Eagerly awaiting that video Aromaz...
Tonight I'm making a power supply. I'm going to use a bridge rectifier from mains to get dc, then potentiometers as both a voltage divider and current divider. Also, going to use resistors from same mains to power a small meter, with a switch to measure amps and voltage from the first circuit... Will post video on separate thread :-) came to the idea after I lost step down transformer and realised pc power box was stuffed
Eagerly awaiting that video Aromaz...
Tonight I'm making a power supply. I'm going to use a bridge rectifier from mains to get dc, then potentiometers as both a voltage divider and current divider. Also, going to use resistors from same mains to power a small meter, with a switch to measure amps and voltage from the first circuit... Will post video on separate thread :-) came to the idea after I lost step down transformer and realised pc power box was stuffed