect is dependent on what type of turbulent disturbance that you create.
These findings were established through measurements taken by auto-oscillating electromechanical systems similar to some of Kozyrev’s designs, with an undisclosed “added component” that was more suited to detecting torsion waves from biological systems as opposed to inorganic systems. With these measurement devices and techniques, Mishin could detect:
* the “temperature” of the aether, akin to the amount of vibratory disturbance in it,
* the direction and polarization of the aether, and
* the flowing movements or “fluxes” of the aether.
Mishin numbered the different densities of aether that he discovered as follows:
* Ether-1 behaved like a solid-state body;
* Ether-2 behaved like a dense superfluid liquid;
* Ether-3 behaved like a gaseous body, connected with molecular motion;
* Ether-4 is the state we observe as stellar plasma energy;
* Ether-5 corresponds to galactic processes.
As we can see, it appears that each level of aether that Mishin discovered has a different level of density than the others, most specifically visible in the first three, which are obviously in decreasing order of density.
We should remember that Dr. Mishin is not the only scientist to have discovered that the aether exists at different density levels. Since the 1950s, Dr. Harold Aspden has documented similar discoveries, and in his case they are backed up by extensive equations.
Certain scientists such as Dr. A.M. Mishin, Dr. Harold Aspden, Dr. Nikola Tesla and John Keely have all independently discovered that the aether is sub-divided into different levels of density. From these findings, we know that the qualities of matter and energy will be different in each density, leading to changes in the basic “laws” of physics within each level. We shall touch briefly upon their discoveries to put our discussion in the proper context.
First of all, Dr. A.M. Mishin of St. Petersburg, Russia conducted extensive measurements over long periods of time in his laboratory, which showed that the aether simultaneously exists in different states, and the state that you will detect is dependent on what type of turbulent disturbance that you create.
These findings were established through measurements taken by auto-oscillating electromechanical systems similar to some of Kozyrev’s designs, with an undisclosed “added component” that was more suited to detecting torsion waves from biological systems as opposed to inorganic systems. With these measurement devices and techniques, Mishin could detect:
* the “temperature” of the aether, akin to the amount of vibratory disturbance in it,
* the direction and polarization of the aether, and
* the flowing movements or “fluxes” of the aether.
Mishin numbered the different densities of aether that he discovered as follows:
* Ether-1 behaved like a solid-state body;
* Ether-2 behaved like a dense superfluid liquid;
* Ether-3 behaved like a gaseous body, connected with molecular motion;
* Ether-4 is the state we observe as stellar plasma energy;
* Ether-5 corresponds to galactic processes.
As we can see, it appears that each level of aether that Mishin discovered has a different level of density than the others, most specifically visible in the first three, which are obviously in decreasing order of density.
We should remember that Dr. Mishin is not the only scientist to have discovered that the aether exists at different density levels. Since the 1950s, Dr. Harold Aspden has documented similar discoveries, and in his case they are backed up by extensive equations.
Lack of Info to identify what it is makes comparing observations between experiments maybe like comparing apples and oranges?
Sparks, lighting, sounds are not used to identify / classify / group the "density" of the energy.
Would this mean any "density" energy could be any color, make any sound and light a CFL
and yet could/does behave differently.
Means of detection, a detector
"the *temperature* of the aether, akin to the amount of vibratory disturbance in it"
sounds promising but what does this statement really mean?
