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Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator Video

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  • @dmonarch, Can you post a close up look of your relay? how many leg it has?
    Last edited by sucahyo; 01-22-2009, 04:48 AM.


    • 5 Pin

      Hi xenomorph
      What a bugger i just payed 13 dollars on a relay i cant use. I might see if they will take it back and let me get a replacement and get the one you mentioned. I hope it is not too dare. Though i think it will be worth it as this little unit will satisfy most of my requirements for further experimenation.
      With the 5 pin unit you mentioned how do you wire it up for the radiant oscillator.

      Hi Sucahyo
      I wish i could post a picture however i dont have a camera, I really should get one. It has 4 legs however the insider of the unit is very different from the imhotep video showing the modification.



      • Hi Damian, if you can not swop, I can try to help you.

        The relay you got - is it 12Vdc Automotive as used for main lights?
        This one will have the same pin layout as photo above, never mind brand name.

        There is also another 12Vdc relay wich I used in my video #002. Thatone had four small pins on one side, typical for soldering and two clip-in type of blade pins on the other side.

        Else try to describe if for me in as much detail as you can - if you can not swop it out for a Bosch.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • Boch

          Thanks heaps Aromaz. I will try and exchange first tommorw and see how i go.


          • @dmonarch, inside the relay there is two leg that will make the relay turned on if it's powered. Then there are a pair of leg that will only connect when the relay is turned on. The fifth leg that you want to know is not one of them. It is a metal where the moving metal rest, if it isn't available, make one.


            • Moving leg rest

              Yeah I think that this is the problem Sucahyo, my relay does have the rest that i saw in the video.

              Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
              @dmonarch, inside the relay there is two leg that will make the relay turned on if it's powered. Then there are a pair of leg that will only connect when the relay is turned on. The fifth leg that you want to know is not one of them. It is a metal where the moving metal rest, if it isn't available, make one.


              • Happy Playing
                YouTube - Maybe negative resistor

                dmonarch got some videos up loading you may find usefull
                Last edited by Bodkins; 01-22-2009, 06:13 PM.


                • @Aromaz
                  The Tesla pancake flat coil is of no unique value when using in electrical applications. The pure and only advantage - I have seen this far - is in increased magnetic field i.e. electro magnet.
                  I think the biggest value of BEMF will only be obtained from a single long wire placed in such a way that the EM flux from one part does not have effect on the other part. In other words, wound it around your room and keep the windings far enough so their EM flux does not overlap. A coil will reduce BEMF.
                  Unfortunately, I have never heard a reasonable explanation by anyone in regards to what effects Tesla's pancake coil was meant to produce and how Tesla achieved this goal. First we must use the correct terminology, an applied voltage is "EMF"(electromotive force), when the applied voltage is removed from a coil an inductive discharge will be produced. This is not Bemf, Bemf (back electromotive force or counter electromotive force), is an opposition to the applied emf which occurs "before" the current has been disrupted, the inductive discharge is produced after the current has been disrupted. Bemf has also been called "generated emf" as a coil with an expanding magnetic field will have it's flux cut it's own conductors inducing a current in the opposite direction in much the same way a motor will generate an opposite emf to reduce current flow at higher RPM.
                  In regards to Nicola Tesla's pancake coil and the following statement, "The Tesla pancake flat coil is of no unique value when using in electrical applications"------ In truth Tesla's unique coil when operated correctly has no conventional magnetic field as you know it, How can a single turn copper strap utilized as a primary produce a magnetic field of any significance? The magnetic field produced is a function of amp/turns so why use a single turn primary?.Yet Tesla's short primary could produce inductive effects of large magnitude in all open and shorted conductors in the vicinity. If you want to understand Tesla's world seperate the actions---- one induces and the other is induced and these forces need not necessarily be magnetic in nature. Understand what electricity and magnetism are in reality, If I want to know the extent of knowledge a person has aquired I need only ask one simple question---"what is electricity and magnetism"?. If one understands what these forces are fundamentally then they can harness these forces to produce any magnitude of power they may require. Another question we should ask is how can we understand complex electrical machines without first understanding the fundamental forces which drive them?
                  Keep up the good work guys

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-22-2009, 05:28 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                    @Aromaz .........
                    I stand corrected with BackEMF. And I appreciate and respect your work very much.

                    I found often when using the correct scientific terminology confuse simple minds like mine.
                    So when I do get to understand something, I am trying to convey that understanfing in
                    a set of words that could make sense to the person it is aimed for, using
                    his words.

                    This is probably enhanced by the fact I have been in non English Asia for past 9 years and communicating (lowered quality words) here is more based
                    on ‘concept’ and reading body language rather than actual words;
                    Using that persons ‘concept understanding’ to explain for him.

                    I failed by using ‘magnetic’ rather than ‘motive’.

                    In true definition: Back-EMF is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where
                    there is relative motion between the armature of the motor and the external
                    magnetic field.

                    What we are in true referring to in this case is Counter-EM(motive)F;
                    you are 100% correct.

                    In fundamental forces Electricity and Magnetism is a single force only;
                    Electromagnetism where the other three are weak, strong and gravitation.

                    I do think the true effects of that pancake coil will only come in with extreme
                    force, like the disruptive force used to propel / shoot subjects with HV pulse.
                    It is also possible that that enhanced effect will be with emisions of electrons.

                    Tesla’s primary: Yes, magnetic is weak but free electrons are high.
                    Still in much of these, Tesla had a better understanding than us 120 years later.
                    Last edited by Aromaz; 01-23-2009, 01:03 AM.
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • ? about solid state driving.

                      I have setup my lite with a BR on the low voltage side of the cfl. i have noticed that the when i switched from a relay driver to a bifilar coil and transistor self oscillator that my ign. coil reasonates and my charging shot up a bunch while maintaining a similar light brightness.

                      I also noticed that when i tuned my circuit to max charging rate that my amperage draw went down.

                      Has anyone else seen similar results? when using the "soldi-state bedini" as a driver?

                      BTW: i am using an air core coil the plastic spool is a 1lb solder spoon with a 3/4" bore.



                      • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                        First we must use the correct terminology, an applied voltage is "EMF"(electromotive force), when the applied voltage is removed from a coil an inductive discharge will be produced. This is not Bemf, Bemf (back electromotive force or counter electromotive force), is an opposition to the applied emf which occurs "before" the current has been disrupted, the inductive discharge is produced after the current has been disrupted.
                        So, we should call it inductive charge? How do we know that the spike voltage happen before or after current has been disrupted?

                        positive BEMF = BEMF, negative BEMF = inductive charge? or the other way around?

                        Can anyone having scope replicate this?
                        YouTube - How BEMF happen #1

                        Originally posted by redeagle View Post
                        I also noticed that when i tuned my circuit to max charging rate that my amperage draw went down.
                        I use joule thief and the amperage draw always increase at the same rate as charging amp on either PNP or NPN configuration.

                        How do you measure max charging rate? If you make it faster, I also experience reduced amperage draw, but charging amp also reduced too.

                        Higher frequency = reduce amperage draw = reduce charging amp, most of the time. Reducing frequency bellow optimum will result in INCREASED amperage draw BUT REDUCED charge amp.
                        Last edited by sucahyo; 01-23-2009, 07:48 AM.


                        • dmonarch

                          YouTube - Kickback research
                          YouTube - Kickback 2

                          good luck


                          • @Bodkins, what this video about?

                            @All, about bifilar coil:
                            Originally posted by
                            > Can you clarify, in terms of "superposition", what the difference is between
                            > the above and a bifiliar coil, or a magnetic or electrostatic bucking field
                            > achieved with paired coils and capacitors respectively?

                            This difference was the subject of a fairly long running discussion here
                            some months back. The thread was somthing like "differences in the

                            Basically, if we take two conventional coils, and connect them in
                            series, but orient them such that the poles of the two coils are in
                            opposition, what is often called 'bucking fields', we will find that the
                            total inductance is greater than that of a single coil. The total
                            energy stored in the fields of the two coils is not significantly
                            effected by their orientation, and the system is highly inductive.

                            All we have done is to distort the flux, we have not canceled ANY flux
                            at all.

                            On the other hand, if we were to construct a bifilar coil with exactly
                            the same ammount of wire, we would find that the coil had nearly no
                            inductance at all, and stores no significant energy in the form of a
                            magnetic field.

                            Some have argued that the field is still present, even though the
                            current through such a coil reaches E/R in a time limited by stray
                            inductance alone.

                            but when we interrupt the circuit, such a coil return NO energy from
                            this supposed field.

                            In this case, it appears that we have actually canceled flux, that is
                            the flux from adjecent bifilar windings has undergone true
                            superposition, or added algebraically to essentially zero magnetic flux.

                            Note that when we deal with whole poles of permanent magnets, or
                            conventional coils, this NEVER happens.

                            This apparent difference in magnetic field behavior is not a matter of
                            physical scale as some had suggested, as the bifilar coil simply does
                            not store, nor return any energy as an inductive coil does.


                            • Kick Back

                              Cheers for that Bodkins. I am as confused as ever now . I will hopefully get my unit going tommorow. I obviously need some hands on experience. You are a wiz at this stuff. Cheers

                              Originally posted by Bodkins View Post


                              • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                                @All, about bifilar coil:
                                That hammers the nail right on the head.
                                Now you can see the light with regards to the Tesla Pancake coil?
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

